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Country | Germany |
State | Hesse |
District | Marburg-Biedenkopf |
Fronhausen Administration
Fronhausen Code | 06534009 |
Fronhausen Post code | 35112 |
Fronhausen Mayor | Reinhold Weber |
Fronhausen Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Fronhausen? Here are all the details of Fronhausen available below.
Fronhausen Postal address | Schulstr. 19 35112 Fronhausen Deutschland |
Fronhausen Phone number | 06426 92830 International: +49 6426 92830 |
Fronhausen Fax number | 06426 928325 International: +49 6426 928325 |
Fronhausen Email address | [email protected] |
Fronhausen Website | |
Other information | Städte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Fronhausen |
Fronhausen Birth certificate, Fronhausen Death certificate |
Fronhausen Demography
Information on the people and the population of Fronhausen.
Fronhausen Population | 3,975 inhabitants |
Fronhausen Population Density | 142.6 /km² (369.3 /sq mi) |
Fronhausen Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Fronhausen.
Fronhausen Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 50.7071, Longitude: 8.70952 50° 42′ 26″ North, 8° 42′ 34″ East |
Fronhausen Area | 2,788 hectares 27.88 km² (10.76 sq mi) |
Fronhausen Altitude | Minimum 160 m, Maximum 265 m, Average 213 m |
Fronhausen Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Fronhausen Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Fronhausen and the biggest cities of Germany.
Fronhausen Map
Locate simply the city of Fronhausen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Fronhausen Nearby cities and villages
Staufenberg 4.5 km | Weimar 5.3 km | Lohra 6.1 km |
Lollar 6.4 km | Allendorf 9.1 km | Wettenberg 10.9 km |
Rabenau 11.4 km | Ebsdorfergrund 11.5 km | Gladenbach 12.1 km |
Buseck 12.6 km | Marburg 12.8 km | Hohenahr 14.3 km |
Fronhausen Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Fronhausen has international agreements with its different pairings.
Fronhausen Zone
Time zone of Fronhausen.
Fronhausen Local time | |
Fronhausen Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Fronhausen Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Fronhausen.
Fronhausen Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Fronhausen.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
6 January | 08:25 - 12:31 - 16:36 | 07:47 - 17:15 | 07:05 - 17:56 | 06:25 - 18:36 |
7 January | 08:25 - 12:31 - 16:37 | 07:46 - 17:16 | 07:05 - 17:57 | 06:25 - 18:37 |
8 January | 08:24 - 12:31 - 16:39 | 07:46 - 17:17 | 07:04 - 17:58 | 06:25 - 18:38 |
9 January | 08:24 - 12:32 - 16:40 | 07:46 - 17:18 | 07:04 - 18:00 | 06:25 - 18:39 |
10 January | 08:23 - 12:32 - 16:41 | 07:45 - 17:19 | 07:04 - 18:01 | 06:24 - 18:40 |
11 January | 08:23 - 12:33 - 16:43 | 07:45 - 17:21 | 07:03 - 18:02 | 06:24 - 18:41 |
12 January | 08:22 - 12:33 - 16:44 | 07:44 - 17:22 | 07:03 - 18:03 | 06:23 - 18:43 |
Fronhausen Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Fronhausen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Ringhotel Bellevue Wolfshausen This 4-star hotel offers a restaurant, terrace and its own pastry shop. It is idyllically set between the university towns of Marburg and Giessen, and offers breathtaking views of the Lahntal valley... view more | from € 69 | |
Hotel Burg Staufenberg Staufenberg In the middle of the State of Hessen, near the cities of Giessen, Marburg, and Wetzlar, the Castle of Staufenberg has towered on its hill over the little town of Staufenberg since the 13th century... view more | from € 81 | |
Hotel Esmer Lollar Embedded in the Lahntal valley, in the centre of Lollar in Hessen, this hotel is just 10 minutes from the A480 motorway and 12 kilometres from the university town of Giessen... view more | from € 50 | |
Hotel-Restaurant Fasanerie Marburg an der Lahn Quietly located next to the Gisselberg Forest and just a 10-minute drive from Marburg town centre, this family-run hotel features a regional restaurant, a sauna, and a terrace surrounded by plants and greenery... view more | from € 86 | |
Landhotel Wißmar Wißmar Set in a peaceful location in the town of Wettenberg, the family-run Landhotel Wißmar offers comfortable accommodation in the Hesse countryside. Free wired internet access is available in the rooms... view more | from € 56 | |
More Hotels » |
Fronhausen Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Fronhausen and its surroundings.
Galgen-Berg 1.4 km | Geiers-Berg 2 km | Kronauerhof 3.1 km |
Bahnhof Damm 4 km | Nikolaus-Berg 4.2 km | Rote Mark 4.4 km |
Altenburg 4.4 km | Rothlauf 4.9 km | Fortbach 5.1 km |
Viermark 5.4 km | Köpfchen 6 km | Rote-Berg 6.5 km |
Ulrichs-Berg 6.5 km | Toten Berg 6.5 km | Germershausen 6.7 km |
Kirch-Berg 7 km | Wißmarer Wald 7 km | Weimarscher Kopf 7.1 km |
Heiden-Kopf 7.2 km | Lollarkopf 7.3 km | Leidenhofer Kopf 7.3 km |
Försterei Waldhaus 7.3 km | Forst Krofdorf 7.5 km | Schneid 7.5 km |
Stoß-Berg 7.7 km | Frauen-Berg 7.8 km | Ringels-Kopf 8 km |
Hof Frauenberg 8.2 km | Schneisse 8.2 km | Roß-Berg 8.3 km |
Nuclear power plant
Biblis Nuclear Power Plant 113 km | Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant 132.1 km |
Fronhausen Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Fronhausen /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |