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  13. Hort


Hort Localisation : Country Hungary, Comitatus Heves, Hatvan.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ecséd, Csány and Hatvan.


Find all the information of Hort or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Hort Administration

Hort Post code3014

Hort Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hort.

Hort Population3,634 inhabitants
Hort Population Density84.3 /km² (218.4 /sq mi)

Hort Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hort.

Hort Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.69, Longitude: 19.78
47° 41′ 24″ North, 19° 46′ 48″ East
Hort Area4,309 hectares
43.09 km² (16.64 sq mi)
Hort Altitude133 m (436 ft)
Hort ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Hort Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hort and the biggest cities of Hungary.

Budapest 59 km closestDebrecen 141 kmSzeged 163 km
Miskolc 88 kmPécs 220 kmGyőr 161 km
Nyíregyháza 148 kmKecskemét 87 kmSzékesfehérvár 116 km
Szombathely 242 kmSzolnok 65 kmÉrd 73 km

Hort Map

Locate simply the city of Hort through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hort Nearby cities and villages

Ecséd 4.6 kmCsány 6 kmHatvan 8.6 km
Atkár 9 kmLőrinci 9.3 kmNagyréde 10.1 km
Petőfibánya 10.3 kmRózsaszentmárton 10.9 kmVámosgyörk 10.9 km
Heréd 11.3 kmBoldog 11.9 kmJászágó 11.9 km

Hort Zone

Time zone of Hort.

Hort Local time
Hort Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Budapest)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Hort Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hort.

Hort Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hort.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 February06:49 - 11:55 - 17:0006:17 - 17:3205:41 - 18:08 05:05 - 18:44
14 February06:47 - 11:55 - 17:0206:15 - 17:3405:39 - 18:10 05:04 - 18:45
15 February06:46 - 11:54 - 17:0306:14 - 17:3505:38 - 18:11 05:02 - 18:47
16 February06:44 - 11:54 - 17:0506:12 - 17:3705:36 - 18:13 05:01 - 18:48
17 February06:42 - 11:54 - 17:0706:11 - 17:3805:35 - 18:14 04:59 - 18:50
18 February06:40 - 11:54 - 17:0806:09 - 17:4005:33 - 18:15 04:57 - 18:51
19 February06:39 - 11:54 - 17:1006:07 - 17:4105:31 - 18:17 04:56 - 18:53

Hort Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hort classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sebestyén Motel-ApartmanházSebestyén Motel-Apartmanház
Offering free shuttle service within Hatvan and free WiFi, Sebestyén Motel-Apartmanház is 4,200 metres from the Thermal Spa, and it has a garden with a terrace and barbecue facilities. Guests can start their day with a breakfast every morning... view more
€ 49
Hotel Motel 60Motel 60
Motel 60 in Hatvan features a bar and air-conditioned rooms with cable TV, as well as free WiFi and free shuttle services within the town. The thermal baths are 1.5 km away... view more
€ 35
Hotel Kavalkád PanzióKavalkád Panzió
Peacefully located on the outskirts of Gyöngyös, 600 metres from the thermal bath, Kavalkád Panzió offers accommodation units with a TV and an on-site restaurant. Free WiFi is available. All rooms and suites are coming with wooden floor... view more
€ 30
Hotel Fenyőharaszt KastélyszállóFenyőharaszt Kastélyszálló

Set amidst a large park with an outdoor pool, Fenyőharaszt Kastélyszálló offers elegant rooms and suites with free Wi-Fi and a wellness area with free use of the sauna and hot tub. The restaurant serves Hungarian specialities... view more
€ 71
Hotel Hotel Opal SuperiorHotel Opal Superior

Located just 10 minutes from the centre of Gyöngyös, in a quiet area, Hotel Opal Superior features modernly furnished apartments and rooms and a wellness centre featuring a sauna, a hot tub, and a modern gym... view more
€ 40
More Hotels »

Hort Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hort and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant 117.5 kmPaks Nuclear Power Plant 142.8 km 

Hort Page

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