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Pithon Localisation : Country France, Region Hauts-de-France, Department Aisne.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sommette-Eaucourt, Ham and Dury.


Find all the information of Pithon or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Pithon Administration

Pithon Code (INSEE)02604
Pithon Post code02480
Pithon MayorMrs. Caroline GENSE

Pithon Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Pithon? Here are all the details of Pithon available below.

Pithon Postal address36 Pue Principale
02480 PITHON
Pithon Phone number03 22 78 86 57
International: +33 3 22 78 86 57
Pithon Email address[email protected]
Pithon WebsiteNot available
Other informationPithon
Pithon Birth certificate, Pithon Death certificate

Pithon Demography

Information on the people and the population of Pithon.

Pithon Population84 inhabitants
Pithon Population Density34.4 /km² (89.2 /sq mi)

Pithon Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Pithon.

Pithon Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.7516, Longitude: 3.0993
49° 45′ 6″ North, 3° 5′ 57″ East
Pithon Area244 hectares
2.44 km² (0.94 sq mi)
Pithon AltitudeMinimum 60 m, Maximum 88 m, Average 74 m
Pithon ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Pithon Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Pithon and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 119 kmMarseilles 739 kmLyon 463 km
Toulouse 696 kmNice 745 kmNantes 444 km
Montpellier 688 kmStrasbourg 363 kmBordeaux 614 km
Lille 98 kmRennes 393 kmRheims 86 km closest

Pithon Map

Locate simply the city of Pithon through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Pithon Nearby cities and villages

Pithon Zone

Time zone of Pithon.

Pithon Local time
Pithon Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Pithon Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Pithon.

Pithon Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Pithon.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 February08:12 - 13:01 - 17:5107:38 - 18:2506:59 - 19:03 06:22 - 19:40
7 February08:10 - 13:01 - 17:5207:36 - 18:2606:58 - 19:04 06:21 - 19:42
8 February08:08 - 13:01 - 17:5407:35 - 18:2806:57 - 19:06 06:19 - 19:43
9 February08:07 - 13:01 - 17:5607:33 - 18:2906:55 - 19:07 06:18 - 19:45
10 February08:05 - 13:01 - 17:5807:32 - 18:3106:54 - 19:09 06:16 - 19:46
11 February08:03 - 13:01 - 17:5907:30 - 18:3306:52 - 19:11 06:15 - 19:48
12 February08:02 - 13:01 - 18:0107:28 - 18:3406:50 - 19:12 06:13 - 19:49

Pithon Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Pithon classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Le Val D'omignonLe Val D'omignon
Located in Trefcon, Le Val D'omignon is set in a garden in the countryside and offers accommodation in a B&B where horses can also be welcomed. Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are possible on site... view more
€ 60
Hotel Gîtes du Château de QuesmyGîtes du Château de Quesmy
Set in the Picardy countryside, in Quesmy, Gîtes du Château de Quesmy sits in a one-hectare park with landscaped gardens and a covered, heated swimming pool. It also features a hot tub and a sauna... view more
€ 250
Hotel Chateau de QuesmyChateau de Quesmy
Set in the Picardy countryside, this chateau sits in a one-hectare park with landscaped gardens and a covered, heated swimming pool. It also features a hot tub and a sauna... view more
€ 65
Hotel Auberge De VillequierAuberge De Villequier

In the heart of the Picardy region, this guesthouse is set in a park in the village of Villequier-Aumont. It offers a restaurant and rooms with free Wi-Fi access... view more
€ 63
Hotel La Maison de l'OmignonLa Maison de l'Omignon
Set alongside a stream in Vermand, La Maison de l’Omignon proposes characteristic accommodation in a caravan or wooden hut. Saint-Quentin Nature Reserve and Canoe Club are both 12 km away... view more
€ 95
More Hotels »

Pithon Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Pithon and its surroundings.

Bois d’ Autrecourt 17.2 kmBois de Brétigny 20.6 kmBois d’ Avricourt 21.3 km
Basse Forêt de Coucy 23 kmCoucy-Basse Forest 23 kmBois de Fève 23.2 km
Bois des Loges 26.3 kmForêt d’ Ourcamp 27.8 kmBois de Thiescourt 28.7 km
Forêt Domanial de Saint-Gobain 29.6 kmBois des Vaux 29.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Chooz Nuclear Power Plant 126.9 kmPenly Nuclear Power Plant 137.7 kmNogent Nuclear Power Plant 141 km

Pithon Page

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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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