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Stahnsdorf Localisation : Country Germany, State Brandenburg, District Potsdam-Mittelmark.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kleinmachnow, Teltow and Großbeeren.


Find all the information of Stahnsdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Stahnsdorf Administration

Stahnsdorf Code12069604
Stahnsdorf Post code14532
Stahnsdorf MayorBernd Albers

Stahnsdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Stahnsdorf? Here are all the details of Stahnsdorf available below.

Stahnsdorf Postal addressAnnastraße 3
14532 Stahnsdorf
Stahnsdorf Phone number03329 646103
International: +49 3329 646103
Stahnsdorf Fax number03329 646130
International: +49 3329 646130
Stahnsdorf Email address[email protected]
Stahnsdorf Websitewww.stahnsdorf.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Stahnsdorf
Stahnsdorf Birth certificate, Stahnsdorf Death certificate

Stahnsdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Stahnsdorf.

Stahnsdorf Population14,210 inhabitants
Stahnsdorf Population Density289.5 /km² (749.7 /sq mi)

Stahnsdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Stahnsdorf.

Stahnsdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.3922, Longitude: 13.2167
52° 23′ 32″ North, 13° 13′ 0″ East
Stahnsdorf Area4,909 hectares
49.09 km² (18.95 sq mi)
Stahnsdorf Altitude44 m (144 ft)
Stahnsdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Stahnsdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Stahnsdorf and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 19 km closestHamburg 252 kmMunich 488 km
Cologne 461 kmFrankfurt 405 kmStuttgart 493 km
Düsseldorf 461 kmDortmund 406 kmEssen 438 km
Bremen 307 kmDresden 154 kmLeipzig 131 km

Stahnsdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Stahnsdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Stahnsdorf Nearby cities and villages

Kleinmachnow 1.3 kmTeltow 3.8 kmGroßbeeren 7.4 km
Nuthetal 9.2 kmPotsdam 10.6 kmLudwigsfelde 10.8 km
Blankenfelde-Mahlow 13.3 kmMichendorf 15.6 kmSchwielowsee 18.2 km
Rangsdorf 19.1 kmBerlin 19.1 kmWerder 19.2 km

Stahnsdorf Zone

Time zone of Stahnsdorf.

Stahnsdorf Local time
Stahnsdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Stahnsdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Stahnsdorf.

Stahnsdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Stahnsdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February07:37 - 12:21 - 17:0507:01 - 17:4106:20 - 18:21 05:41 - 19:01
8 February07:35 - 12:21 - 17:0706:59 - 17:4206:19 - 18:23 05:39 - 19:02
9 February07:33 - 12:21 - 17:0806:57 - 17:4406:17 - 18:24 05:38 - 19:04
10 February07:31 - 12:21 - 17:1006:56 - 17:4606:15 - 18:26 05:36 - 19:06
11 February07:29 - 12:21 - 17:1206:54 - 17:4806:14 - 18:28 05:34 - 19:07
12 February07:28 - 12:21 - 17:1406:52 - 17:5006:12 - 18:30 05:33 - 19:09
13 February07:26 - 12:21 - 17:1606:50 - 17:5106:10 - 18:31 05:31 - 19:11

Stahnsdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Stahnsdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel NH Berlin PotsdamNH Berlin Potsdam

This hotel beside the Teltow Canal offers spacious, air-conditioned rooms in green surroundings. Situated between Potsdam and Berlin, it provides free parking, a restaurant and health facilities... view more
€ 54
Hotel pentahotel Berlin Potsdampentahotel Berlin Potsdam

Peacefully located on the Teltow Canal in south-west Berlin, this design hotel offers stylish rooms with large flat-screen TVs and free parking. It is a 25-minute drive from Berlin city centre and Potsdam... view more
€ 62
Hotel ibis Berlin Dreilindenibis Berlin Dreilinden

This hotel offers free parking, a 24-hour bar and a free internet terminal. It stands beside the A115 motorway in Kleinmachnow, 15 minutes from Potsdam and Berlin’s ICC Congress Centre... view more
€ 45
Hotel Motel One Berlin DreilindenMotel One Berlin Dreilinden
This hotel is located directly between Berlin and Potsdam, 500 metres from the A115 motorway. It offers modern rooms, free Wi-Fi, a bistro and free on-site parking... view more
€ 59
Hotel HoteltowHoteltow

The 3-star Hoteltow is located between Berlin and Potsdam in the town of Teltow. It offers modern rooms, free Wi-Fi, and a restaurant serving regional food. The Hoteltow’s rooms include a private bathroom, a minibar and free Wi-Fi internet access... view more
€ 52
More Hotels »

Stahnsdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Stahnsdorf and its surroundings.

Seeberg 0.9 kmMühlenberg 2.7 kmJagdschloss Dreilinden 3.7 km
Parforceheide 4.1 kmBahnhof Teltow 5.6 kmTannenberg 5.8 km
Butterberge 6 kmStolper Berge 6.3 kmBerliner Forst Düppel 6.3 km
Kälberwerder 6.4 kmBahnhof Lichterfelde-Süd 6.4 kmKies-Berg 6.6 km
Bahnhof Drewitz 6.6 kmSchäferberg 6.7 kmSchwanenwerder 7 km
Schülerberge 7.4 kmPfaueninsel 7.6 kmBahnhof Lichterfelde-West 7.7 km
Imchen 7.9 kmRieselfelder 8 kmRevierförsterei Dachsberg 8 km
Havelberg 8.3 kmFörsterei Saubucht 8.3 kmTeltow 8.4 km
Steinberge 8.5 kmLindwerder 8.6 kmBahnhof Lichterfelde-Ost 8.7 km
Genshagener Heide 8.7 kmSchloß Glienicke 8.7 kmJahnsberg 8.8 km

Stahnsdorf Page

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DB-City.comStahnsdorf 4.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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