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  13. Andretta


Andretta Localisation : Country Italy, Region Campania, Province Avellino.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Cairano, Morra De Sanctis and Conza della Campania.


Find all the information of Andretta or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Andretta Administration

Andretta Code (ISTAT)064003
Andretta Post code83040
Andretta MayorMichele Miele

Andretta Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Andretta? Here are all the details of Andretta available below.

Andretta Postal addressVia Libertà, 1
83040 Andretta (AV)
Andretta Phone number0827-32009
International: +39 0827-32009
Andretta Fax number0827-32579
International: +39 0827-32579
Andretta Email addressNot available
Andretta Websitewww.comune.andretta.av.it
Other informationComune Italia : Andretta
Andretta Birth certificate, Andretta Death certificate

Andretta Demography

Information on the people and the population of Andretta.

Andretta Population2,056 inhabitants
Andretta Population Density47.1 /km² (122.1 /sq mi)

Andretta Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Andretta.

Andretta Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.9384, Longitude: 15.3258
40° 56′ 18″ North, 15° 19′ 33″ East
Andretta Area4,361 hectares
43.61 km² (16.84 sq mi)
Andretta AltitudeMinimum 450 m, Maximum 909 m, Average 680 m
Andretta ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Andretta Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Andretta and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 259 kmMilan 708 kmNaples 91 km closest
Turin 773 kmPalermo 357 kmGenoa 650 km
Bologna 512 kmFlorence 460 kmBari 131 km
Catania 383 kmVenice 556 kmVerona 612 km

Andretta Map

Locate simply the city of Andretta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Andretta Nearby cities and villages

Andretta Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Andretta has international agreements with its different pairings.

Andretta Zone

Time zone of Andretta.

Andretta Local time
Andretta Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Andretta Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Andretta.

Andretta Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Andretta.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 February06:55 - 12:12 - 17:3006:26 - 17:5805:54 - 18:31 05:22 - 19:02
14 February06:53 - 12:12 - 17:3106:25 - 18:0005:53 - 18:32 05:21 - 19:04
15 February06:52 - 12:12 - 17:3306:24 - 18:0105:52 - 18:33 05:20 - 19:05
16 February06:51 - 12:12 - 17:3406:23 - 18:0205:50 - 18:34 05:19 - 19:06
17 February06:49 - 12:12 - 17:3506:21 - 18:0305:49 - 18:35 05:17 - 19:07
18 February06:48 - 12:12 - 17:3606:20 - 18:0405:48 - 18:36 05:16 - 19:08
19 February06:46 - 12:12 - 17:3706:19 - 18:0505:47 - 18:37 05:15 - 19:09

Andretta Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Andretta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Domus RomuleaDomus Romulea

Set in Bisaccia, Domus Romulea is a family-run property in the Irpinia countryside, near the Apennines. This brand-new hotel has panoramic views and a restaurant specialising in homemade pasta... view more
€ 50
Hotel Hotel AmbasciatoriHotel Ambasciatori

Set in the green mountains surrounding Avellino, Hotel Ambasciatori offers elegant accommodation and a panoramic summer pool overlooking the historical city of Calitri. The colourful rooms come with free Wi-Fi with valley views... view more
More Hotels »

Andretta Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Andretta and its surroundings.

Stazione di Conza-Andretta 6.2 kmMonte Calvario 8.4 kmSella di Conza 11.9 km
Stazione di Rapone-Ruvo 13.9 kmFermata di Rapone-Ruvo 13.9 kmValle Pesco di Rago 16.1 km
Aquilonia 18.9 kmStazione di Aquilonia 18.9 kmMonte Marzano 22.9 km
Monte Cervialto 23.7 kmCervialto 23.7 kmMonte Arconcello 24 km
Le Crocelle 25.6 kmPasso delle Crocelle 25.6 kmMonte Vulture 25.9 km
Vulture 25.9 kmMonte Santa Croce 27.7 kmPasso Abbruzzesi 27.8 km
Irpinia 28.2 kmMonte Crispiniano 29.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant 130.1 km  

Andretta Page

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