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Eysines Localisation : Country France, Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Department Gironde.
Available Information : Postal address, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Le Taillan-Médoc, Bruges and Le Haillan.


Find all the information of Eysines or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Eysines Administration

Eysines Code (INSEE)33162
Eysines Post code33320
Eysines MayorMrs. Christine BOST

Eysines Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Eysines? Here are all the details of Eysines available below.

Eysines Postal addressrue de l'Église
Eysines Phone numberNot available
Eysines Fax number05 56 57 52 64
International: +33 5 56 57 52 64
Eysines Email address[email protected]
Eysines Websitewww.eysines.fr
Other informationEysines
Eysines Birth certificate, Eysines Death certificate

Eysines Demography

Information on the people and the population of Eysines.

Eysines Population24,488 inhabitants
Eysines Population Density2,039.0 /km² (5,280.9 /sq mi)

Eysines Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Eysines.

Eysines Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.8844, Longitude: -0.65
44° 53′ 4″ North, 0° 39′ 0″ West
Eysines Area1,201 hectares
12.01 km² (4.64 sq mi)
Eysines AltitudeMinimum 3 m, Maximum 45 m, Average 24 m
Eysines ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Eysines Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Eysines and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 492 kmMarseilles 513 kmLyon 441 km
Toulouse 219 kmNice 645 kmNantes 269 km
Montpellier 390 kmStrasbourg 761 kmBordeaux 7 km closest
Lille 697 kmRennes 368 kmRheims 603 km

Eysines Map

Locate simply the city of Eysines through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Eysines Nearby cities and villages

Eysines Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Eysines has international agreements with its different pairings.

Eysines Zone

Time zone of Eysines.

Eysines Local time
Eysines Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Eysines Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Eysines.

Eysines Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Eysines.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March07:01 - 13:09 - 19:1706:32 - 19:4605:57 - 20:21 05:22 - 20:56
23 March06:59 - 13:09 - 19:1806:30 - 19:4805:55 - 20:22 05:20 - 20:58
24 March06:57 - 13:08 - 19:2006:28 - 19:4905:53 - 20:23 05:18 - 20:59
25 March06:55 - 13:08 - 19:2106:26 - 19:5005:51 - 20:25 05:15 - 21:01
26 March06:53 - 13:08 - 19:2206:24 - 19:5105:49 - 20:26 05:13 - 21:02
27 March06:51 - 13:07 - 19:2306:22 - 19:5305:47 - 20:28 05:11 - 21:04
28 March06:49 - 13:07 - 19:2506:20 - 19:5405:45 - 20:29 05:09 - 21:05

Eysines Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Eysines classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hôtel Balladins Bordeaux - EysinesHôtel Balladins Bordeaux - Eysines

This 2-star hotel is a 10-minute drive from the Bordeaux Mérignac Airport and 15 minutes from Bordeaux town centre. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TV. A breakfast buffet is served daily at the Hôtel Balladins Bordeaux – Eysines... view more
€ 39
Hotel Premiere Classe Bordeaux EysinesPremiere Classe Bordeaux Eysines
This Premiere Classe is located in the Eysines suburb of Bordeaux, 6.5 km from the city centre. It offers air-conditioned guest rooms, each with a private bathroom, cable TV and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 28
Hotel Quick PalaceQuick Palace
Quick Palace is located at the entrance to the Rocade, just 5 minutes from Mérignac. It is situated just off the Médoc road, which leads to Lacanau and Carcan lakes and beaches... view more
€ 31
Hotel Cocoloba Chambres D'HôtesCocoloba Chambres D'Hôtes
Cocoloba B&B is located in Eysines, right next to the Bordelais golf course and a 10-minute drive from the centre of Bordeaux. It features a garden with an outdoor swimming pool and a terrace... view more
€ 79
Hotel Citotel Hotel les AlizesCitotel Hotel les Alizes

The Hotel ALIZÉS is situated at the gates of the Médoc on the Lacanau road, just 8 minutes from the centre of Bordeaux, world wine capital and historical city on the banks of the Garonne... view more
€ 67
More Hotels »

Eysines Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Eysines and its surroundings.

Médoc 7.6 kmBordeaux Saint-Louis 7.6 kmGare Saint-Louis 7.6 km
Gare de la Bastide 8.7 kmGare d’ Orléans 8.7 kmBordeaux Bastide 8.7 km
Bois de Candale 9.4 kmGare de la Passerelle 9.7 kmGare de l’ État 9.7 km
Bordeaux Deschamps 9.7 kmBordeaux Passerelle 9.7 kmGare Saint-Jean 10.9 km
Bordeaux-Saint-Jean 10.9 kmHalte de Brienne 11.9 kmBordeaux Brienne 11.9 km
Gare de Brienne 11.9 kmDigue du Caillou 12.1 kmChâteau de Saint-Leu 12.4 km
Pointe de Pachan 13.7 kmÎle des Vaches 16.6 kmLa Grave-d’Ambarès 16.7 km
Île Cazeau 16.8 kmGraves 16.9 kmÎle de Macau 17.6 km
Île du Nord 18.4 kmÎle Margaux 18.4 kmChâteau Margaux 18.5 km
Bec d’ Ambès 18.6 kmBec d’ Ambez 18.6 kmHaut-Médoc 19.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Blayais Nuclear Power Plant 41.5 kmGolfech Nuclear Power Plant 146.9 km 

Eysines Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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