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Country | Georgia |
Region | Kvemo Kartli |
Marneuli Demography
Information on the people and the population of Marneuli.
Marneuli Population | 105,300 inhabitants |
Marneuli Population Density | 112.6 /km² (291.7 /sq mi) |
Marneuli Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Marneuli.
Marneuli Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 41.4636, Longitude: 44.8108 41° 27′ 49″ North, 44° 48′ 39″ East |
Marneuli Area | 93,500 hectares 935.00 km² (361.01 sq mi) |
Marneuli Altitude | 394 m (1,293 ft) |
Marneuli Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfa) |
Marneuli Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Marneuli and the biggest cities of Georgia.
Marneuli Map
Locate simply the city of Marneuli through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Marneuli Nearby cities and villages
Rustavi 15.8 km |
Marneuli Zone
Time zone of Marneuli.
Marneuli Local time | |
Marneuli Time zone | UTC +4:00 (Asia/Tbilisi) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Marneuli Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Marneuli.
Marneuli Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Marneuli.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
19 January | 05:22 - 10:11 - 15:00 | 04:52 - 15:30 | 04:18 - 16:04 | 03:45 - 16:37 |
20 January | 05:21 - 10:11 - 15:01 | 04:51 - 15:31 | 04:17 - 16:05 | 03:44 - 16:38 |
21 January | 05:21 - 10:12 - 15:02 | 04:51 - 15:32 | 04:17 - 16:06 | 03:44 - 16:39 |
22 January | 05:20 - 10:12 - 15:04 | 04:50 - 15:34 | 04:16 - 16:07 | 03:43 - 16:40 |
23 January | 05:19 - 10:12 - 15:05 | 04:49 - 15:35 | 04:16 - 16:08 | 03:43 - 16:41 |
24 January | 05:19 - 10:12 - 15:06 | 04:49 - 15:36 | 04:15 - 16:10 | 03:42 - 16:42 |
25 January | 05:18 - 10:13 - 15:07 | 04:48 - 15:37 | 04:15 - 16:11 | 03:42 - 16:43 |
Marneuli Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Marneuli classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Autopapa Rustavi Featuring free Wi-Fi and free private parking, this hotel is located at the car market area in Rustavi town. It offers rooms with air conditioning and a restaurant... view more | from GEL 50 | |
Grand Vejini Rustavi Located less than 1 km from the Rustavi International Motorpark in Rustavi, the Grand Vejini offers guests free Wi-Fi and free private parking. Rooms at the hotel feature features a minibar, a flat-screen TV, and a private bathroom with a bath... view more | from GEL 75 | |
Rustavi Rustavi Featuring a terrace and free Wi-Fi, Rustavi hotel is just a 10-minute walk from the Youth Park. With a free car park, this property is 25 km from Tbilisi. The classic-style rooms feature a flat-screen TV and private bathroom with free toiletries... view more | from GEL 50 | |
Georgia Inn Hotel Tbilisi The Georgia Inn Hotel in Tbilisi is located 2.5 km from Shardeni Street which has many dining, entertainment, and nightlife options. Free Wi-Fi and free parking are available in the hotel... view more | from GEL 66 | |
Bazaleti Palace Tbilisi Located just a 15-minute walk from Kalandadze Park, Bazaleti Palace features a fitness centre, billiards and table tennis. This property offers air-conditioned rooms, free Wi-Fi and a free car park... view more | from GEL 125 | |
More Hotels » |
Marneuli Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Marneuli and its surroundings.
Marneuli Page
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