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  11. Chunchi


Chunchi Localisation : Country Ecuador, Province Chimborazo.
Available Information : Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Alausí.


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Chunchi Administration

Chunchi MayorWalter Narváez

Chunchi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Chunchi.

Chunchi Population12,685 inhabitants
Chunchi Population Density46.5 /km² (120.3 /sq mi)

Chunchi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Chunchi.

Chunchi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -2.28333, Longitude: -78.9167
2° 16′ 60″ South, 78° 55′ 0″ West
Chunchi Area27,300 hectares
273.00 km² (105.41 sq mi)
Chunchi Altitude2,552 m (8,373 ft)
Chunchi ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Chunchi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Chunchi and the biggest cities of Ecuador.

Guayaquil 108 kmQuito 233 kmCuenca 69 km closest
Santo Domingo 228 kmAmbato 121 kmPortoviejo 219 km
Loja 192 kmMachala 160 kmDurán 103 km
Manta 249 kmRiobamba 74 kmEsmeraldas 372 km

Chunchi Map

Locate simply the city of Chunchi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Chunchi Nearby cities and villages

Alausí 11.9 km

Chunchi Zone

Time zone of Chunchi.

Chunchi Local time
Chunchi Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Guayaquil)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Chunchi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Chunchi.

Chunchi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Chunchi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January12:19 - 18:26 - 00:3311:57 - 00:5511:31 - 01:21 11:06 - 01:47
20 January12:19 - 18:26 - 00:3311:57 - 00:5511:32 - 01:21 11:06 - 01:47
21 January12:20 - 18:27 - 00:3411:58 - 00:5511:32 - 01:21 11:06 - 01:47
22 January12:20 - 18:27 - 00:3411:58 - 00:5611:33 - 01:21 11:07 - 01:47
23 January12:20 - 18:27 - 00:3411:58 - 00:5611:33 - 01:21 11:07 - 01:47
24 January12:21 - 18:27 - 00:3411:59 - 00:5611:33 - 01:21 11:08 - 01:47
25 January12:21 - 18:28 - 00:3411:59 - 00:5611:34 - 01:22 11:08 - 01:47

Chunchi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Chunchi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel EuropaHotel Europa

Featuring a garden and a patio, Hotel Europa offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV in central Alausi. Laundry and luggage storage services are provided. The train station is 300 metres away... view more
$US 30
Hotel Hostería La Eterna PrimaveraHostería La Eterna Primavera

An outdoor swimming pool surrounded by gardens and hammocks can be enjoyed in Huigra, 500 metres from the train station and 200 metres from Panama Cascade. Wi-Fi is free. Nariz del Diablo station is a 20-minute drive away... view more
$US 40
Hotel Hacienda - Hosteria MilliguaycoHacienda - Hosteria Milliguayco
Featuring a heated swimming pool, a garden, a children’s playground, and a panoramic view of the mountains, Hacienda - Hosteria Milliguayco offers comfortable rooms with terraces or balconies, and a restaurant... view more
$US 100
Hotel Ecovita Organic Boutique Lodge & FarmEcovita Organic Boutique Lodge & Farm
This eco-friendly hotel less than 2 hours' drive from downtown Riobamba offers an on-site river pond and plenty of hammocks to enjoy nature. Private parking is free... view more
$US 34
Hotel Hacienda San Juan PambaHacienda San Juan Pamba
Featuring a garden, a terrace, and a restaurant, Hacienda San Juan Pamba offers rooms with panoramic garden views. Free Wi-fi is available in the entire hotel. The rooms in Hacienda San Juan Pamba feature private bathrooms... view more
$US 35
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Chunchi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Chunchi and its surroundings.

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