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  13. Grub a.Forst

Grub a.Forst

Grub a.Forst Localisation : Country Germany, State Bavaria, District Coburg district.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Niederfüllbach, Ebersdorf b.Coburg and Untersiemau.


Find all the information of Grub a.Forst or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

DistrictCoburg district

Grub a.Forst Administration

Grub a.Forst Code09473134
Grub a.Forst Post code96271
Grub a.Forst MayorKurt Bernreuther

Grub a.Forst Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Grub a.Forst? Here are all the details of Grub a.Forst available below.

Grub a.Forst Postal addressCoburger Str. 23
96271 Grub a.Forst
Grub a.Forst Phone number09560 92200
International: +49 9560 92200
Grub a.Forst Fax number09560 982992
International: +49 9560 982992
Grub a.Forst Email address[email protected]
Grub a.Forst Websitewww.grub-am-forst.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Grub a.Forst
Grub a.Forst Birth certificate, Grub a.Forst Death certificate

Grub a.Forst Demography

Information on the people and the population of Grub a.Forst.

Grub a.Forst Population3,010 inhabitants
Grub a.Forst Population Density251.3 /km² (650.7 /sq mi)

Grub a.Forst Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Grub a.Forst.

Grub a.Forst Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.2167, Longitude: 11.0167
50° 13′ 0″ North, 11° 1′ 0″ East
Grub a.Forst Area1,198 hectares
11.98 km² (4.63 sq mi)
Grub a.Forst Altitude300 m (984 ft)
Grub a.Forst ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Grub a.Forst Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Grub a.Forst and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 305 kmHamburg 378 kmMunich 235 km
Cologne 298 kmFrankfurt 167 kmStuttgart 208 km
Düsseldorf 319 kmDortmund 288 kmEssen 313 km
Bremen 353 kmDresden 213 kmLeipzig 157 km closest

Grub a.Forst Map

Locate simply the city of Grub a.Forst through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Grub a.Forst Nearby cities and villages

Grub a.Forst Zone

Time zone of Grub a.Forst.

Grub a.Forst Local time
Grub a.Forst Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Grub a.Forst Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Grub a.Forst.

Grub a.Forst Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Grub a.Forst.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February07:47 - 12:29 - 17:1107:13 - 17:4606:34 - 18:24 05:56 - 19:02
3 February07:46 - 12:29 - 17:1307:11 - 17:4706:32 - 18:26 05:55 - 19:04
4 February07:44 - 12:29 - 17:1407:10 - 17:4906:31 - 18:28 05:53 - 19:05
5 February07:43 - 12:29 - 17:1607:08 - 17:5006:30 - 18:29 05:52 - 19:07
6 February07:41 - 12:29 - 17:1807:07 - 17:5206:28 - 18:31 05:51 - 19:08
7 February07:40 - 12:30 - 17:1907:05 - 17:5406:27 - 18:32 05:49 - 19:10
8 February07:38 - 12:30 - 17:2107:04 - 17:5506:25 - 18:34 05:48 - 19:11

Grub a.Forst Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Grub a.Forst classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel PanoramaHotel Panorama

Located in the heart of Niederfüllbach yet offering a peaceful surrounding, Hotel Panorama is only a few minutes away from the picturesque palaces and other destinations in the surrounding of Coburg... view more
€ 52
Hotel Pension PanoramaPension Panorama

Located in the village of Ahorn, Pension Panorama offers comfortable rooms in the Bavarian countryside. Free WiFi internet access is available throughout the guest house... view more
€ 42
Hotel Arcadia Hotel CoburgArcadia Hotel Coburg

This modern, 4-star hotel is located in the town of Coburg, just 500 metres from the Rosengarten congress centre. It offers free Wi-Fi, a bar/lounge and 24-hour reception... view more
€ 59
Hotel Bärenturm HotelpensionBärenturm Hotelpension

Just a 10-minute walk from Coburgs market square and congress centre, this hotel is situated within the historic Bärenturm, once part of the citys fortifications... view more
€ 85
Hotel The Square CoburgThe Square Coburg
This accommodation is located in central Coburg, offering views of the scenic market square. It features free Wi-Fi, and a comfortable lounge area with a flat-screen TV and Nespresso machine... view more
€ 60
More Hotels »

Grub a.Forst Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Grub a.Forst and its surroundings.

Forstberg 0.7 kmLichtenfelser Forst 2.2 kmHambach 2.8 km
Weidenberg 2.9 kmGruber Stein 3.5 kmTheuern 4 km
Eckarts-Berg 4.7 kmLahm 4.7 kmMönchsberg 5 km
Rotherberg 5 kmHühner Berg 5.5 kmBausen Berge 5.7 km
Burkhardts-Berg 5.9 kmSand Berg 5.9 kmHummels Berg 5.9 km
Neuhaus 6.3 kmStöcken 6.4 kmEiters-Berg 6.6 km
Herberg 6.6 kmEich Berg 6.6 kmHohe Aßlitz 6.7 km
Pelzhügel 6.9 kmPrälax 7 kmZiegelsdorfer Grund 7 km
Banzer Berg 7.3 kmHeinach 7.3 kmVoreichen 7.3 km
Biffig 7.5 kmHohe Höhe 7.9 kmErnstfarm 7.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant 64.8 km  

Grub a.Forst Page

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DB-City.comGrub a.Forst 4.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page