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  13. Homberg


Homberg Localisation : Country Germany, State Hesse, District Vogelsbergkreis.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gemünden, Kirtorf and Ebsdorfergrund.


Find all the information of Homberg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Homberg Administration

Homberg Code06535009
Homberg Post code35315
Homberg MayorBéla Dören

Homberg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Homberg? Here are all the details of Homberg available below.

Homberg Postal addressMarktstr. 26
35315 Homberg (Ohm)
Homberg Phone number06633 1840
International: +49 6633 1840
Homberg Fax number06633 18450
International: +49 6633 18450
Homberg Email address[email protected]
Homberg Websitewww.homberg.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Homberg (Ohm)
Homberg Birth certificate, Homberg Death certificate

Homberg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Homberg.

Homberg Population7,628 inhabitants
Homberg Population Density86.7 /km² (224.5 /sq mi)

Homberg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Homberg.

Homberg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.7333, Longitude: 9
50° 43′ 60″ North, 9° 0′ 0″ East
Homberg Area8,802 hectares
88.02 km² (33.98 sq mi)
Homberg AltitudeMinimum 220 m, Maximum 310 m, Average 265 m
Homberg ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Homberg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Homberg and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 364 kmHamburg 321 kmMunich 344 km
Cologne 145 kmFrankfurt 72 km closestStuttgart 218 km
Düsseldorf 165 kmDortmund 138 kmEssen 161 km
Bremen 261 kmDresden 335 kmLeipzig 246 km

Homberg Map

Locate simply the city of Homberg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Homberg Nearby cities and villages

Gemünden 5.1 kmKirtorf 8 kmEbsdorfergrund 9.4 km
Amöneburg 10.2 kmKirchhain 10.4 kmRabenau 10.9 km
Stadtallendorf 11.2 kmAllendorf 13 kmMücke 13.2 km
Antrifttal 13.4 kmFeldatal 15 kmGrünberg 15.3 km

Homberg Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Homberg has international agreements with its different pairings.

Homberg Zone

Time zone of Homberg.

Homberg Local time
Homberg Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Homberg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Homberg.

Homberg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Homberg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
28 January08:04 - 12:36 - 17:0907:28 - 17:4406:49 - 18:24 06:10 - 19:03
29 January08:03 - 12:37 - 17:1007:27 - 17:4606:48 - 18:26 06:09 - 19:04
30 January08:02 - 12:37 - 17:1207:26 - 17:4806:46 - 18:27 06:08 - 19:06
31 January08:00 - 12:37 - 17:1407:25 - 17:4906:45 - 18:29 06:07 - 19:07
1 February07:59 - 12:37 - 17:1607:23 - 17:5106:44 - 18:30 06:05 - 19:09
2 February07:57 - 12:37 - 17:1707:22 - 17:5306:43 - 18:32 06:04 - 19:10
3 February07:56 - 12:37 - 17:1907:20 - 17:5406:41 - 18:33 06:03 - 19:12

Homberg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Homberg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel GermaniaHotel Germania

This 3-star hotel is in the peaceful Niederklein district of the Hessian town of Stadtallendorf. Hotel Germania offers comfortable accommodation... view more
€ 55
Hotel Hotel Zum SternHotel Zum Stern

Set next to the large park surrounding Rauischholzhausen Palace, this 3-star hotel in Ebsdorfergrund boasts a widely appreciated restaurant and spacious rooms. The Hotel zum Stern offers comfortable accommodation in quiet, scenic surroundings... view more
€ 52
Hotel Hotel-Restaurant DombäckerHotel-Restaurant Dombäcker

Set in an original, listed half-timbered building from the 18th century, this 3-star hotel is located in the Marburg-Biedenkopf district town of Amöneburg. It offers country-style décor and free WiFI... view more
€ 60
Hotel Ringhotel Parkhotel StadtallendorfRinghotel Parkhotel Stadtallendorf

This 4-star hotel in Stadtallendorf offers a large park, daily breakfast buffets, and easy access to the scenic German Fairytale Road. The spacious rooms and suites of the Ringhotel Parkhotel Stadtallendorf are dedicated to different fairytales... view more
€ 79
Hotel LitfässchenLitfässchen

This 3-star hotel in Mücke-Atzenhain is just 1.5 km from the A5 motorway’s Homberg/Ohm exit. The family-run hotel Litfässchen provides bright, functional rooms where you can relax after a long drive... view more
€ 54
More Hotels »

Homberg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Homberg and its surroundings.

Hoch Berg 1.5 kmBahnhof Neuhaus 1.8 kmWäldershausen 2.3 km
Herrmannsberg 2.4 kmNeu Ulrichstein 3.2 kmSchönberg 3.3 km
Försterei Schafgarten 3.9 kmForst Schweinsberg 4.4 kmDecken-Berg 4.9 km
Mardorfer Kuppe 5 kmPeters-Berg 5.1 kmKatzenberg 5.4 km
Fuchs-Berg 5.7 kmSchmitthof 5.8 kmKreuzwarte Küppel 6.3 km
Hainerhof 6.9 kmKamm Berg 7.1 kmRetschenhäuser Hof 7.1 km
Hof Sorge 7.2 kmWindhain 7.4 kmHeide Berg 7.5 km
Ziegelhütte 7.8 kmHatten Berg 7.8 kmForst Roßberg 8 km
Brückerwald 8.1 kmKönigsaasen 8.3 kmSennberg 8.5 km
Forstamt Roßberg 8.5 kmObergrubenbach 8.5 kmTümmel-Berg 9.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant 118.5 kmBiblis Nuclear Power Plant 121.3 kmGrohnde Nuclear Power Plant 147.8 km

Homberg Page

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DB-City.comHomberg 4.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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