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  13. Vadna


Vadna Localisation : Country Hungary, Comitatus Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Kazincbarcika.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sajókaza, Sajógalgóc and Nagybarca.


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Vadna Administration

Vadna Post code3636

Vadna Demography

Information on the people and the population of Vadna.

Vadna Population623 inhabitants
Vadna Population Density79.8 /km² (206.6 /sq mi)

Vadna Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Vadna.

Vadna Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.273, Longitude: 20.5527
48° 16′ 23″ North, 20° 33′ 10″ East
Vadna Area781 hectares
7.81 km² (3.02 sq mi)
Vadna Altitude141 m (463 ft)
Vadna ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Vadna Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Vadna and the biggest cities of Hungary.

Budapest 142 kmDebrecen 116 kmSzeged 227 km
Miskolc 26 km closestPécs 306 kmGyőr 227 km
Nyíregyháza 94 kmKecskemét 165 kmSzékesfehérvár 200 km
Szombathely 315 kmSzolnok 125 kmÉrd 157 km

Vadna Map

Locate simply the city of Vadna through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Vadna Nearby cities and villages

Vadna Zone

Time zone of Vadna.

Vadna Local time
Vadna Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Budapest)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Vadna Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Vadna.

Vadna Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Vadna.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March05:37 - 11:44 - 17:5105:06 - 18:2204:30 - 18:59 03:52 - 19:37
22 March05:35 - 11:44 - 17:5305:04 - 18:2404:27 - 19:01 03:49 - 19:39
23 March05:33 - 11:44 - 17:5405:02 - 18:2504:25 - 19:02 03:47 - 19:41
24 March05:31 - 11:43 - 17:5605:00 - 18:2704:23 - 19:04 03:45 - 19:42
25 March05:29 - 11:43 - 17:5704:58 - 18:2804:21 - 19:06 03:42 - 19:44
26 March05:27 - 11:43 - 17:5904:56 - 18:3004:19 - 19:07 03:40 - 19:46
27 March05:25 - 11:43 - 18:0004:54 - 18:3204:16 - 19:09 03:37 - 19:48

Vadna Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Vadna classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ambrózia Étterem és PanzióAmbrózia Étterem és Panzió

Situated in the centre of Kazincbarcika, Ambrózia Étterem és Panzió offers air-conditioned rooms, a restaurant with Hungarian and international cuisine and free private parking. Wi-Fi is available... view more
€ 30
Hotel Hotel LukácsHotel Lukács

Featuring a seasonal outdoor pool and a tennis court, Hotel Lukács offers air-conditioned accommodation with free Wi-Fi and a TV. It houses a restaurant and a beauty salon, as well as a bar with darts and billiards... view more
€ 29
Hotel Hotel BorsodchemHotel Borsodchem

Hotel Borsodchem is located in the city of Kazincbarcika at the foot of Bükk Mountains and features a sauna, a hot tub, a solarium and a gym, as well as a restaurant with a summer terrace. All rooms have a minibar, a cable TV and a private bathroom... view more
€ 35
Hotel Fónagy VendégházFónagy Vendégház
Set in Nagyvisnyó, in the Bükki National Park Area, Fónagy Vendégház features free WiFi, apartments with cable TV and a garden with fishing pond. The house is surrounded by nature and forests... view more
€ 24
Hotel Csikász VendégházCsikász Vendégház
Csikász Vendégház is located peacefully in Nagyvisnyó, 2 km from Bükki National Park. It features free private parking, and a furnished terrace in the garden with barbecue facilities... view more
€ 55
More Hotels »

Vadna Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Vadna and its surroundings.

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DB-City.comVadna 2.5/5 (2021-09-07 14:52:17)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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