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Téhéran Localisation : Country Iran, Province Tehran, Prefecture Tehran.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Weather.
Nearby cities and villages : Golestan, Ray and Chahardangeh.


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Téhéran Administration

Téhéran MayorMohammad Bagher Ghalibaf

Téhéran Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Téhéran? Here are all the details of Téhéran available below.

Téhéran Postal addressنازی آباد
Téhéran Phone number2155166677
International: +98 2155166677
Téhéran Fax number2155812126
International: +98 2155812126
Téhéran Email address[email protected]
Téhéran Websitewww.tehran.ir
Téhéran Birth certificate, Téhéran Death certificate

Téhéran Demography

Information on the people and the population of Téhéran.

Téhéran Population8,429,807 inhabitants
Téhéran Population Density12,288.3 /km² (31,826.7 /sq mi)

Téhéran Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Téhéran.

Téhéran Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.6966, Longitude: 51.4215
35° 41′ 48″ North, 51° 25′ 17″ East
Téhéran Area68,600 hectares
686.00 km² (264.87 sq mi)
Téhéran AltitudeMinimum 1,100 m, Maximum 1,200 m, Average 1,150 m
Téhéran ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Téhéran Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Téhéran and the biggest cities of Iran.

Mechhed 740 kmIspahan 340 kmKaradj 42 km closest
Chiraz 686 kmTabriz 529 kmQom 127 km
Ahvaz 550 kmKermanshah 426 kmOurmia 604 km
Racht 240 kmZahedan 1123 kmKerman 800 km

Téhéran Map

Locate simply the city of Téhéran through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Téhéran Nearby cities and villages

Golestan 9.9 kmRay 11.8 kmChahardangeh 14.5 km
Baqershahr 18.3 kmAhmadabad-e Mostowfi 20 km

Téhéran Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Téhéran has international agreements with its different pairings.

Téhéran Zone

Time zone of Téhéran.

Téhéran Local time
Téhéran Time zoneUTC +3:30 (Asia/Tehran)
Summer time UTC +4:30
Winter time UTC +3:30

Téhéran Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Téhéran.

Téhéran Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Téhéran.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
10 February04:26 - 09:48 - 15:1003:59 - 15:3703:29 - 16:07 02:59 - 16:37
11 February04:25 - 09:48 - 15:1103:58 - 15:3803:28 - 16:08 02:59 - 16:38
12 February04:24 - 09:48 - 15:1203:57 - 15:3903:27 - 16:09 02:58 - 16:38
13 February04:22 - 09:48 - 15:1303:56 - 15:4003:26 - 16:10 02:57 - 16:39
14 February04:21 - 09:48 - 15:1403:55 - 15:4103:25 - 16:11 02:56 - 16:40
15 February04:20 - 09:48 - 15:1503:54 - 15:4103:24 - 16:11 02:55 - 16:41
16 February04:19 - 09:48 - 15:1603:53 - 15:4203:23 - 16:12 02:54 - 16:42

Téhéran Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Téhéran and its surroundings.

Téhéran Page

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