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6th of October Demography
Information on the people and the population of 6th of October.
6th of October Population | 500,000 inhabitants |
6th of October Population Density | 1,250.0 /km² (3,237.5 /sq mi) |
6th of October Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of 6th of October.
6th of October Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 29.9361, Longitude: 30.9269 29° 56′ 10″ North, 30° 55′ 37″ East |
6th of October Area | 40,000 hectares 400.00 km² (154.44 sq mi) |
6th of October Altitude | 166 m (545 ft) |
6th of October Climate | Arid (Köppen climate classification: BWh) |
6th of October Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between 6th of October and the biggest cities of Egypt.
Cairo 33 km | Giza 28 km closest | Alexandria 167 km |
Shubra El Kheima 37 km | Mansoura 132 km | Helwan 41 km |
El Mahalla El Kubra 117 km | Port Said 196 km | Suez 155 km |
Tanta 95 km | Asyut 307 km | Faiyum 71 km |
6th of October Map
Locate simply the city of 6th of October through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
6th of October Nearby cities and villages
Sheikh Zayed City 11.7 km |
6th of October Zone
Time zone of 6th of October.
6th of October Local time | |
6th of October Time zone | UTC +2:00 (Africa/Cairo) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
6th of October Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of 6th of October.
6th of October Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to 6th of October.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
1 January | 05:52 - 10:59 - 16:07 | 05:25 - 16:33 | 04:56 - 17:03 | 04:26 - 17:32 |
2 January | 05:52 - 11:00 - 16:08 | 05:26 - 16:34 | 04:56 - 17:04 | 04:27 - 17:33 |
3 January | 05:52 - 11:00 - 16:09 | 05:26 - 16:35 | 04:56 - 17:05 | 04:27 - 17:34 |
4 January | 05:52 - 11:01 - 16:10 | 05:26 - 16:36 | 04:56 - 17:05 | 04:27 - 17:34 |
5 January | 05:52 - 11:01 - 16:10 | 05:26 - 16:36 | 04:57 - 17:06 | 04:27 - 17:35 |
6 January | 05:52 - 11:02 - 16:11 | 05:26 - 16:37 | 04:57 - 17:07 | 04:28 - 17:36 |
7 January | 05:52 - 11:02 - 16:12 | 05:26 - 16:38 | 04:57 - 17:07 | 04:28 - 17:36 |
6th of October Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in 6th of October classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Novotel Cairo 6th Of October 6th Of October Contemporary hotel in 6th of October City, 25 km from central Cairo and the Pyramids. It provides spacious rooms, with flat-screen TVs. There is an outdoor pool and 24-hour restaurant... view more | from $US 105 | |
Spectra Inn Hotel , 6th Of October 6th Of October Located in 6th Of October City, The Oriental-style Spectra Inn features an outdoor pool, a famous Italian Spectra restaurant and a children's playground. Decorated in bright tones, all rooms feature free Wi-Fi and are fitted with carpeted floors... view more | from $US 50 | |
Moevenpick Hotel & Casino Cairo - Media City 6th Of October The Mövenpick Hotel is located in the heart of Media City Studios, just 15-minutes from the Pyramids of Giza. The Mövenpick has many facilities including a full service gym and business centre... view more | from $US 81 | |
Hilton Pyramids Golf Resort 6th Of October Work on your handicap at the 27-hole championship golf course overlooking the Pyramids of Giza at Hilton Pyramids Golf Resort, with its classic accommodation and leisure and spa facilities... view more | from $US 127 | |
Swiss Inn Pyramids Golf Resort 6th Of October This 5-star resort is located in an esteemed residential area of Cairo, and uniquely combines an open space environment with health and luxury for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience... view more | from $US 56 | |
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6th of October Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in 6th of October and its surroundings.
6th of October Page
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