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Country | El Salvador |
Department | Santa Ana |
Santa Ana Demography
Information on the people and the population of Santa Ana.
Santa Ana Population | 245,421 inhabitants |
Santa Ana Population Density | 613.5 /km² (1,588.9 /sq mi) |
Santa Ana Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Santa Ana.
Santa Ana Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14, Longitude: -89.5667 14° 0′ 0″ North, 89° 34′ 0″ West |
Santa Ana Area | 40,005 hectares 400.05 km² (154.46 sq mi) |
Santa Ana Altitude | 645 m (2,116 ft) |
Santa Ana Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Santa Ana Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Santa Ana and the biggest cities of El Salvador.
San Salvador 53 km | Soyapango 56 km | San Miguel 160 km |
Mejicanos 48 km | Apopa 47 km | Nueva San Salvador 47 km |
Villa Delgado 51 km | Ahuachapán 30 km | Ilopango 59 km |
Colon 38 km | Tonacatepeque 54 km | San Juan Opico 27 km closest |
Santa Ana Map
Locate simply the city of Santa Ana through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Santa Ana Nearby cities and villages
San Sebastián Salitrillo 8.1 km | El Porvenir 9 km | Coatepeque 10.3 km |
Chalchuapa 12.7 km | El Congo 14.3 km | Candelaria de La Frontera 15.8 km |
Texistepeque 16.5 km |
Santa Ana Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Santa Ana has international agreements with its different pairings.
Santa Ana Zone
Time zone of Santa Ana.
Santa Ana Local time | |
Santa Ana Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/El_Salvador) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Santa Ana Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Santa Ana.
Santa Ana Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Santa Ana.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
2 January | 13:22 - 19:02 - 00:42 | 12:59 - 01:05 | 12:33 - 01:31 | 12:06 - 01:58 |
3 January | 13:23 - 19:02 - 00:42 | 13:00 - 01:05 | 12:33 - 01:32 | 12:07 - 01:58 |
4 January | 13:23 - 19:03 - 00:43 | 13:00 - 01:06 | 12:33 - 01:32 | 12:07 - 01:59 |
5 January | 13:23 - 19:03 - 00:43 | 13:00 - 01:06 | 12:34 - 01:33 | 12:08 - 01:59 |
6 January | 13:24 - 19:04 - 00:44 | 13:01 - 01:07 | 12:34 - 01:33 | 12:08 - 02:00 |
7 January | 13:24 - 19:04 - 00:45 | 13:01 - 01:08 | 12:35 - 01:34 | 12:08 - 02:00 |
8 January | 13:24 - 19:05 - 00:45 | 13:01 - 01:08 | 12:35 - 01:35 | 12:09 - 02:01 |
Santa Ana Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Santa Ana classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Continental Santa Ana Hotel Continental is located 2 km from Sihuatehuacan Water Park and 1 km from Santa Ana Main Square. Free Wi-Fi access is available and breakfast is included. The rooms here will provide you with a TV, a fan, seating area and cable channels... view more | from $US 24 | |
Villa Napoli Bed & Breakfast Santa Ana Villa Napoli Bed & Breakfast features excellent banquet facilities, free continental breakfast and an outdoor swimming pool. This property is just a 10-minute drive from Santa Ana City Centre... view more | from $US 22 | |
Los Naranjos Town Houses Los Naranjos Los Naranjos Town Houses is located 15 minutes’ walk from Santa Ana Volcano. It offers an extensive garden, bonfire area and BBQ facilities. Rustic architecture is featured. The houses offer living area, cable TV, linen and a fully equipped kitchen... view more | from $US 100 | |
Hostal Monte Verde Agua Fría Located a 5-minute drive from the Guatemalan border and Lake Atescatempa, Hostal Monte Verde offers an outdoor pool, restaurant, children’s playground and petting zoo. It offers stunning lake and mountain views... view more | from $US 140 | |
Hotel Santa Leticia Concepción de Ataco Set in a coffee plantation 2 km outside Apaneca, Hotel Santa Leticia offers charming rooms housed in a mountain lodge. It features a restaurant and an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by gardens... view more | from $US 91 | |
More Hotels » |
Santa Ana Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Santa Ana and its surroundings.
Santa Ana Page
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