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  13. Joensuu


Joensuu Localisation : Country Finland, Province Eastern Finland, Region North Karelia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kontiolahti.


Find all the information of Joensuu or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Joensuu Administration

Joensuu Post code80101
Joensuu MayorJuhani Meriläinen

Joensuu Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Joensuu? Here are all the details of Joensuu available below.

Joensuu Postal addressPL 59
Joensuu Phone number(01) 326 77111
International: +358 01 326 77111
Joensuu Fax number(01) 326 75000
International: +358 01 326 75000
Joensuu Email address[email protected]
Joensuu Websitewww.jns.fi
Joensuu Birth certificate, Joensuu Death certificate

Joensuu Demography

Information on the people and the population of Joensuu.

Joensuu Population57,444 inhabitants
Joensuu Population Density20.9 /km² (54.1 /sq mi)

Joensuu Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Joensuu.

Joensuu Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 62.601, Longitude: 29.7635
62° 36′ 4″ North, 29° 45′ 49″ East
Joensuu Area275,113 hectares
2,751.13 km² (1,062.22 sq mi)
Joensuu AltitudeMinimum 76 m, Maximum 203 m, Average 140 m
Joensuu ClimateSubarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc)

Joensuu Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Joensuu and the biggest cities of Finland.

Helsinki 373 kmEspoo 381 kmTampere 336 km
Vantaa 359 kmTurku 464 kmOulu 341 km
Lahti 281 kmKuopio 111 km closestJyväskylä 211 km
Pori 434 kmLappeenranta 191 kmRovaniemi 475 km

Joensuu Map

Locate simply the city of Joensuu through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Joensuu Nearby cities and villages

Kontiolahti 18.3 km

Joensuu Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Joensuu has international agreements with its different pairings.

Joensuu Zone

Time zone of Joensuu.

Joensuu Local time
Joensuu Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Helsinki)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Joensuu Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Joensuu.

Joensuu Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Joensuu.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
10 February07:03 - 11:15 - 15:2606:13 - 16:1605:20 - 17:10 04:27 - 18:02
11 February07:00 - 11:15 - 15:2906:11 - 16:1905:17 - 17:12 04:25 - 18:04
12 February06:57 - 11:15 - 15:3206:08 - 16:2105:15 - 17:15 04:22 - 18:07
13 February06:54 - 11:15 - 15:3506:05 - 16:2405:12 - 17:17 04:20 - 18:09
14 February06:51 - 11:15 - 15:3806:02 - 16:2705:09 - 17:20 04:17 - 18:12
15 February06:48 - 11:15 - 15:4106:00 - 16:2905:07 - 17:22 04:14 - 18:15
16 February06:45 - 11:14 - 15:4405:57 - 16:3205:04 - 17:25 04:12 - 18:17

Joensuu Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Joensuu classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna JoensuuOriginal Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Joensuu

This hotel lies by Joensuu’s main square, 500 metres from Central Station. It has 3 restaurants, a bar and a night club. Guests have free sauna, hot tub and internet access... view more
€ 83
Hotel Cumulus JoensuuCumulus Joensuu

This hotel is 10 minutes’ walk from Joensuu Train Station. It offers breakfast from 06:30 and 2 saunas. Its air-conditioned rooms feature satellite TV and free Wi-Fi. Cumulus Joensuu’s modern rooms have a minibar and a desk... view more
€ 75
Hotel Hotel GreenStarHotel GreenStar

Hotel GreenStar offers affordable, eco-friendly accommodation in Joensuu city centre, only 75 metres from the Carelicum Museum. All the bright Scandinavian-style rooms have free Wi-Fi access and private bathrooms... view more
€ 65
Hotel Hotel AadaHotel Aada

This hotel is on the Kauppakatu shopping street, 10 minutes’ walk from Joensuu Train Station. It offers free Wi-Fi, a terrace and free sauna access on weekday evenings. Private bathrooms, wooden floors and cable TV are standard in Hotel Aada’s..... view more
€ 72
Hotel Original Sokos Hotel Kimmel JoensuuOriginal Sokos Hotel Kimmel Joensuu

This hotel is right by the River Pielisjoki and 200 metres from Joensuu Station. It has 2 restaurants, a pub and a nightclub. Guests enjoy free sauna and pool access... view more
€ 78
More Hotels »

Joensuu Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Joensuu and its surroundings.

Kuropuro 2 kmKurapuro 2 kmRantala 5.8 km
Rahtala 5.8 kmReijola 5.8 kmOnttala 6 km
Onttola 6 kmMarjosärkkä 6 kmIiksenniitty 6.1 km
Ketunpesät 7.2 kmMulo-pys 8.3 kmMulo 8.3 km
Pyhäsaari 9.9 kmRistisaari 11.4 kmPärnävaara 11.5 km
Koivusilta 11.8 kmSormulansalo 13.9 kmKontiolahti 15.4 km
Jukajoki 15.9 kmViitalahti 16.1 kmVerkkolampi 16.9 km
Suursaari 17 kmPyytivaara 17.4 kmPesolansaari 17.5 km
Alatalo 17.7 kmKastila 17.8 kmKinnula 17.8 km
Nuppola 18.1 kmRistiniemi 18.3 kmPyytivaara 18.3 km

Joensuu Page

Direct link
DB-City.comJoensuu 5/5 (2021-04-08 13:39:23)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page