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  13. Santo Stefano in Aspromonte

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Localisation : Country Italy, Region Calabria, Province Reggio Calabria.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sant'Alessio in Aspromonte, Laganadi and Calanna.


Find all the information of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

ProvinceReggio Calabria

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Administration

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Code (ISTAT)080083
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Post code89057
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte MayorFrancesco Malara

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte? Here are all the details of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte available below.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Postal addressVia Domenico Morabito, 25
89057 Santo Stefano in Aspromonte (RC)
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Phone number0965-740581
International: +39 0965-740581
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Fax number0965-740478
International: +39 0965-740478
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Email addressNot available
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Websitewww.comune.santostefanoinaspromonte.rc.it
Other informationComune Italia : Santo Stefano in Aspromonte
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Birth certificate, Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Death certificate

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Demography

Information on the people and the population of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Population1,247 inhabitants
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Population Density70.5 /km² (182.5 /sq mi)

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 38.1703, Longitude: 15.7901
38° 10′ 13″ North, 15° 47′ 24″ East
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Area1,770 hectares
17.70 km² (6.83 sq mi)
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte AltitudeMinimum 500 m, Maximum 1 m, Average 251 m
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Santo Stefano in Aspromonte and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 500 kmMilan 979 kmNaples 325 km
Turin 1021 kmPalermo 213 kmGenoa 900 km
Bologna 796 kmFlorence 730 kmBari 342 km
Catania 97 km closestVenice 858 kmVerona 901 km

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Map

Locate simply the city of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Nearby cities and villages

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Zone

Time zone of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Local time
Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Santo Stefano in Aspromonte.

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Santo Stefano in Aspromonte.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
27 November06:50 - 11:44 - 16:3806:22 - 17:0705:49 - 17:39 05:17 - 18:11
28 November06:51 - 11:44 - 16:3706:23 - 17:0605:50 - 17:39 05:18 - 18:11
29 November06:52 - 11:45 - 16:3706:24 - 17:0605:51 - 17:39 05:19 - 18:10
30 November06:53 - 11:45 - 16:3706:24 - 17:0605:52 - 17:39 05:20 - 18:10
1 December06:54 - 11:46 - 16:3706:25 - 17:0605:53 - 17:38 05:21 - 18:10
2 December06:55 - 11:46 - 16:3706:26 - 17:0605:54 - 17:38 05:22 - 18:10
3 December06:56 - 11:46 - 16:3606:27 - 17:0505:54 - 17:38 05:22 - 18:10

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Santo Stefano in Aspromonte classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Il Bucaneve - Casa Vacanze GambarieIl Bucaneve - Casa Vacanze Gambarie
Gambarie dʼAspromonte
Located in Gambarie di Santo Stefano, in the Aspromonte National Park, Il Bucaneve - Casa Vacanze Gambarie is 500 metres from the Gambarie ski lifts. The property is 26 km from Reggio Calabria... view more
€ 100
Hotel Park Hotel BellavistaPark Hotel Bellavista

Gambarie dʼAspromonte
Set at the foot of Monte Scirocco, Park Hotel Bellavista is in Gambarie in the heart of Aspromonte National Park. It has its own garden and reception and living room both with fireplace. Rooms are furnished in a traditional country style... view more
Hotel Hotel CentraleHotel Centrale

Gambarie dʼAspromonte
Set at the foot of Mount Scirocco, this stone and wood building is within the Parco Nazionale dell'Aspromonte national park. The rooms are furnished in a rustic style, and offer free Wi-Fi. The bus to Reggio Calabria stops outside the property... view more
€ 60
Hotel Hotel ExcelsiorHotel Excelsior

Gambarie dʼAspromonte
Featuring a garden with BBQ facilities and free Wi-Fi access throughout, Hotel Excelsior offers rooms in Gambarie D’Aspromonte. Guests can also play billiards and darts on site. Free private parking is available... view more
€ 90
Hotel Hotel MiramontiHotel Miramonti

Gambarie dʼAspromonte
Located just opposite Puntone Scirocco ski lift, Hotel Miramonti is in Gambarie, in the Aspromonte National Park. It offers free Wi-Fi in public areas, an indoor pool and complete wellness facilities... view more
€ 80
More Hotels »

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Santo Stefano in Aspromonte and its surroundings.

Piani d’ Aspromonte 5 kmPiani dell’ Aspromonte 5 kmPiani di Aspromonte 5 km
Monte Cendri 7.9 kmCantoniera Croce di Romeo 9.4 kmRifugio Croce di Romeo 9.4 km
Croce di Romeo 9.4 kmCapo Paci 11 kmMonte Cocuzza 11.1 km
Montalto 11.1 kmTorre Cavallo 11.9 kmSinopoli San Procopio 12.7 km
Stazione Sinopoli San Procopio 12.7 kmStazione Villa San Giovanni 14.7 kmVilla San Giovanni 14.7 km
Stazione Villa San Giovanni Marittima 14.7 kmStazione Navi Traghetto 14.7 kmPunta Pezzo 15.4 km
Pezzo Punta 15.4 kmPelorus 16.3 kmPunta del Faro 16.3 km
Capo Peloro 16.3 kmTorre Bianca 17.4 kmAspromonte 18.4 km
Secca Point 18.4 kmPunta Secca 18.4 kmCitadel 19.6 km
Stazione Messina Centrale 19.6 kmSan Raineri Point 19.6 kmStazione Centrale 19.6 km

Santo Stefano in Aspromonte Page

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  • Geography
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  • Map
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  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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