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Hawassa Demography
Information on the people and the population of Hawassa.
Hawassa Population | 318,618 inhabitants |
Hawassa Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Hawassa.
Hawassa Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 7.05, Longitude: 38.4667 7° 3′ 0″ North, 38° 28′ 0″ East |
Hawassa Altitude | 1,694 m (5,558 ft) |
Hawassa Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Hawassa Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Hawassa and the biggest cities of Ethiopia.
Hawassa Map
Locate simply the city of Hawassa through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Hawassa Zone
Time zone of Hawassa.
Hawassa Local time | |
Hawassa Time zone | UTC +3:00 (Africa/Addis_Ababa) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Hawassa Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hawassa.
Hawassa Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hawassa.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
7 February | 04:44 - 10:40 - 16:36 | 04:22 - 16:57 | 03:57 - 17:22 | 03:33 - 17:47 |
8 February | 04:44 - 10:40 - 16:36 | 04:22 - 16:57 | 03:57 - 17:22 | 03:33 - 17:47 |
9 February | 04:44 - 10:40 - 16:36 | 04:22 - 16:57 | 03:57 - 17:22 | 03:32 - 17:47 |
10 February | 04:43 - 10:40 - 16:36 | 04:22 - 16:58 | 03:57 - 17:22 | 03:32 - 17:47 |
11 February | 04:43 - 10:40 - 16:36 | 04:22 - 16:58 | 03:57 - 17:23 | 03:32 - 17:47 |
12 February | 04:43 - 10:40 - 16:37 | 04:22 - 16:58 | 03:57 - 17:23 | 03:32 - 17:47 |
13 February | 04:43 - 10:40 - 16:37 | 04:22 - 16:58 | 03:57 - 17:23 | 03:32 - 17:47 |
Hawassa Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hawassa and its surroundings.
Hawassa Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Hawassa /5 (2022-01-20 21:05:22) |