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Country | Guyana |
Region | Barima-Waini |
Port Kaituma Demography
Information on the people and the population of Port Kaituma.
Port Kaituma Population | 1,152 inhabitants |
Port Kaituma Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Port Kaituma.
Port Kaituma Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 7.72608, Longitude: -59.884 7° 43′ 34″ North, 59° 53′ 2″ West |
Port Kaituma Altitude | 9 m (30 ft) |
Port Kaituma Climate | Tropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af) |
Port Kaituma Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Port Kaituma and the biggest cities of Guyana.
Georgetown 217 km | Linden 260 km | New Amsterdam 309 km |
Corriverton 366 km | Bartica 203 km | Rose Hall 324 km |
Triumph 226 km | Mahdia 286 km | Anna Regina 163 km |
Lethem 484 km | Mabaruma 54 km closest | Vreed en Hoop 214 km |
Port Kaituma Map
Locate simply the city of Port Kaituma through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Port Kaituma Nearby cities and villages
Jonestown 3.4 km |
Port Kaituma Zone
Time zone of Port Kaituma.
Port Kaituma Local time | |
Port Kaituma Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Guyana) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Port Kaituma Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Port Kaituma.
Port Kaituma Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Port Kaituma.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 11:16 - 17:07 - 22:58 | 10:53 - 23:21 | 10:28 - 23:47 | 10:02 - 00:13 |
12 January | 11:16 - 17:08 - 22:59 | 10:54 - 23:21 | 10:28 - 23:47 | 10:02 - 00:13 |
13 January | 11:16 - 17:08 - 22:59 | 10:54 - 23:22 | 10:28 - 23:48 | 10:02 - 00:13 |
14 January | 11:17 - 17:08 - 23:00 | 10:54 - 23:22 | 10:29 - 23:48 | 10:03 - 00:14 |
15 January | 11:17 - 17:09 - 23:00 | 10:55 - 23:23 | 10:29 - 23:48 | 10:03 - 00:14 |
16 January | 11:17 - 17:09 - 23:01 | 10:55 - 23:23 | 10:29 - 23:49 | 10:03 - 00:14 |
17 January | 11:17 - 17:09 - 23:01 | 10:55 - 23:23 | 10:29 - 23:49 | 10:04 - 00:15 |
Port Kaituma Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Port Kaituma classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Lake Mainstay Resort Danielstown On the shore of a freshwater lake, next to an Amerindian Village, and 300 metres from an organic pineapple farm, Lake Mainstay Resort offers self-contained cabins with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi in Essequibo... view more | from $US 49 | |
Halito Hotel & Residence Georgetown Featuring a bar, a restaurant, and a business centre, Halito Hotel & Residence offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance and security system in Georgetown. Free private parking is available on site... view more | from $US 99 | |
Hotel Princess Raven Georgetown Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Georgetown, 5 km from the commercial area. A continental breakfast is served daily and private parking is free. Hotel Princess Raven has colourful rooms with air conditioning and cable TV... view more | from $US 60 | |
Princess Hotel Guyana Georgetown Boasting a swimming pool, a casino and a spa, Princess Hotel Guyana offers stylish accommodation in East Bank Demerara. Breakfast is provided, and a there is a restaurant. The city centre is 11 km away... view more | from $US 120 | |
More Hotels » |
Port Kaituma Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Port Kaituma and its surroundings.
Port Kaituma Page
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