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  13. Erlbach-Kirchberg


Erlbach-Kirchberg Localisation : Country Germany, State Saxony, District Erzgebirgskreis.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Lugau, Oberlungwitz and Gersdorf.


Find all the information of Erlbach-Kirchberg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Erlbach-Kirchberg Administration

Erlbach-Kirchberg Code14521190
Erlbach-Kirchberg Post code09385
Erlbach-Kirchberg MayorAlexandra Lorenz-Kuniß

Erlbach-Kirchberg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Erlbach-Kirchberg? Here are all the details of Erlbach-Kirchberg available below.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Postal addressObere Hauptstr. 26
09385 Lugau
Erlbach-Kirchberg Phone number03729 52583
International: +49 3729 52583
Erlbach-Kirchberg Fax number03729 55243
International: +49 3729 55243
Erlbach-Kirchberg Email address[email protected]
Erlbach-Kirchberg Websitewww.erlbach-kirchberg.info
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Erlbach-Kirchberg
Erlbach-Kirchberg Birth certificate, Erlbach-Kirchberg Death certificate

Erlbach-Kirchberg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Erlbach-Kirchberg.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Population1,719 inhabitants
Erlbach-Kirchberg Population Density108.2 /km² (280.4 /sq mi)

Erlbach-Kirchberg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Erlbach-Kirchberg.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.7667, Longitude: 12.7667
50° 46′ 0″ North, 12° 46′ 0″ East
Erlbach-Kirchberg Area1,588 hectares
15.88 km² (6.13 sq mi)
Erlbach-Kirchberg Altitude350 m (1,148 ft)
Erlbach-Kirchberg ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Erlbach-Kirchberg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Erlbach-Kirchberg and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 200 kmHamburg 363 kmMunich 305 km
Cologne 409 kmFrankfurt 298 kmStuttgart 340 km
Düsseldorf 422 kmDortmund 379 kmEssen 409 km
Bremen 374 kmDresden 75 kmLeipzig 69 km closest

Erlbach-Kirchberg Map

Locate simply the city of Erlbach-Kirchberg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Nearby cities and villages

Erlbach-Kirchberg Zone

Time zone of Erlbach-Kirchberg.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Local time
Erlbach-Kirchberg Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Erlbach-Kirchberg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Erlbach-Kirchberg.

Erlbach-Kirchberg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Erlbach-Kirchberg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February07:42 - 12:22 - 17:0207:07 - 17:3706:28 - 18:17 05:49 - 18:55
3 February07:41 - 12:22 - 17:0407:05 - 17:3906:26 - 18:18 05:48 - 18:57
4 February07:39 - 12:22 - 17:0607:04 - 17:4106:25 - 18:20 05:47 - 18:58
5 February07:37 - 12:22 - 17:0707:03 - 17:4206:23 - 18:21 05:45 - 19:00
6 February07:36 - 12:22 - 17:0907:01 - 17:4406:22 - 18:23 05:44 - 19:01
7 February07:34 - 12:23 - 17:1106:59 - 17:4606:20 - 18:25 05:42 - 19:03
8 February07:32 - 12:23 - 17:1306:58 - 17:4706:19 - 18:26 05:41 - 19:04

Erlbach-Kirchberg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Erlbach-Kirchberg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel AbendrothHotel Abendroth

This 3-star hotel in Chemnitz's Mittelbach district offers a quiet location, free internet, and a rich breakfast buffet each morning. The city centre is 8 km away. The family-run Hotel Abendroth is set in a half-timbered building... view more
€ 59
Hotel Hotel VinumHotel Vinum
Boasting a large selection of wines and a quiet rural setting, this hotel in Niederwürschnitz enjoys quick access to the cities of Chemnitz and Zwickau, and Saxony’s Erzgebirge mountain range... view more
€ 62
Hotel Gasthaus Stadt ChemnitzGasthaus Stadt Chemnitz

This traditional guest house in Hohenstein-Ernstthal features free Wi-Fi and an automatic bowling alley. Guests enjoy comfortably furnished rooms and a small ice-cream café on site... view more
€ 37
Hotel Grünaer HofGrünaer Hof

Set at the foot of the Ore Mountain woodlands, this 3-star hotel in Grüna offers easy connections to the city of Chemnitz. The hotel’s comfortable rooms include en suite facilities and free internet access... view more
€ 43
Hotel Hotel FolklorehofHotel Folklorehof
Housed in a 16th-century timber-framed building, this hotel enjoys a peaceful location in Chemnitz’s Grüna district. It offers a traditional restaurant and country-style rooms with free Wi-Fi access... view more
€ 54
More Hotels »

Erlbach-Kirchberg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Erlbach-Kirchberg and its surroundings.

Haltepunkt Lugau 0.6 kmSteegenwald 2.4 kmStein-Berg 3.9 km
Neukirchener Wald 5.9 kmLerchen-Berg 6.2 kmBahnhof Oelsnitz 6.3 km
Totenstein 6.5 kmHauwald 6.6 kmBürgerwald 6.8 km
Langenberger Höhe 6.9 kmHainholz 6.9 kmLutherhöhe 6.9 km
Galgenberg 7.2 kmHaderwald 7.3 kmSilberberg 7.5 km
Forst Stollberg 7.5 kmFeldhäuser 7.5 kmWaldesruh 7.6 km
Stein-Berg 7.8 kmKapellen-Berg 7.8 kmStein-Berg 7.9 km
Am Schafgarten 8 kmForst Oberwald 8.1 kmWüste Mark Wittendorf 8.2 km
Chemnitz-Berg 8.6 kmHeiterer Blick 9.1 kmLindenberg 9.4 km
Steinberg 9.4 kmNeudörfler Wald 9.6 kmGalgenberg 9.8 km

Erlbach-Kirchberg Page

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DB-City.comErlbach-Kirchberg 4.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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