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  11. Atahualpa


Atahualpa Localisation : Country Ecuador, Province El Oro.
Available Information : Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Cuenca, Déleg and Gualaceo.


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Update data

ProvinceEl Oro

Atahualpa Administration

Atahualpa MayorIng. Bismark Ruilova Reyes{{Actualizar|2020}}

Atahualpa Demography

Information on the people and the population of Atahualpa.

Atahualpa Population5,833 inhabitants
Atahualpa Population Density21.0 /km² (54.3 /sq mi)

Atahualpa Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Atahualpa.

Atahualpa Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -2.9, Longitude: -78.9333
2° 54′ 0″ South, 78° 55′ 60″ West
Atahualpa Area27,800 hectares
278.00 km² (107.34 sq mi)
Atahualpa Altitude2,596 m (8,517 ft)
Atahualpa ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Atahualpa Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Atahualpa and the biggest cities of Ecuador.

Guayaquil 132 kmQuito 301 kmCuenca 8 km closest
Santo Domingo 296 kmAmbato 188 kmPortoviejo 266 km
Loja 124 kmMachala 122 kmDurán 129 km
Manta 294 kmRiobamba 140 kmEsmeraldas 441 km

Atahualpa Map

Locate simply the city of Atahualpa through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Atahualpa Nearby cities and villages

Cuenca 7.9 kmDéleg 14.3 kmGualaceo 16.7 km
Chordeleg 18.9 km

Atahualpa Zone

Time zone of Atahualpa.

Atahualpa Local time
Atahualpa Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Guayaquil)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Atahualpa Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Atahualpa.

Atahualpa Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Atahualpa.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 January12:11 - 18:20 - 00:2911:49 - 00:5111:23 - 01:17 10:56 - 01:44
4 January12:12 - 18:20 - 00:2911:49 - 00:5111:23 - 01:18 10:57 - 01:44
5 January12:12 - 18:21 - 00:2911:50 - 00:5211:24 - 01:18 10:57 - 01:44
6 January12:13 - 18:21 - 00:3011:50 - 00:5211:24 - 01:18 10:58 - 01:45
7 January12:13 - 18:22 - 00:3011:51 - 00:5211:25 - 01:19 10:59 - 01:45
8 January12:14 - 18:22 - 00:3111:51 - 00:5311:25 - 01:19 10:59 - 01:45
9 January12:14 - 18:23 - 00:3111:52 - 00:5311:26 - 01:19 11:00 - 01:46

Atahualpa Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Atahualpa classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostería BaguanchiHostería Baguanchi
Hostería Baguanchi has rooms with free Wi-Fi in Cuenca. Private parking is free. Hosteria Baguanchi has tastefully decorated rooms with parquet floors and flat-screen cable TV. Private bathrooms feature free toiletries... view more
$US 47
Hotel Casa ReyesCasa Reyes
Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen, an internal courtyard and a restaurant, Casa Reyes offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in Cuenca. The commercial and financial area are 500 metres away... view more
$US 24
Hotel Hotel Prado InnHotel Prado Inn

Located in central Cuenca, Ecuador, Hotel Prado Inn has an excellent location: 300 metrs from the bus station of San Blas and República, and 6 minutes’ drive from Mariscal Lamar Airport... view more
$US 25
Hotel Hotel ItaliaHotel Italia

Comfortable rooms with tasteful décor are offered just 8 blocks from Cuenca’s Cathedral. Wi-Fi is free and the bus station is 3 blocks from the hotel. Hotel Italia has rooms with carpeted floors and wood furnishings... view more
$US 73
Hotel Hostal HaroHostal Haro
Offering a restaurant, Hostal Haro is located in Cuenca, only a short 5-minute walk from Mariscal Lamar International Airport. Free Wi-Fi access is available... view more
$US 18
More Hotels »

Atahualpa Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Atahualpa and its surroundings.

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