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  13. Osterwald


Osterwald Localisation : Country Germany, State Lower Saxony, District Bentheim.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Georgsdorf, Esche and Neuenhaus.


Find all the information of Osterwald or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

StateLower Saxony

Osterwald Administration

Osterwald Code03456017
Osterwald Post code49828
Osterwald MayorJohann Diekjakobs

Osterwald Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Osterwald? Here are all the details of Osterwald available below.

Osterwald Postal addressVeldhausener Straße
49828 Neuenhaus
Osterwald Phone number05941 9110
International: +49 5941 9110
Osterwald Fax number05941 911260
International: +49 5941 911260
Osterwald Email address[email protected]
Osterwald Websitewww.neuenhaus.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Osterwald
Osterwald Birth certificate, Osterwald Death certificate

Osterwald Demography

Information on the people and the population of Osterwald.

Osterwald Population1,180 inhabitants
Osterwald Population Density35.4 /km² (91.6 /sq mi)

Osterwald Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Osterwald.

Osterwald Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.5342, Longitude: 7.03306
52° 32′ 3″ North, 7° 1′ 59″ East
Osterwald Area3,338 hectares
33.38 km² (12.89 sq mi)
Osterwald Altitude19 m (62 ft)
Osterwald ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Osterwald Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Osterwald and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 432 kmHamburg 228 kmMunich 586 km
Cologne 178 kmFrankfurt 293 kmStuttgart 445 km
Düsseldorf 147 kmDortmund 117 km closestEssen 120 km
Bremen 134 kmDresden 490 kmLeipzig 390 km

Osterwald Map

Locate simply the city of Osterwald through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Osterwald Nearby cities and villages

Georgsdorf 5 kmEsche 5.1 kmNeuenhaus 5.9 km
Wietmarschen 6.9 kmHoogstede 7.8 kmGölenkamp 8.1 km
Lage 8.9 kmRinge 10.8 kmNordhorn 11.2 km
Uelsen 11.9 kmHalle 12.3 kmTwist 13.2 km

Osterwald Zone

Time zone of Osterwald.

Osterwald Local time
Osterwald Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Osterwald Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Osterwald.

Osterwald Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Osterwald.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
24 January08:24 - 12:43 - 17:0307:46 - 17:4107:04 - 18:23 06:24 - 19:03
25 January08:23 - 12:44 - 17:0507:45 - 17:4307:03 - 18:24 06:23 - 19:05
26 January08:21 - 12:44 - 17:0607:44 - 17:4407:02 - 18:26 06:22 - 19:06
27 January08:20 - 12:44 - 17:0807:42 - 17:4607:01 - 18:28 06:20 - 19:08
28 January08:19 - 12:44 - 17:1007:41 - 17:4806:59 - 18:29 06:19 - 19:09
29 January08:17 - 12:45 - 17:1207:40 - 17:4906:58 - 18:31 06:18 - 19:11
30 January08:16 - 12:45 - 17:1407:38 - 17:5106:57 - 18:32 06:17 - 19:12

Osterwald Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Osterwald classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Apartment Georgsdorf Am KanalApartment Georgsdorf Am Kanal
Apartment Georgsdorf Am Kanal is a self-catering accommodation with a surface area of 80 m2, located in Georgsdorf. The apartment features a tv and satellite channels.There is a full kitchen equipped with a microwave and a refrigerator... view more
Hotel Hotel Domicil Lebensart *Nichtraucherhaus*Hotel Domicil Lebensart *Nichtraucherhaus*

Located in Neuenhaus, close to Nordhorn, the newly opened Hotel Domicil Lebensart offers 4 exclusive guest rooms and suites which exude a unique sense of peace and security... view more
€ 95
Hotel Haus BrünemannHaus Brünemann

In the heart of the picturesque town of Neuenhaus, nature lovers can enjoy not only the surroundings but also the charming ambience of this hotel, built in the year of 1781... view more
€ 59
Hotel Ad LibitumAd Libitum
Magnificent individual villa (appr. 240 m2) on a property covering more than 8000 m2. surrounded by a private forest. It is peacefully situated in the heart of the Emsland. This region... view more
Hotel Hotel am StadtringHotel am Stadtring

Offering free Wi-Fi and fine regional cuisine, this 4-star conference and spa hotel enjoys a convenient location in the Lower Saxon town of Nordhorn... view more
€ 94
More Hotels »

Osterwald Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Osterwald and its surroundings.

Hensen 1.1 kmRoolfs 1.9 kmHagedorn 2.2 km
Röper 2.2 kmSchlagelambers 2.3 kmRolinklambers 2.3 km
Voest 2.8 kmSoermann 3.4 kmLeusmann 3.4 km
Moß 3.6 kmJacobs 3.8 kmSpeckers 3.8 km
Morsink 3.8 kmKip 3.8 kmHolt 3.9 km
Scholten 3.9 kmRolink 4 kmWarsink 4 km
Harger 4.4 kmGelsmann 5.1 kmStevens 5.7 km
Scholten 5.7 kmGiesen 5.7 kmEersink 5.7 km
Lödden 5.7 kmMeistede 5.8 kmKlein Lankhorst 5.8 km
Baal 5.8 kmHustede 5.9 kmSüthoff 6 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 20.4 kmUnterweser Nuclear Power Plant 138.9 km 

Osterwald Page

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DB-City.comOsterwald 4.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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