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  13. Zarrentin


Zarrentin Localisation : Country Germany, State Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, District Ludwigslust-Parchim.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Lüttow-Valluhn, Klein Zecher and Kogel.


Find all the information of Zarrentin or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Zarrentin Administration

Zarrentin Code13076159
Zarrentin Post code19246
Zarrentin MayorGreta Glass

Zarrentin Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Zarrentin? Here are all the details of Zarrentin available below.

Zarrentin Postal addressAmtsstraße 4-5
19246 Zarrentin
Zarrentin Phone number03885 18380
International: +49 3885 18380
Zarrentin Fax number03885 125488
International: +49 3885 125488
Zarrentin Email addressNot available
Zarrentin Websitewww.zarrentin.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Zarrentin am Schaalsee
Zarrentin Birth certificate, Zarrentin Death certificate

Zarrentin Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zarrentin.

Zarrentin Population4,655 inhabitants
Zarrentin Population Density50.7 /km² (131.2 /sq mi)

Zarrentin Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zarrentin.

Zarrentin Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 53.55, Longitude: 10.9164
53° 33′ 0″ North, 10° 54′ 59″ East
Zarrentin Area9,189 hectares
91.89 km² (35.48 sq mi)
Zarrentin Altitude40 m (131 ft)
Zarrentin ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Zarrentin Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zarrentin and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 202 kmHamburg 61 km closestMunich 604 km
Cologne 397 kmFrankfurt 412 kmStuttgart 545 km
Düsseldorf 382 kmDortmund 325 kmEssen 352 km
Bremen 150 kmDresden 338 kmLeipzig 265 km

Zarrentin Map

Locate simply the city of Zarrentin through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zarrentin Nearby cities and villages

Lüttow-Valluhn 2.6 kmKlein Zecher 4.1 kmKogel 5.6 km
Hollenbek 7.8 kmSeedorf 8.3 kmGallin 8.6 km
Lehsen 9.9 kmRögnitz 10 kmWittendörp 10.1 km
Sterley 10.2 kmWittenburg 11.4 kmBesenthal 11.8 km

Zarrentin Zone

Time zone of Zarrentin.

Zarrentin Local time
Zarrentin Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Zarrentin Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zarrentin.

Zarrentin Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zarrentin.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 January08:04 - 12:29 - 16:5507:25 - 17:3306:43 - 18:15 06:02 - 18:56
31 January08:02 - 12:29 - 16:5707:24 - 17:3506:42 - 18:17 06:01 - 18:58
1 February08:00 - 12:29 - 16:5807:22 - 17:3706:40 - 18:19 05:59 - 19:00
2 February07:59 - 12:30 - 17:0007:21 - 17:3806:39 - 18:20 05:58 - 19:01
3 February07:57 - 12:30 - 17:0207:19 - 17:4006:37 - 18:22 05:56 - 19:03
4 February07:55 - 12:30 - 17:0407:18 - 17:4206:36 - 18:24 05:55 - 19:05
5 February07:53 - 12:30 - 17:0607:16 - 17:4406:34 - 18:26 05:53 - 19:06

Zarrentin Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zarrentin classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Gasthof am SeeGasthof am See
This family-run guest house in Seedorf lies directly on the Schaalsee Lake in Schleswig-Holstein. Gasthof am See offers a large lakeside terrace and an in-house beauty salon... view more
€ 38
Hotel Hotel Landhaus - WittenburgHotel Landhaus - Wittenburg

Set amid peaceful green landscapes in the town of Wittenburg, this traditional hotel offers cosy accommodation and excellent links with the A24 motorway... view more
€ 67
Hotel Hotel Hamburg-WittenburgHotel Hamburg-Wittenburg

Located in the Van der Valk Alpincenter Hamburg-Wittenburg, this 3-star hotel offers comfortable accommodation and numerous winter sports options on the rural outskirts of Hamburg... view more
€ 77
Hotel Hotel Waldhof auf HerrenlandHotel Waldhof auf Herrenland

Surrounded by beautiful parkland, this 4-star hotel in the peaceful town of Mölln offers fine cuisine and elegant rooms with free Wi-Fi internet access and a flat-screen TV... view more
€ 80
Hotel Hotel WaldhalleHotel Waldhalle

This hotel in Mölln offers free Wi-Fi internet in all areas. It is surrounded by the forest of the Lauenburgische Seen Nature Park, and is just a 1-minute walk from the Schmalsee lake... view more
€ 63
More Hotels »

Zarrentin Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zarrentin and its surroundings.

Forst Testorf 2.9 kmForst Lüttow Kölzin 3.6 kmTiergarten 3.9 km
Kampenwerder 4.8 kmForst Valluhn 5 kmDie Lemmbrach 5 km
Heisterbusch 5.7 kmSeedorfer Forst 6.5 kmSau-Berg 6.5 km
Forst Gallin 6.5 kmSegrahner Berg 6.6 kmLust-Berg 6.6 km
Holzkrug 6.7 kmDer Werder 6.8 kmStichstocken-Berg 7.1 km
Rethwiese 7.6 kmBurg Berg 7.7 kmSchloß Seedorf 7.7 km
Bahnhof Hollenbek 7.8 kmTeufelsbrücke 7.8 kmRosengartener Tannen 7.9 km
Forst Nieklitz 8.2 kmSegrahn 8.3 kmDodower Forst 8.6 km
Seedorfer Werder 9 kmHambäuken-Berg 9.2 kmForst Kogel 9.3 km
Forst Schildfeld 9.5 kmNaturpark Lauenburgische Seen 9.9 kmHell-Berg 9.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant 37.1 kmBrokdorf Nuclear Power Plant 108.9 kmBrunsbüttel Nuclear Power Plant 119.2 km

Zarrentin Page

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DB-City.comZarrentin 3.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page