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  13. Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne


Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Localisation : Country France, Region Normandy, Department Orne.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Berjou, La Lande-Saint-Siméon and Cahan.


Find all the information of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Administration

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Code (INSEE)61407
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Post code61430
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne MayorMr. Emmanuel LE SECQ

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne? Here are all the details of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne available below.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Postal addressLe Bourg
61430 Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Phone number02 33 96 10 94
International: +33 2 33 96 10 94
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Fax number02 33 65 35 02
International: +33 2 33 65 35 02
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Email address[email protected]
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne WebsiteNot available
Other informationSainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Birth certificate, Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Death certificate

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Demography

Information on the people and the population of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Population698 inhabitants
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Population Density48.5 /km² (125.5 /sq mi)

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.8239, Longitude: -0.483333
48° 49′ 26″ North, 0° 28′ 60″ West
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Area1,440 hectares
14.40 km² (5.56 sq mi)
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne AltitudeMinimum 78 m, Maximum 251 m, Average 165 m
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 208 kmMarseilles 763 kmLyon 527 km
Toulouse 600 kmNice 825 kmNantes 196 km
Montpellier 672 kmStrasbourg 606 kmBordeaux 444 km
Lille 325 kmRennes 118 km closestRheims 333 km

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Map

Locate simply the city of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Nearby cities and villages

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Zone

Time zone of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Local time
Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne.

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March07:01 - 13:09 - 19:1606:30 - 19:4705:53 - 20:24 05:14 - 21:03
22 March06:59 - 13:08 - 19:1706:28 - 19:4905:50 - 20:26 05:12 - 21:05
23 March06:57 - 13:08 - 19:1906:26 - 19:5005:48 - 20:28 05:09 - 21:06
24 March06:55 - 13:08 - 19:2006:23 - 19:5205:46 - 20:29 05:07 - 21:08
25 March06:53 - 13:07 - 19:2206:21 - 19:5305:44 - 20:31 05:05 - 21:10
26 March06:51 - 13:07 - 19:2306:19 - 19:5505:42 - 20:32 05:02 - 21:12
27 March06:49 - 13:07 - 19:2506:17 - 19:5605:39 - 20:34 05:00 - 21:14

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Manoir de CondéManoir de Condé
Located in Condé-sur-Noireau, Manoir de Condé offers free Wi-Fi access, a heated above-ground pool and a sauna. Free bikes are at guests’ disposal and hot tub is available on site. Manoir de Condé includes a cottage, rooms and suites... view more
€ 60
Hotel L'AumondièreL'Aumondière
Located 3 km from Condé-sur-Noireau, in the countryside, L'Aumondière features a big garden with swings and trampolines, BBQ facilities and a terrace with a parasol. The Pontécoulant Castle is 2 km away... view more
€ 65
Hotel Logis Hotel Du CommerceLogis Hotel Du Commerce

Pont D'ouilly
This Logis hotel is located in the centre of Pont d’Ouilly, in the heart of Normandy. It offers free Wi-Fi internet access and free private parking. The comfortable rooms are all equipped with TVs and private bathrooms... view more
€ 77
Hotel Hôtel de la Place Hôtel de la Place "Chez Fanny"

Pont D'ouilly
Located in Pont-d’Ouilly in the Basse-Normandie region, Hôtel de la Place "Chez Fanny" is a 32-minute drive from Flers Train Station. Providing free Wi-Fi access throughout the property, it features a bar, restaurant and terrace... view more
€ 55
Hotel Gîtes du Ham - Art Et NatureGîtes du Ham - Art Et Nature
Set on the banks of the Orne River, Gîtes du Ham - Art Et Nature is located in Ham is a self-catering accommodation with a planted garden. The owner can organise themed visits and the barbecue facilities are provided... view more
€ 60
More Hotels »

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne and its surroundings.

Bois de Saint-Clair 14.2 kmMont Pinçon 18.7 kmForêt d’ Halouse 19.1 km
Forêt de Halouze 19.1 kmMont d’ Ancre 19.2 kmBois du Roi 20 km
Bois de Saint-André 24.6 kmBois de Buron 25.2 kmForêt de Grimbosq 25.4 km
Bois de Rânes 26.3 kmForêt d’ Andaine 26.8 kmForêt des Andaines 26.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant 129 kmPaluel Nuclear Power Plant 140.8 km 

Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne Page

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  • Nearby cities and villages
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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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