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Dautphetal Localisation : Country Germany, State Hesse, District Marburg-Biedenkopf.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Steffenberg, Breidenbach and Angelburg.


Find all the information of Dautphetal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Dautphetal Administration

Dautphetal Code06534007
Dautphetal Post code35232
Dautphetal MayorBernd Schmidt

Dautphetal Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Dautphetal? Here are all the details of Dautphetal available below.

Dautphetal Postal addressHainstr. 1
35232 Dautphetal
Dautphetal Phone number06466 9200
International: +49 6466 9200
Dautphetal Fax number06466 9205111
International: +49 6466 9205111
Dautphetal Email address[email protected]
Dautphetal Websitewww.dautphetal.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Dautphetal
Dautphetal Birth certificate, Dautphetal Death certificate

Dautphetal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Dautphetal.

Dautphetal Population11,706 inhabitants
Dautphetal Population Density162.5 /km² (420.9 /sq mi)

Dautphetal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Dautphetal.

Dautphetal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.8417, Longitude: 8.55417
50° 50′ 30″ North, 8° 33′ 15″ East
Dautphetal Area7,203 hectares
72.03 km² (27.81 sq mi)
Dautphetal AltitudeMinimum 235 m, Maximum 500 m, Average 368 m
Dautphetal ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Dautphetal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Dautphetal and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 383 kmHamburg 317 kmMunich 372 km
Cologne 113 kmFrankfurt 81 km closestStuttgart 234 km
Düsseldorf 131 kmDortmund 107 kmEssen 128 km
Bremen 249 kmDresden 364 kmLeipzig 273 km

Dautphetal Map

Locate simply the city of Dautphetal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Dautphetal Nearby cities and villages

Steffenberg 5.1 kmBreidenbach 7.7 kmAngelburg 7.8 km
Gladenbach 8.4 kmBiedenkopf 8.5 kmLahntal 10.3 km
Bad Endbach 10.9 kmWetter 13.1 kmLohra 13.3 km
Bad Laasphe 13.8 kmWeimar 13.9 kmEschenburg 14.3 km

Dautphetal Zone

Time zone of Dautphetal.

Dautphetal Local time
Dautphetal Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Dautphetal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Dautphetal.

Dautphetal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Dautphetal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 January08:22 - 12:34 - 16:4707:44 - 17:2507:03 - 18:06 06:23 - 18:46
15 January08:21 - 12:35 - 16:4907:43 - 17:2607:02 - 18:07 06:23 - 18:47
16 January08:20 - 12:35 - 16:5007:43 - 17:2807:02 - 18:09 06:22 - 18:48
17 January08:19 - 12:35 - 16:5207:42 - 17:2907:01 - 18:10 06:22 - 18:49
18 January08:18 - 12:36 - 16:5307:41 - 17:3107:00 - 18:11 06:21 - 18:51
19 January08:17 - 12:36 - 16:5507:40 - 17:3206:59 - 18:13 06:20 - 18:52
20 January08:16 - 12:36 - 16:5707:39 - 17:3306:59 - 18:14 06:19 - 18:53

Dautphetal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Dautphetal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ferienhaus Romershausen IFerienhaus Romershausen I
At the edge of the 400 inhabitants counting village Römelshausen are the holiday houses of the family Pitzer situated in peaceful location and they are surrounded by fields and forests. The 4-person two bedroom detached holiday home is about 60 m2... view more
Hotel Ferienhaus Romershausen IIFerienhaus Romershausen II
At the edge of the 400 inhabitants counting village Römelshausen are the holiday houses of the family Pitzer situated in peaceful location and they are surrounded by fields and forests. The 5-person three bedroom detached holiday home is about 70m2... view more
Hotel zu Jeddeloh`s Rosengartenzu Jeddeloh`s Rosengarten
This family-run hotel is situated in the fresh air and spa resort of Gladenbach, amid a pretty wooded valley between Marburg, Gießen and Herborn... view more
€ 54
Hotel Hotel SchlossgartenHotel Schlossgarten
Located directly next to Blankenstein Castle ruins, this traditional hotel enjoys a quiet setting in Gladenbach. A regional restaurant, buffet breakfasts and free Wi-Fi in public areas are offered here... view more
€ 53
Hotel Park-HotelPark-Hotel

The Park-Hotel in Biedenkopf is situated right next to the Stadtpark in an absolutely calm location with view of the Landgrafenschloss (castle), built in 1194... view more
€ 66
More Hotels »

Dautphetal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Dautphetal and its surroundings.

Horn-Berg 0.3 kmEichelhardt 1.5 kmSchweinskopf 1.7 km
Hundsrück 1.7 kmHohe Höll 2.3 kmZiegen-Berg 2.9 km
Treis-Berg 3 kmDusen-Berg 3.1 kmHohenfels 3.1 km
Burg-Berg 3.2 kmStreichen-Berg 3.2 kmVordere Kapp 3.4 km
Hintere Kapp 3.4 kmKappe 3.4 kmVogelslust 3.5 km
Hardt 3.5 kmOchsen-Berg 3.6 kmBeilstein 3.7 km
Bolze-Berg 3.8 kmWirr-Berg 3.8 kmHirschstein 3.9 km
Sil-Berg 3.9 kmWilken-Berg 4.1 kmReibers-Berg 4.1 km
Kappen 4.4 kmHahnkopf 4.4 kmHardt 4.5 km
Nimerich 4.7 kmKalten-Berg 4.7 kmSchloß-Berg 4.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Biblis Nuclear Power Plant 126.4 kmGrohnde Nuclear Power Plant 145.6 kmGrafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant 150 km

Dautphetal Page

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DB-City.comDautphetal 4.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
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  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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