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Country | Finland |
Province | Western Finland |
Region | Central Ostrobothnia |
Kaustinen Administration
Kaustinen Post code | 69601 |
Kaustinen Mayor | Arto Alpia |
Kaustinen Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Kaustinen? Here are all the details of Kaustinen available below.
Kaustinen Postal address | Kappelintie 13, PL 10 69601 KAUSTINEN Suomi |
Kaustinen Phone number | (06) 888 6111 International: +358 06 888 6111 |
Kaustinen Fax number | (06) 888 6123 International: +358 06 888 6123 |
Kaustinen Email address | [email protected] |
Kaustinen Website | |
Kaustinen Birth certificate, Kaustinen Death certificate |
Kaustinen Demography
Information on the people and the population of Kaustinen.
Kaustinen Population | 4,328 inhabitants |
Kaustinen Population Density | 12.0 /km² (31.0 /sq mi) |
Kaustinen Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Kaustinen.
Kaustinen Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 63.5486, Longitude: 23.6887 63° 32′ 55″ North, 23° 41′ 19″ East |
Kaustinen Area | 36,112 hectares 361.12 km² (139.43 sq mi) |
Kaustinen Altitude | Minimum 50 m, Maximum 122 m, Average 86 m |
Kaustinen Climate | Subarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc) |
Kaustinen Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Kaustinen and the biggest cities of Finland.
Kaustinen Map
Locate simply the city of Kaustinen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Kaustinen Nearby cities and villages
Veteli 9.1 km |
Kaustinen Zone
Time zone of Kaustinen.
Kaustinen Local time | |
Kaustinen Time zone | UTC +2:00 (Europe/Helsinki) Summer time UTC +3:00 Winter time UTC +2:00 |
Kaustinen Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kaustinen.
Kaustinen Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kaustinen.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
29 January | 08:08 - 11:38 - 15:07 | 07:12 - 16:04 | 06:14 - 17:02 | 05:19 - 17:57 |
30 January | 08:05 - 11:38 - 15:11 | 07:10 - 16:07 | 06:11 - 17:05 | 05:17 - 17:59 |
31 January | 08:03 - 11:38 - 15:14 | 07:07 - 16:09 | 06:09 - 17:07 | 05:15 - 18:02 |
1 February | 08:00 - 11:38 - 15:17 | 07:05 - 16:12 | 06:07 - 17:10 | 05:13 - 18:04 |
2 February | 07:57 - 11:38 - 15:20 | 07:02 - 16:15 | 06:05 - 17:12 | 05:10 - 18:07 |
3 February | 07:54 - 11:39 - 15:23 | 07:00 - 16:18 | 06:02 - 17:15 | 05:08 - 18:09 |
4 February | 07:51 - 11:39 - 15:27 | 06:57 - 16:20 | 06:00 - 17:17 | 05:06 - 18:11 |
Kaustinen Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kaustinen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
![]() | Hotelli Kansanlääkintäkeskus Kaustinen Free sauna and gym access is offered at this hotel. A wide variety of treatments can be booked in advance. Kaustinen village is 450 metres away, with Kokkola city within 40 minutes’ drive... view more | from € 75 |
More Hotels » |
Kaustinen Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kaustinen and its surroundings.
Kettu 0.6 km | Pajala 0.6 km | Luomala 2 km |
Kaustinen 2 km | Juoperi 2.8 km | Alsved 3.2 km |
Känsälä 4 km | Peltoniemi 4.5 km | Peltola 4.5 km |
Perä Varila 4.7 km | Kalmakoski 4.7 km | Paavola 4.7 km |
Gistö 5.5 km | Markku 5.8 km | Kuorikoski 5.9 km |
Teerikangas 5.9 km | Viitala 5.9 km | Terikangas 5.9 km |
Döfnäs 6.3 km | Näsi 6.3 km | Sairaala 6.7 km |
Forsen 7.1 km | Fors 7.1 km | Hautakoski 7.4 km |
Harjukoski 7.6 km | Kaitajärvi 7.7 km | Kaitbacka 7.7 km |
Timonen 7.8 km | Byskata 7.9 km | Skullbacka 8 km |
Kaustinen Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Kaustinen /5 (2021-04-08 13:39:23) |