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  13. Werben (Elbe)

Werben (Elbe)

Werben (Elbe) Localisation : Country Germany, State Saxony-Anhalt, District Stendal.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Legde/Quitzöbel, Havelberg and Altmärkische Wische.


Find all the information of Werben (Elbe) or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Werben (Elbe) Administration

Werben (Elbe) Code15090610
Werben (Elbe) Post code39615
Werben (Elbe) MayorVolkmar Haase

Werben (Elbe) Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Werben (Elbe)? Here are all the details of Werben (Elbe) available below.

Werben (Elbe) Postal addressAn der Zuckerfabrik 1
39596 Goldbeck
Werben (Elbe) Phone number03938 89710
International: +49 3938 89710
Werben (Elbe) Fax number03938 897169
International: +49 3938 897169
Werben (Elbe) Email address[email protected]
Werben (Elbe) Websitewww.werben-elbe.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Werben (Elbe)
Werben (Elbe) Birth certificate, Werben (Elbe) Death certificate

Werben (Elbe) Demography

Information on the people and the population of Werben (Elbe).

Werben (Elbe) Population1,235 inhabitants
Werben (Elbe) Population Density23.1 /km² (59.9 /sq mi)

Werben (Elbe) Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Werben (Elbe).

Werben (Elbe) Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.8611, Longitude: 11.9825
52° 51′ 40″ North, 11° 58′ 57″ East
Werben (Elbe) Area5,337 hectares
53.37 km² (20.61 sq mi)
Werben (Elbe) Altitude28 m (92 ft)
Werben (Elbe) ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Werben (Elbe) Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Werben (Elbe) and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 103 km closestHamburg 153 kmMunich 527 km
Cologne 406 kmFrankfurt 382 kmStuttgart 495 km
Düsseldorf 400 kmDortmund 343 kmEssen 373 km
Bremen 214 kmDresden 235 kmLeipzig 171 km

Werben (Elbe) Map

Locate simply the city of Werben (Elbe) through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Werben (Elbe) Nearby cities and villages

Legde/Quitzöbel 6.3 kmHavelberg 7.4 kmAltmärkische Wische 7.7 km
Iden 9.7 kmSandau 9.8 kmRühstädt 9.9 km
Bad Wilsnack 10.1 kmPlattenburg 12.2 kmHohenberg-Krusemark 15.1 km
Kamern 15.3 kmSeehausen 15.6 kmBreddin 15.9 km

Werben (Elbe) Zone

Time zone of Werben (Elbe).

Werben (Elbe) Local time
Werben (Elbe) Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Werben (Elbe) Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Werben (Elbe).

Werben (Elbe) Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Werben (Elbe).

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 February07:28 - 12:26 - 17:2406:52 - 17:5906:12 - 18:39 05:32 - 19:19
16 February07:26 - 12:26 - 17:2606:50 - 18:0106:10 - 18:41 05:30 - 19:21
17 February07:24 - 12:26 - 17:2706:48 - 18:0306:08 - 18:43 05:28 - 19:23
18 February07:22 - 12:25 - 17:2906:46 - 18:0506:06 - 18:45 05:26 - 19:24
19 February07:19 - 12:25 - 17:3106:44 - 18:0606:04 - 18:46 05:24 - 19:26
20 February07:17 - 12:25 - 17:3306:42 - 18:0806:02 - 18:48 05:22 - 19:28
21 February07:15 - 12:25 - 17:3506:40 - 18:1006:00 - 18:50 05:20 - 19:30

Werben (Elbe) Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Werben (Elbe) classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Gasthaus MühlenholzGasthaus Mühlenholz
A historic building dating from 1886, this traditional hotel is 500 metres from the River Elbe and 1.5 km from Havelberg town centre. Gasthaus Mühlenholz offers free WiFi and an à la carte restaurant... view more
€ 30
Hotel ARTHOTEL KiebitzbergARTHOTEL Kiebitzberg

Located along the River Havel in green and peaceful Havelberg, this hotel features its own boat hire service and modern rooms with a flat-screen TV. Free WiFi is provided... view more
€ 95
Hotel Wellnesshotel LegdeWellnesshotel Legde

Offering an indoor pool, sauna and massage facilities, this family-run hotel in Legde lies only 4 km from River Elbe. Other features include a skittle alley and free on-site parking... view more
€ 47
Hotel Pension DürkopPension Dürkop
Pension Dürkop is situated in Havelberg, a 15-minute walk from the banks of the River Havel. The guest house includes a terrace with outdoor dining facilities, and free WiFi is available... view more
€ 35
Hotel Schloss-gut-Hotel Schloss- und Wellnesshotel RühstädtSchloss-gut-Hotel Schloss- und Wellnesshotel Rühstädt
This hotel has been lovingly renovated and is situated in the town of Rühstadt, famous for its many storks. It is in the district of Prignitz, around 7 km from the spa resort of Bad Wilsnack... view more
€ 69
More Hotels »

Werben (Elbe) Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Werben (Elbe) and its surroundings.

Neu Goldbeck 2.3 kmPaschenwerder 2.4 kmUnterwerder 2.7 km
Räbelscher Werder 3.6 kmZagenwerder 4.1 kmSühre 4.2 km
Römerwerder 5.5 kmJäger-Berg 5.7 kmMövenwerder 5.8 km
Försterei Kannenberg 6.8 kmFriedrichswalder Forst 7.1 kmHohehof 7.2 km
Sandauer Wald 7.4 kmWeinberge 7.4 kmSanssouci 7.5 km
Wische 7.8 kmLinden-Berg 8 kmFörsterei Sandau 8.2 km
Voßhof 8.7 kmFörsterei Rothehaus 9.2 kmDornwerder Märsche 9.3 km
Arnoldsruh 9.3 kmIm Glien 9.6 kmGroßer Linden-Berg 10 km
Heu-Berge 10.2 kmHolländerei 10.4 kmDammkath 10.5 km
Hermshof 10.6 kmRoggerholz 11 kmHörstel 11 km

Nuclear power plant

Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant 121.6 km  

Werben (Elbe) Page

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DB-City.comWerben (Elbe) 4.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page