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Caserta Localisation : Country Italy, Region Campania, Province Caserta.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Casagiove, San Nicola la Strada and Recale.


Find all the information of Caserta or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Caserta Administration

Caserta Code (ISTAT)061022
Caserta Post code81100
Caserta MayorCarlo Marino

Caserta Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Caserta? Here are all the details of Caserta available below.

Caserta Postal addressPiazza Vanvitelli, 64
81100 Caserta (CE)
Caserta Phone number0823-273001
International: +39 0823-273001
Caserta Fax number0823-353701
International: +39 0823-353701
Caserta Email address[email protected] .caserta.it
Caserta Websitewww.comune.caserta.it
Other informationComune Italia : Caserta
Caserta Birth certificate, Caserta Death certificate

Caserta Demography

Information on the people and the population of Caserta.

Caserta Population75,640 inhabitants
Caserta Population Density1,403.1 /km² (3,634.0 /sq mi)

Caserta Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Caserta.

Caserta Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.0754, Longitude: 14.3322
41° 4′ 31″ North, 14° 19′ 56″ East
Caserta Area5,391 hectares
53.91 km² (20.81 sq mi)
Caserta AltitudeMinimum 29 m, Maximum 629 m, Average 329 m
Caserta ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Caserta Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Caserta and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 178 kmMilan 642 kmNaples 27 km closest
Turin 699 kmPalermo 340 kmGenoa 576 km
Bologna 452 kmFlorence 392 kmBari 213 km
Catania 403 kmVenice 511 kmVerona 556 km

Caserta Map

Locate simply the city of Caserta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Caserta Nearby cities and villages

Caserta Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Caserta has international agreements with its different pairings.

Lebanon AleyRomania Pitești

Caserta Zone

Time zone of Caserta.

Caserta Local time
Caserta Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Caserta Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Caserta.

Caserta Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Caserta.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 March06:00 - 12:09 - 18:1705:32 - 18:4505:00 - 19:17 04:27 - 19:50
24 March05:58 - 12:08 - 18:1905:31 - 18:4604:58 - 19:18 04:25 - 19:51
25 March05:57 - 12:08 - 18:2005:29 - 18:4704:57 - 19:19 04:23 - 19:53
26 March05:55 - 12:08 - 18:2105:27 - 18:4804:55 - 19:21 04:22 - 19:54
27 March05:53 - 12:07 - 18:2205:26 - 18:4904:53 - 19:22 04:20 - 19:55
28 March05:52 - 12:07 - 18:2305:24 - 18:5004:51 - 19:23 04:18 - 19:56
29 March05:50 - 12:07 - 18:2405:22 - 18:5104:50 - 19:24 04:16 - 19:58

Caserta Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Caserta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel dei Cavalieri CasertaHotel dei Cavalieri Caserta

Situated in the heart of Caserta, Hotel dei Cavalieri overlooks the green Piazza Luigi Vanvitelli square. It is less than 300 metres from the Royal Gardens of the Royal Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site... view more
€ 31
Hotel L' Antico Cortile b&b di charmeL' Antico Cortile b&b di charme
Just 200 metres from the Royal Palace's gardens and a 15-minute walk from Caserta Station, Antico Cortile is in Caserta’s centre. It offers classic-style and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 50
Hotel Botticelli ApartmentBotticelli Apartment
Surrounded by a well-maintained garden, Botticelli Apartment features a terrace with outdoor furniture in central Caserta. Guests are given a voucher for free breakfast at a café 50 metres away. WiFi is free throughout... view more
€ 120
Hotel Hotel EuropaHotel Europa

Hotel Europa is set in the shopping district of Caserta, just 300 metres from the Royal Palace. You have free Wi-Fi throughout, plus a fitness centre and games room... view more
€ 43
Hotel Hotel Jolly CasertaHotel Jolly Caserta

Just in front of the Royal Palace and gardens, the Hotel Jolly Caserta offers comfortable accommodation and a personalised service in a quiet area of Caserta. Relax in the American bar and enjoy traditional, local cuisine in the restaurant... view more
€ 59
More Hotels »

Caserta Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Caserta and its surroundings.

Monte Virgo 4 kmMonte Tifata 6.2 kmFagianeria 8.4 km
Monte Longano 8.5 kmCompanian Plain 10.9 kmPlains of Compania 10.9 km
Neapolitan Lowlands 10.9 kmPianura Campania 10.9 kmMonte Burrano 11.6 km
Monte Grande 13.9 kmTenuta di Carditello 13.9 kmReale Tenuta di Carditello 13.9 km
Gola di Cáudio 15.7 kmSan Questo Passaggio 15.7 kmForche Caudine 15.7 km
Monte Sant’Angelo 20.2 kmSerra di Trélleca 20.7 kmSerra Trelleca 20.7 km
Monte Maggiore 20.8 kmMonte Tuoralto 21.2 kmTuoro Alto 21.2 km
Casa Lufrano 21.4 kmMonte Provolaro 21.7 kmMonte Taburno 22.6 km
Valle Caudina 22.7 kmCiglio di Cervinara 22.7 kmCiglio Cervinara 22.7 km
Stazione Telese-Cerreto 23.1 kmStazione di Telese Cerreto 23.1 kmTelese-Cerreto 23.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant 46.4 kmLatina Nuclear Power Plant 133.5 km 

Caserta Page

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