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  13. Kerecsend


Kerecsend Localisation : Country Hungary, Comitatus Heves, Eger.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Demjén, Maklár and Nagytálya.


Find all the information of Kerecsend or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Kerecsend Administration

Kerecsend Post code3396

Kerecsend Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kerecsend.

Kerecsend Population2,307 inhabitants
Kerecsend Population Density93.9 /km² (243.1 /sq mi)

Kerecsend Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kerecsend.

Kerecsend Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.796, Longitude: 20.343
47° 47′ 46″ North, 20° 20′ 35″ East
Kerecsend Area2,458 hectares
24.58 km² (9.49 sq mi)
Kerecsend Altitude129 m (423 ft)
Kerecsend ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Kerecsend Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kerecsend and the biggest cities of Hungary.

Budapest 103 kmDebrecen 102 kmSzeged 173 km
Miskolc 47 km closestPécs 255 kmGyőr 203 km
Nyíregyháza 104 kmKecskemét 110 kmSzékesfehérvár 159 km
Szombathely 286 kmSzolnok 70 kmÉrd 117 km

Kerecsend Map

Locate simply the city of Kerecsend through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kerecsend Nearby cities and villages

Demjén 3.8 kmMaklár 5.2 kmNagytálya 6 km
Füzesabony 7 kmAndornaktálya 7.5 kmEgerszalók 7.9 km
Tófalu 8.2 kmFeldebrő 8.2 kmKápolna 8.3 km
Aldebrő 8.5 kmKompolt 9.1 kmKál 9.4 km

Kerecsend Zone

Time zone of Kerecsend.

Kerecsend Local time
Kerecsend Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Budapest)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Kerecsend Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kerecsend.

Kerecsend Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kerecsend.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 February06:47 - 11:52 - 16:5806:15 - 17:3005:39 - 18:06 05:03 - 18:42
14 February06:45 - 11:52 - 16:5906:13 - 17:3105:37 - 18:07 05:01 - 18:43
15 February06:43 - 11:52 - 17:0106:12 - 17:3305:36 - 18:09 05:00 - 18:45
16 February06:42 - 11:52 - 17:0206:10 - 17:3405:34 - 18:10 04:58 - 18:46
17 February06:40 - 11:52 - 17:0406:09 - 17:3605:32 - 18:12 04:57 - 18:47
18 February06:38 - 11:52 - 17:0606:07 - 17:3705:31 - 18:13 04:55 - 18:49
19 February06:37 - 11:52 - 17:0706:05 - 17:3905:29 - 18:15 04:53 - 18:50

Kerecsend Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kerecsend classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Kerecsendi MalomparkKerecsendi Malompark
Kerecsendi Malompark in Kerecsend offers a garden with barbecue facilities, as well as a shared lounge and kitchen for guests. Free parking is possible on site. The rooms have wooden floors and a dining table... view more
€ 48
Hotel Egri Korona Borház és Wellness HotelEgri Korona Borház és Wellness Hotel
Surrounded by a 50-hectare vineyard, the Egri Korona Borház features a gourmet restaurant, its own wine shop and an outdoor pool with thermal water. It offers free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
€ 74
Hotel Halász VendégházHalász Vendégház
Situated in Demjén, a 1-minute drive from the town´s thermal bath, Halász Vendégház offers self-catering accommodation with free WiFi, a terrace, a garden with barbecue facilities and a restaurant. Free parking spaces can be found on site... view more
€ 24
Hotel Tímea VendégházTímea Vendégház
Tímea Vendégház provides a garden with barbecue facilities and en-suite rooms with terrace, cable TV and free WiFi, 600 metres from the thermal bath in Demjén... view more
€ 29
Hotel Kisközi VendegházKisközi Vendegház
A 2-minute drive from the Demjén Thermal Bath and Aquapark, Kisközi Vendegház offers a garden with a covered terrace and barbecue facilities. The hot springs in Egerszalók are 4 km away... view more
€ 30
More Hotels »

Kerecsend Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kerecsend and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant 149.8 km  

Kerecsend Page

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