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  13. Bad Kreuznach

Bad Kreuznach

Bad Kreuznach Localisation : Country Germany, State Rhineland-Palatinate, District Bad Kreuznach.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Hackenheim, Hargesheim and Rüdesheim am Rhein.


Find all the information of Bad Kreuznach or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Bad Kreuznach Administration

Bad Kreuznach Code07133006
Bad Kreuznach Post code55545
Bad Kreuznach MayorHeike Kaster-Meurer

Bad Kreuznach Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Bad Kreuznach? Here are all the details of Bad Kreuznach available below.

Bad Kreuznach Postal addressHochstraße 48
55545 Bad Kreuznach
Bad Kreuznach Phone number06718 000
International: +49 6718 000
Bad Kreuznach Fax number06718 00345
International: +49 6718 00345
Bad Kreuznach Email addressNot available
Bad Kreuznach Websitewww.stadt-bad-kreuznach.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Bad Kreuznach
Bad Kreuznach Birth certificate, Bad Kreuznach Death certificate

Bad Kreuznach Demography

Information on the people and the population of Bad Kreuznach.

Bad Kreuznach Population43,703 inhabitants
Bad Kreuznach Population Density948.0 /km² (2,455.3 /sq mi)

Bad Kreuznach Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Bad Kreuznach.

Bad Kreuznach Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.8469, Longitude: 7.86694
49° 50′ 49″ North, 7° 52′ 1″ East
Bad Kreuznach Area4,610 hectares
46.10 km² (17.80 sq mi)
Bad Kreuznach Altitude104 m (341 ft)
Bad Kreuznach ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Bad Kreuznach Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Bad Kreuznach and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 488 kmHamburg 438 kmMunich 331 km
Cologne 138 kmFrankfurt 66 km closestStuttgart 153 km
Düsseldorf 172 kmDortmund 188 kmEssen 189 km
Bremen 365 kmDresden 437 kmLeipzig 359 km

Bad Kreuznach Map

Locate simply the city of Bad Kreuznach through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Bad Kreuznach Nearby cities and villages

Bad Kreuznach Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Bad Kreuznach has international agreements with its different pairings.

France Bourg-en-BresseGermany NeuruppinIsrael Kiryat Motzkin

Bad Kreuznach Zone

Time zone of Bad Kreuznach.

Bad Kreuznach Local time
Bad Kreuznach Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Bad Kreuznach Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bad Kreuznach.

Bad Kreuznach Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bad Kreuznach.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February07:51 - 12:42 - 17:3307:17 - 18:0706:39 - 18:45 06:02 - 19:23
8 February07:50 - 12:42 - 17:3507:16 - 18:0906:38 - 18:47 06:00 - 19:24
9 February07:48 - 12:42 - 17:3707:14 - 18:1006:36 - 18:48 05:59 - 19:26
10 February07:46 - 12:42 - 17:3807:13 - 18:1206:35 - 18:50 05:57 - 19:27
11 February07:45 - 12:42 - 17:4007:11 - 18:1306:33 - 18:51 05:56 - 19:29
12 February07:43 - 12:42 - 17:4207:09 - 18:1506:32 - 18:53 05:54 - 19:30
13 February07:41 - 12:42 - 17:4307:08 - 18:1706:30 - 18:54 05:53 - 19:32

Bad Kreuznach Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bad Kreuznach classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Restaurant MühlentorHotel Restaurant Mühlentor

Bad Kreuznach
This traditional 3-star hotel near Bad Kreuznach's spa centre boasts quality cuisine and easy access to attractions including Kauzenburg Castle and the landmark Nahebrücke bridge... view more
€ 55
Hotel Hotel Michel MortHotel Michel Mort

Bad Kreuznach
Our traditional house has a history that spans centuries and is situated directly at the "Eiermarkt" (egg market) in the heart of the old town of Bad Kreuznach... view more
€ 69
Hotel Ferienwohnungen PiesFerienwohnungen Pies
Bad Kreuznach
The Ferienwohnungen Pies offers simple apartments and free parking. They are located near the spa area in Bad Kreuznach, a 5-minute walk from Bad Kreuznach Train Station... view more
€ 40
Hotel Hotel am HolzmarktHotel am Holzmarkt
Bad Kreuznach
Located in the spa town of Bad Kreuznach, this hotel enjoys good public transport connections, and is steps away from the town’s most popular attractions... view more
€ 79
Hotel Sympathie-Hotel FürstenhofSympathie-Hotel Fürstenhof

Bad Kreuznach
This hotel offers comfortable accommodation in the heart of the historic spa town of Bad Kreuznach, close to the Old Town and just a 15-minute walk from the train station... view more
€ 89
More Hotels »

Bad Kreuznach Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bad Kreuznach and its surroundings.

Kloster Berg 1.3 kmKuh Berg 2.4 kmGalgen Berg 2.8 km
Hardt 2.8 kmGutleuthof 2.8 kmHonigberg 3.4 km
Schanzenkopf 3.4 kmBonnheimer Hof 3.6 kmKirch Berg 3.9 km
Gans 3.9 kmDämmer-Berg 3.9 kmSchloß Rheingrafenstein 3.9 km
Naum Berg 4.1 kmKreuzberg 4.3 kmFörsterei Spreitel 4.5 km
Bosenberg 4.7 kmRollarsmühle 5.2 kmHölle Berg 5.2 km
Frenzenberg 5.2 kmZucker Berg 6 kmSchaußmühle 6.1 km
Höning 6.5 kmHaarberg 6.5 kmBirkerhof 6.6 km
Otter Berg 6.8 kmButterberg 7 kmSteigerhof 7 km
Rehkopf 7.2 kmGalgenberg 7.4 kmEichel Berg 7.4 km

Nuclear power plant

Biblis Nuclear Power Plant 42.3 kmPhilippsburg Nuclear Power Plant 77.9 kmCattenom Nuclear Power Plant 128.2 km

Bad Kreuznach Page

Direct link
DB-City.comBad Kreuznach 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page