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  13. Emmerich am Rhein

Emmerich am Rhein

Emmerich am Rhein Localisation : Country Germany, State North Rhine-Westphalia, District Kleve.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bedburg-Hau, Kleve and Oude IJsselstreek.


Find all the information of Emmerich am Rhein or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Emmerich am Rhein Administration

Emmerich am Rhein Code05154008
Emmerich am Rhein Post code46446
Emmerich am Rhein MayorJohannes Diks

Emmerich am Rhein Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Emmerich am Rhein? Here are all the details of Emmerich am Rhein available below.

Emmerich am Rhein Postal addressGeistmarkt 1
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Emmerich am Rhein Phone number02822 750
International: +49 2822 750
Emmerich am Rhein Fax number02822 75500
International: +49 2822 75500
Emmerich am Rhein Email address[email protected]
Emmerich am Rhein Websitewww.emmerich-am-rhein.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Emmerich am Rhein
Emmerich am Rhein Birth certificate, Emmerich am Rhein Death certificate

Emmerich am Rhein Demography

Information on the people and the population of Emmerich am Rhein.

Emmerich am Rhein Population29,571 inhabitants
Emmerich am Rhein Population Density369.1 /km² (955.9 /sq mi)

Emmerich am Rhein Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Emmerich am Rhein.

Emmerich am Rhein Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.8303, Longitude: 6.2425
51° 49′ 49″ North, 6° 14′ 33″ East
Emmerich am Rhein Area8,012 hectares
80.12 km² (30.93 sq mi)
Emmerich am Rhein Altitude17 m (56 ft)
Emmerich am Rhein ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Emmerich am Rhein Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Emmerich am Rhein and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 495 kmHamburg 317 kmMunich 561 km
Cologne 111 kmFrankfurt 256 kmStuttgart 399 km
Düsseldorf 77 kmDortmund 91 kmEssen 68 km closest
Bremen 222 kmDresden 527 kmLeipzig 428 km

Emmerich am Rhein Map

Locate simply the city of Emmerich am Rhein through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Emmerich am Rhein Nearby cities and villages

Bedburg-Hau 8.2 kmKleve 8.8 kmNetherlands Oude IJsselstreek 10.4 km
Kalkar 10.7 kmNetherlands Rijnwaarden 11.7 kmRees 12.9 km
Netherlands Millingen aan de Rijn 13.9 kmNetherlands Doetinchem 15.3 kmIsselburg 15.4 km
Netherlands Zevenaar 15.8 kmKranenburg 16.8 kmGoch 17.2 km

Emmerich am Rhein Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Emmerich am Rhein has international agreements with its different pairings.

Emmerich am Rhein Zone

Time zone of Emmerich am Rhein.

Emmerich am Rhein Local time
Emmerich am Rhein Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Emmerich am Rhein Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Emmerich am Rhein.

Emmerich am Rhein Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Emmerich am Rhein.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 March06:50 - 12:44 - 18:3706:17 - 19:1105:37 - 19:50 04:57 - 20:30
15 March06:48 - 12:43 - 18:3906:14 - 19:1205:35 - 19:52 04:54 - 20:32
16 March06:45 - 12:43 - 18:4106:12 - 19:1405:33 - 19:54 04:52 - 20:34
17 March06:43 - 12:43 - 18:4306:10 - 19:1605:30 - 19:55 04:49 - 20:36
18 March06:41 - 12:43 - 18:4406:07 - 19:1805:28 - 19:57 04:47 - 20:38
19 March06:38 - 12:42 - 18:4606:05 - 19:1905:25 - 19:59 04:44 - 20:40
20 March06:36 - 12:42 - 18:4806:03 - 19:2105:23 - 20:01 04:42 - 20:42

Emmerich am Rhein Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Emmerich am Rhein classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Am PanHotel Am Pan
Set in a quiet location in the heart of Emmerich am Rein, this family run hotel is just 800 metres from the banks of the Rhine River. Warmly decorated rooms feature satellite TV and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 60
Hotel Hotel SocietätHotel Societät

Located just 150 metres from the Rhine Promenade on the edge of Emmerich’s town centre, this hotel offers an in-house massage service, free Wi-Fi access and rental bicycles... view more
€ 58
Hotel Hotel Stadt EmmerichHotel Stadt Emmerich

The Hotel Stadt Emmerich is centrally located between the River Rhine and Emmerich Train Station. The hotel offers a traditional beer garden and free parking on site. Rooms at the Hotel Stadt Emmerich feature satellite TV and a modern bathroom... view more
€ 50
Hotel Bed & Breakfast Haus unter den LindenBed & Breakfast Haus unter den Linden

The Bed&Breakfast Unter den Linden lies in a quiet and green location in Emmerich am Rhein. Themed rooms are a feature of this guest house which is just 1.5 km from the Rhine River... view more
€ 55
Hotel Apartment Emmerich a. Rhein ElsepaßwegApartment Emmerich a. Rhein Elsepaßweg
Apartment Emmerich a. Rhein Elsepaßweg is a self-catering accommodation located in Emmerich. The apartment will provide you a TV, a DVD player and satellite channels.There is a full kitchen with a dishwasher and a microwave... view more
€ 119
More Hotels »

Emmerich am Rhein Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Emmerich am Rhein and its surroundings.

Copray 1.2 kmNagelgründerhof 1.4 kmPrengershof 1.6 km
Roderholthof 1.6 kmHöfel 1.7 kmHahnenkamp 1.7 km
Spitzenhof 2.2 kmJansenhof 2.2 kmHohe Sorge 2.3 km
Werflack 2.8 kmKöstershof 2.9 kmTenhafshof 2.9 km
Kordewerk 3.1 kmKniphof 3.2 kmOsterhof 3.3 km
Schnipperwardshof 3.3 kmHellingshof 3.3 kmDornenbusch 3.4 km
Wesselshof 3.4 kmIngenhof 3.5 kmKibitzwardhof 3.5 km
Müllershof 3.7 kmLoyenhof 3.8 kmKleihof 3.9 km
Lohhof 3.9 kmKämpeshof 4 kmSchapstall 4 km
Hassent 4 kmBosch 4 kmStrohbickshof 4.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 102.6 kmDoel Nuclear Power Station 148.3 km 

Emmerich am Rhein Page

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DB-City.comEmmerich am Rhein 4.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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