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Herqueville Localisation : Country France, Region Normandy, Department Eure.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Connelles, Vatteville and Andé.


Find all the information of Herqueville or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Herqueville Administration

Herqueville Code (INSEE)27330
Herqueville Post code27430
Herqueville MayorMrs. Annick VAUQUELIN

Herqueville Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Herqueville? Here are all the details of Herqueville available below.

Herqueville Postal addressCité Plante
Herqueville Phone number02 32 59 92 50
International: +33 2 32 59 92 50
Herqueville Fax number02 32 59 52 49
International: +33 2 32 59 52 49
Herqueville Email address[email protected]
Herqueville Websiteherqueville27.a3w.fr
Other informationHerqueville
Herqueville Birth certificate, Herqueville Death certificate

Herqueville Demography

Information on the people and the population of Herqueville.

Herqueville Population133 inhabitants
Herqueville Population Density35.4 /km² (91.6 /sq mi)

Herqueville Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Herqueville.

Herqueville Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.2444, Longitude: 1.2625
49° 14′ 40″ North, 1° 15′ 45″ East
Herqueville Area376 hectares
3.76 km² (1.45 sq mi)
Herqueville AltitudeMinimum 6 m, Maximum 65 m, Average 36 m
Herqueville ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Herqueville Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Herqueville and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 93 km closestMarseilles 734 kmLyon 472 km
Toulouse 628 kmNice 770 kmNantes 307 km
Montpellier 660 kmStrasbourg 481 kmBordeaux 510 km
Lille 201 kmRennes 249 kmRheims 201 km

Herqueville Map

Locate simply the city of Herqueville through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Herqueville Nearby cities and villages

Herqueville Zone

Time zone of Herqueville.

Herqueville Local time
Herqueville Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Herqueville Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Herqueville.

Herqueville Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Herqueville.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 March06:46 - 13:00 - 19:1506:14 - 19:4705:36 - 20:25 04:56 - 21:04
26 March06:44 - 13:00 - 19:1606:12 - 19:4805:34 - 20:26 04:54 - 21:06
27 March06:41 - 13:00 - 19:1806:10 - 19:5005:31 - 20:28 04:51 - 21:08
28 March06:39 - 12:59 - 19:2006:07 - 19:5105:29 - 20:30 04:49 - 21:10
29 March06:37 - 12:59 - 19:2106:05 - 19:5305:27 - 20:31 04:46 - 21:12
30 March07:35 - 13:59 - 20:2307:03 - 20:5506:25 - 21:33 05:44 - 22:14
31 March07:33 - 13:59 - 20:2407:01 - 20:5606:22 - 21:35 05:41 - 22:16

Herqueville Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Herqueville classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Le Moulin De ConnellesLe Moulin De Connelles

This 19th-century, Anglo-Normand manor is set in a 3-acre park with a private island, just a one hour-drive from Paris. It offers a heated outdoor swimming pool with a solarium... view more
€ 110
Hotel Le Manoir des Deux AmantsLe Manoir des Deux Amants
Set in landscaped parkland on the banks of the Seine, Le Manoir des Deux Amants is in the heart of the Normandy countryside. It offers indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a sauna, a hot tub and self-catering accommodation... view more
€ 40
Hotel Logis Hostellerie Saint PierreLogis Hostellerie Saint Pierre

This hotel is located on the banks of the River Seine between Rouen and Paris, with panoramic river views. It is 28 km from Monet’s Garden in Giverny. The guest rooms at the Hostellerie Saint Pierre are all equipped with private bathrooms and TVs... view more
€ 80
Hotel Manoir de la HouletteManoir de la Houlette
Located in the countryside of Saint-Pierre-du-Vauvray, Manoir de la Houlette is set in a 4-hectare park with views of the Seine River. It offers B&B accommodations and Val de Reuil business centre and Golf du Vaudreuil is 3 km away... view more
€ 75
Hotel Premiere Classe Rouen Sud - Val de ReuilPremiere Classe Rouen Sud - Val de Reuil

Val de Reuil
Located close to the centre of Val-de-Reuil, Première Classe Rouen Sud offers air-conditioning and daily newspapers. Decorated in a simple style, all rooms are air-conditioned and feature a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and a desk... view more
€ 31
More Hotels »

Herqueville Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Herqueville and its surroundings.

Château des Buspins 2.8 kmChâteau du Val d’Ailly 6.8 kmChâteau du Val l’Ailly 6.8 km
Grand Roncherolles 7.7 kmLe Grand Roncherolles 7.7 kmForêt de Bord 8.2 km
Forêt Domaniale de Bord 8.2 kmForêt de Louviers 8.2 kmLe Hazey Chateau 8.8 km
Château du Hazey 8.8 kmForêt des Andelys 12.1 kmChâteau Neuf 12.3 km
Forêt de Bacqueville 12.5 kmChâteau de Chambray 18.1 kmLa Ronce 19.8 km
Île du Jonquay 20.3 kmForêt du Rouvray 20.4 kmForêt de Vernon 21.2 km
Forêt de Gravigny 21.4 kmÎle Brouilly 21.9 kmBeauregard 22.7 km
Le Beauregard 22.7 kmGarambouville 23.6 kmChâteau de Robert le Diable 23.6 km
Gare du Nord 24.1 kmÎle Lacroix 24.1 kmRouen Martainville 24.1 km
Mont Gargan 24.1 kmForêt de Bizy 24.7 kmGare État 25.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Penly Nuclear Power Plant 81.5 kmPaluel Nuclear Power Plant 81.9 km 

Herqueville Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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