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Lorient Administration
Lorient Code (INSEE) | 56121 |
Lorient Post code | 56100 |
Lorient Mayor | Mr. Fabrice LOHER |
Lorient Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Lorient? Here are all the details of Lorient available below.
Lorient Postal address | 2 Boulevard Général-Leclerc, BP 30010 56100 LORIENT France |
Lorient Phone number | 02 97 02 22 00 International: +33 2 97 02 22 00 |
Lorient Fax number | 02 97 02 22 35 International: +33 2 97 02 22 35 |
Lorient Email address | [email protected] |
Lorient Website | |
Other information | Lorient |
Lorient Birth certificate, Lorient Death certificate |
Lorient Demography
Information on the people and the population of Lorient.
Lorient Population | 57,246 inhabitants |
Lorient Population Density | 3,274.9 /km² (8,482.1 /sq mi) |
Lorient Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Lorient.
Lorient Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 47.7458, Longitude: -3.36667 47° 44′ 45″ North, 3° 22′ 0″ West |
Lorient Area | 1,748 hectares 17.48 km² (6.75 sq mi) |
Lorient Altitude | 5 m (16 ft) |
Lorient Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Lorient Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Lorient and the biggest cities of France.
Paris 440 km | Marseilles 842 km | Lyon 664 km |
Toulouse 593 km | Nice 941 km | Nantes 148 km |
Montpellier 729 km | Strasbourg 830 km | Bordeaux 388 km |
Lille 567 km | Rennes 133 km closest | Rheims 571 km |
Lorient Map
Locate simply the city of Lorient through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Lorient Nearby cities and villages
Lanester 2.3 km | Locmiquélic 2.6 km | Larmor-Plage 4.6 km |
Port-Louis 4.6 km | Ploemeur 5.1 km | Riantec 5.4 km |
Gâvres 5.9 km | Quéven 6.1 km | Caudan 7.5 km |
Gestel 8.6 km | Hennebont 9 km | Plouhinec 9.9 km |
Lorient Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Lorient has international agreements with its different pairings.
Lorient Zone
Time zone of Lorient.
Lorient Local time | |
Lorient Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Lorient Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lorient.
Lorient Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lorient.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 08:59 - 13:21 - 17:43 | 08:24 - 18:18 | 07:45 - 18:57 | 07:08 - 19:34 |
12 January | 08:58 - 13:21 - 17:44 | 08:23 - 18:19 | 07:45 - 18:58 | 07:08 - 19:35 |
13 January | 08:58 - 13:22 - 17:46 | 08:23 - 18:21 | 07:44 - 18:59 | 07:07 - 19:36 |
14 January | 08:57 - 13:22 - 17:47 | 08:22 - 18:22 | 07:44 - 19:00 | 07:07 - 19:37 |
15 January | 08:57 - 13:22 - 17:48 | 08:22 - 18:23 | 07:44 - 19:01 | 07:07 - 19:38 |
16 January | 08:56 - 13:23 - 17:50 | 08:21 - 18:24 | 07:43 - 19:03 | 07:06 - 19:40 |
17 January | 08:55 - 13:23 - 17:51 | 08:21 - 18:26 | 07:42 - 19:04 | 07:06 - 19:41 |
Lorient Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lorient classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel du Square Lorient Located in the city centre of Lorient, this 1-star hotel is just a 5-minute drive from the train station. Free Wi-Fi access and a TV are provided in the guest rooms. The individually decorated room features a telephone and a carpeted floor... view more | from € 37 | |
Mercure Lorient Centre Lorient This Hotel Mercure is located in the city centre of Lorient just opposite the Palais des Congres (convention centre) and near the marina. It offers en suite rooms and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 93 | |
Hotel Central Lorient Located in Lorient City Centre, this modern hotel is just a 5-minute walk from the harbour. Free Wi-Fi access and satellite TV are provided in the soundproofed guest rooms. Each bright room is decorated in shades of yellow and blue... view more | from € 57 | |
Hôtel d'Arvor Lorient Dating back to 1936, this family-run hotel is located within a short walk from Lorient city centre, 1.5 km from the Cité de la Voile and 5 km from Larmor Brach. Free parking is available nearby... view more | from € 35 | |
Hôtel Victor Hugo Lorient Lorient Le Victor Hugo is located in Lorient town centre, on the south coast of Brittany. It offers en-suite rooms with flat-screen satellite TV and free Wi-Fi. A continental breakfast is served daily at Hotel Le Victor Hugo... view more | from € 47 | |
More Hotels » |
Lorient Transport
Bicycle sharing system |
Nantes Atlantique Airport 147.7 km | Brest Bretagne Airport 110.5 km | Rennes–Saint-Jacques Airport 127 km |
Lorient Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lorient and its surroundings.
Pointe de Kéroman 1.4 km | Île Saint-Michel 1.4 km | Port de Pêche 1.6 km |
Pointe de Pen-Mané 1.9 km | Pointe de l’ Espérance 1.9 km | Barrage de Kermélo 2 km |
Beg-er-Men 2.6 km | Villa Margaret Amirauté 3 km | La Jument 3.2 km |
Pointe de Kerzo 3.5 km | Le Pot 3.6 km | Le Rohu 3.8 km |
Port de la Pointe 3.9 km | Les Patis 4 km | Le Pain de Sucre 4 km |
Roches de Toulhars 4 km | Le Toulhars 4.4 km | Le Petit Port 4.4 km |
Plage de Toulhars 4.4 km | Port Maria 4.5 km | Plage de Larmor 4.7 km |
Île aux Souris 4.8 km | Fort de Locqueltas 5 km | Kermadehoy 5 km |
Le Soulard 5 km | Les Trois Pierres 5.1 km | Les 3 Pierres 5.1 km |
Trois-Pierres 5.1 km | La Pesquerez 5.2 km | Plage de Kerguélen 5.4 km |
Nuclear power plant
Brennilis Nuclear Power Plant 77.4 km |
Lorient Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Lorient /5 (2022-04-12 07:55:31) |