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  11. Kastellorizo


Kastellorizo Localisation : Country Greece, Region South Aegean.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kaş.


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Update data

RegionSouth Aegean

Kastellorizo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kastellorizo.

Kastellorizo Population403 inhabitants
Kastellorizo Population Density33.6 /km² (87.1 /sq mi)

Kastellorizo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kastellorizo.

Kastellorizo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 36.1495, Longitude: 29.5934
36° 8′ 58″ North, 29° 35′ 36″ East
Kastellorizo Area1,198 hectares
11.98 km² (4.63 sq mi)
Kastellorizo Altitude12 m (39 ft)
Kastellorizo ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Kastellorizo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kastellorizo and the biggest cities of Greece.

Athens 559 kmThessaloniki 765 kmPatras 735 km
Piraeus 565 kmHeraklion 412 kmPeristeri 564 km
Larissa 740 kmVolos 686 kmRhodes 127 km closest
Kallithea 561 kmNikaia-Agios Ioannis Rentis 567 kmCorfu 933 km

Kastellorizo Map

Locate simply the city of Kastellorizo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kastellorizo Nearby cities and villages

Turkey Kaş 7.3 km

Kastellorizo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Kastellorizo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Kastellorizo Zone

Time zone of Kastellorizo.

Kastellorizo Local time
Kastellorizo Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Istanbul)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Kastellorizo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kastellorizo.

Kastellorizo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kastellorizo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February06:00 - 11:15 - 16:3005:33 - 16:5705:03 - 17:27 04:32 - 17:57
4 February05:59 - 11:15 - 16:3105:32 - 16:5805:02 - 17:28 04:32 - 17:58
5 February05:58 - 11:15 - 16:3205:32 - 16:5905:01 - 17:29 04:31 - 17:59
6 February05:57 - 11:15 - 16:3305:31 - 17:0005:00 - 17:30 04:30 - 18:00
7 February05:56 - 11:15 - 16:3405:30 - 17:0104:59 - 17:31 04:29 - 18:01
8 February05:55 - 11:15 - 16:3505:29 - 17:0204:59 - 17:32 04:29 - 18:02
9 February05:55 - 11:15 - 16:3605:28 - 17:0304:58 - 17:33 04:28 - 18:03

Kastellorizo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kastellorizo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Megisti HotelMegisti Hotel

Designed in absolute harmony with the island’s breathtaking natural surroundings, this hotel provides spectacular views of the cape and the harbour... view more
Hotel PoseidonPoseidon
Housed in a neoclassical building and just 30 metres from the beach, the seafront Poseidon is 300 metres from the main port in Kastelorizo. The studios are equipped with dark wood furnishings, free Wi-Fi and a balcony or terrace... view more
€ 45
Hotel The Kresten Royal Villas & SpaThe Kresten Royal Villas & Spa

Kallithea Rhodes
Standing on the hillside of Kallithea, the Kresten Royal Villas & Spa offers a private beach and 5-star accommodation with private pools and sea views. It features a complete spa centre that includes a fully equipped gymnasium... view more
Hotel Kresten PalaceKresten Palace

Kallithea Rhodes
Set in 60,000 square metres of extensive gardens dotted with palm trees, the 4-star Kresten Palace Hotel is situated in Kallithea, in Rhodes. It offers a private beach and a spacious swimming pool complex... view more
Hotel Lomeniz BlueLomeniz Blue

Kallithea Rhodes
Lomeniz Blue is an eco-friendly hotel sitting at the edge of Kavourakia Bay and offering rooms with a private balcony or terrace, and free Wi-Fi. It has a large pool and features a private section on the beach and a beach bar-restaurant... view more
More Hotels »

Kastellorizo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kastellorizo and its surroundings.

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