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Sant'Anastasia Localisation : Country Italy, Region Campania, Province Napoli.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Pollena Trocchia, Somma Vesuviana and Massa di Somma.


Find all the information of Sant'Anastasia or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Sant'Anastasia Administration

Sant'Anastasia Code (ISTAT)063072
Sant'Anastasia Post code80048
Sant'Anastasia MayorCarmine Esposito

Sant'Anastasia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Sant'Anastasia? Here are all the details of Sant'Anastasia available below.

Sant'Anastasia Postal addressPiazza Siano, 2
80048 Sant'Anastasia (NA)
Sant'Anastasia Phone number0818-930111
International: +39 0818-930111
Sant'Anastasia Fax number0818-982110
International: +39 0818-982110
Sant'Anastasia Email address[email protected]
Sant'Anastasia Websitewww.comune.santanastasia.na.it
Other informationComune Italia : Sant'Anastasia
Sant'Anastasia Birth certificate, Sant'Anastasia Death certificate

Sant'Anastasia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Sant'Anastasia.

Sant'Anastasia Population27,296 inhabitants
Sant'Anastasia Population Density1,455.0 /km² (3,768.5 /sq mi)

Sant'Anastasia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Sant'Anastasia.

Sant'Anastasia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.868, Longitude: 14.4058
40° 52′ 5″ North, 14° 24′ 21″ East
Sant'Anastasia Area1,876 hectares
18.76 km² (7.24 sq mi)
Sant'Anastasia AltitudeMinimum 34 m, Maximum 1 m, Average 18 m
Sant'Anastasia ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Sant'Anastasia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Sant'Anastasia and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 196 kmMilan 664 kmNaples 13 km closest
Turin 720 kmPalermo 319 kmGenoa 596 km
Bologna 475 kmFlorence 414 kmBari 209 km
Catania 379 kmVenice 535 kmVerona 579 km

Sant'Anastasia Map

Locate simply the city of Sant'Anastasia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Sant'Anastasia Nearby cities and villages

Sant'Anastasia Zone

Time zone of Sant'Anastasia.

Sant'Anastasia Local time
Sant'Anastasia Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Sant'Anastasia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Sant'Anastasia.

Sant'Anastasia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Sant'Anastasia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
28 March05:51 - 12:07 - 18:2205:24 - 18:5004:51 - 19:22 04:18 - 19:56
29 March05:50 - 12:07 - 18:2305:22 - 18:5104:50 - 19:24 04:16 - 19:57
30 March06:48 - 13:06 - 19:2506:20 - 19:5205:48 - 20:25 05:14 - 20:58
31 March06:46 - 13:06 - 19:2606:19 - 19:5305:46 - 20:26 05:12 - 21:00
1 April06:45 - 13:06 - 19:2706:17 - 19:5405:44 - 20:27 05:10 - 21:01
2 April06:43 - 13:05 - 19:2806:15 - 19:5505:43 - 20:28 05:09 - 21:02
3 April06:41 - 13:05 - 19:2906:14 - 19:5605:41 - 20:29 05:07 - 21:03

Sant'Anastasia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Sant'Anastasia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Bed and Breakfast SommavesuvioBed and Breakfast Sommavesuvio
Pollena Trocchia
Set next to the Vesuvius National Park, Bed and Breakfast Sommavesuvio is in a 19th-century building in Pollena Trocchia. It offers a terrace and free Wi-Fi in the entire building... view more
€ 50
Hotel B&B PrivilegedB&B Privileged
Pollena Trocchia
Set 5 km from the entrance to Vesuvius National Park, this family-run B&B offers functional rooms with private external bathroom. Pompei is a 20-minute drive away. Rooms at B&B Privileged come with tiled floors and simple furnishings... view more
€ 50
Hotel Quinson CafeQuinson Cafe
Somma Vesuviana
Featuring a bar, Quinson Café offers rooms with air conditioning in Somma Vesuviana. Free Wi-Fi access is available in some rooms. All the rooms come with a flat-screen TV, wardrobe and tiled floor. Each has a private bathroom... view more
€ 50
Hotel Albergo Del PinoAlbergo Del Pino

Located in Cercola, this family-run hotel mixes classic and modern interiors. Albergo Del Pino offers air-conditioned rooms, a shared lounge, bar and a garden with seating area. With free Wi-Fi, all rooms have a flat-screen TV and a wardrobe... view more
€ 54
Hotel Relais Villa BuonannoRelais Villa Buonanno

Located in Cercola, Relais Villa Buonanno is set in a unique historic building dating back to the 1600s. Surrounded by an English-style garden, it features a restaurant and a wine bar organising wine and beer tasting sessions... view more
€ 44
More Hotels »

Sant'Anastasia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Sant'Anastasia and its surroundings.

Monte Somma 4.5 kmStazione Inferiore della Funicolare 5.8 kmVesuvius 6.2 km
Vesuvio 6.2 kmCasa Lufrano 6.3 kmPoggioreale 8.9 km
Stazione Poggioreale 8.9 kmPietrarsa 9.4 kmSan Giovanni-Barra 9.7 km
Stazione Napoli San Giovannï-Barra 9.7 kmNapoli San Giovanni-Barra 9.7 kmHerculaneum 9.7 km
Scavi di Ercolano 9.7 kmErcolano 9.7 kmMolo del Progresso 10.1 km
Pontile Vigliena 10.3 kmDiga Foranea Emanuele Filiberto Duca D’Aosta 10.4 kmStazione Centrale 10.5 km
Napoli Smistamento 10.5 kmStazione Napoli Smistamento 10.5 kmNapoli Centrale 10.5 km
Stazione Napoli Centrale 10.5 kmPontile G. Bausan 10.6 kmPontile Flavio Gioia 10.9 km
Antemurale Thaon de Revel 11.1 kmPontile Vittorio Emanuele II 11.2 kmStazione Napoli Piazza Carlo III 11.7 km
Stazione Piedimonte d’Alfe 11.7 kmStazione Piazza Carlo III 11.7 kmDiga Duca degli Abruzzi 11.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant 64.7 kmLatina Nuclear Power Plant 147.7 km 

Sant'Anastasia Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
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  • Nearby cities and villages
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  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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