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Trois-Puits Localisation : Country France, Region Grand Est, Department Marne.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Montbré, Champfleury and Cormontreuil.


Find all the information of Trois-Puits or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

RegionGrand Est

Trois-Puits Administration

Trois-Puits Code (INSEE)51584
Trois-Puits Post code51500
Trois-Puits MayorMr. Dominique HENIN

Trois-Puits Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Trois-Puits? Here are all the details of Trois-Puits available below.

Trois-Puits Postal address16 Grande rue
Trois-Puits Phone number03 26 85 57 58
International: +33 3 26 85 57 58
Trois-Puits Fax number03 26 06 63 97
International: +33 3 26 06 63 97
Trois-Puits Email address[email protected]
Trois-Puits WebsiteNot available
Other informationTrois-Puits
Trois-Puits Birth certificate, Trois-Puits Death certificate

Trois-Puits Demography

Information on the people and the population of Trois-Puits.

Trois-Puits Population147 inhabitants
Trois-Puits Population Density68.7 /km² (177.9 /sq mi)

Trois-Puits Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Trois-Puits.

Trois-Puits Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.2064, Longitude: 4.03944
49° 12′ 23″ North, 4° 2′ 22″ East
Trois-Puits Area214 hectares
2.14 km² (0.83 sq mi)
Trois-Puits AltitudeMinimum 91 m, Maximum 142 m, Average 117 m
Trois-Puits ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Trois-Puits Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Trois-Puits and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 131 kmMarseilles 666 kmLyon 388 km
Toulouse 655 kmNice 661 kmNantes 470 km
Montpellier 624 kmStrasbourg 281 kmBordeaux 600 km
Lille 174 kmRennes 437 kmRheims 7 km closest

Trois-Puits Map

Locate simply the city of Trois-Puits through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Trois-Puits Nearby cities and villages

Trois-Puits Zone

Time zone of Trois-Puits.

Trois-Puits Local time
Trois-Puits Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Trois-Puits Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Trois-Puits.

Trois-Puits Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Trois-Puits.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February08:11 - 12:57 - 17:4307:37 - 18:1706:59 - 18:55 06:22 - 19:32
4 February08:09 - 12:57 - 17:4507:36 - 18:1906:58 - 18:57 06:21 - 19:34
5 February08:08 - 12:57 - 17:4707:34 - 18:2006:56 - 18:58 06:19 - 19:35
6 February08:06 - 12:57 - 17:4807:33 - 18:2206:55 - 19:00 06:18 - 19:37
7 February08:05 - 12:57 - 17:5007:31 - 18:2306:54 - 19:01 06:17 - 19:38
8 February08:03 - 12:57 - 17:5207:30 - 18:2506:52 - 19:03 06:15 - 19:40
9 February08:02 - 12:58 - 17:5307:28 - 18:2706:51 - 19:04 06:14 - 19:41

Trois-Puits Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Trois-Puits classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Cottage Hotel ReimsCottage Hotel Reims

The Cottage Hotel is located a 10-minutes drive from the city centre of Reims, near the Centre des Congrés and the TGV Champagne-Ardenne station... view more
€ 55
Hotel Campanile Reims Sud - MurignyCampanile Reims Sud - Murigny

Campanile Reims Sud Murigny is located in Reims at the foot of the mountains. It offers a fully furnished outdoor terrace and air-conditioned rooms with a flat-screen TV. The rooms are decorated in light neutral colours and wooden furnishings... view more
€ 55
Hotel Les MagnoliasLes Magnolias

Located 6 kilometres from the centre of Reims in the heart of the Champagne region, Hotel Les Magnolias offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi internet access. The guest rooms are equipped with en suite facilities and satellite TV... view more
€ 45
Hotel Premiere Classe Reims Sud - MurignyPremiere Classe Reims Sud - Murigny
This Premiere Classe is located in southern Reims, a few minutes’ drive from the A4 motorway. It offers air-conditioned guest rooms with TVs and free Wi-Fi access. Free parking is available and guests can access central Reims in 10 minutes by car... view more
€ 29
Hotel Hôtel Balladins Reims SudHôtel Balladins Reims Sud
The Hôtel Balladins Reims Sud is located an 8-minute drive from the centre of Reims, its train station and the historical Reims Cathedral. It features a TV with satellite channels in each room and free Wi-Fi access is available... view more
€ 29
More Hotels »

Trois-Puits Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Trois-Puits and its surroundings.

Romont 7.1 kmForêt de la Montagne de Reims 10.2 kmBois de Reims 12.2 km
Bois de Courton 14 kmMilan 14.5 kmMichel Renault 15.2 km
Bois de Saint-Marc 17.1 kmBois du Roi 19.1 kmVaux-Varenne 19.7 km
Vaux-Varennes 19.7 kmLes Hautes Jogasses 20.3 kmForêt d’ Épernay 21.8 km
Saint-Antoine 22.4 kmChâteau des Marais 23.4 kmLes Marais 23.4 km
Utilité Ferme 23.5 kmL’Utilité 23.5 kmFerme le Merland 25.7 km
Le Merlan 25.7 kmL’Espérance 27.6 kmFerme de Saint-Hilaire 27.8 km
Forêt d’ Enghien 28.2 kmVauboison 28.3 kmChâteau de Saint-Georges 28.7 km
Les Cours Brûlées 28.7 kmBois Meunière 29.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Nogent Nuclear Power Plant 85.9 kmChooz Nuclear Power Plant 112.3 km 

Trois-Puits Page

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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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