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Volla Localisation : Country Italy, Region Campania, Province Napoli.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Cercola, Casalnuovo di Napoli and Pollena Trocchia.


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Volla Administration

Volla Code (ISTAT)063089
Volla Post code80040
Volla MayorGiuliano Di Costanzo

Volla Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Volla? Here are all the details of Volla available below.

Volla Postal addressVia Aldo Moro, 1
80040 Volla (NA)
Volla Phone number0812-585200
International: +39 0812-585200
Volla Fax number0817-744989
International: +39 0817-744989
Volla Email address[email protected]
Volla Websitecomune.volla.na.it
Other informationComune Italia : Volla
Volla Birth certificate, Volla Death certificate

Volla Demography

Information on the people and the population of Volla.

Volla Population22,989 inhabitants
Volla Population Density3,732.0 /km² (9,665.8 /sq mi)

Volla Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Volla.

Volla Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.8796, Longitude: 14.3439
40° 52′ 47″ North, 14° 20′ 38″ East
Volla Area616 hectares
6.16 km² (2.38 sq mi)
Volla AltitudeMinimum 12 m, Maximum 52 m, Average 32 m
Volla ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Volla Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Volla and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 191 kmMilan 660 kmNaples 9 km closest
Turin 715 kmPalermo 319 kmGenoa 592 km
Bologna 471 kmFlorence 410 kmBari 214 km
Catania 381 kmVenice 532 kmVerona 576 km

Volla Map

Locate simply the city of Volla through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Volla Zone

Time zone of Volla.

Volla Local time
Volla Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Volla Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Volla.

Volla Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Volla.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 February07:07 - 12:16 - 17:2606:38 - 17:5406:06 - 18:27 05:34 - 18:59
7 February07:06 - 12:16 - 17:2706:37 - 17:5506:05 - 18:28 05:33 - 19:00
8 February07:04 - 12:16 - 17:2806:36 - 17:5606:04 - 18:29 05:32 - 19:01
9 February07:03 - 12:16 - 17:2906:35 - 17:5806:03 - 18:30 05:31 - 19:02
10 February07:02 - 12:16 - 17:3106:34 - 17:5906:01 - 18:31 05:30 - 19:03
11 February07:01 - 12:16 - 17:3206:33 - 18:0006:00 - 18:32 05:28 - 19:04
12 February07:00 - 12:16 - 17:3306:31 - 18:0105:59 - 18:33 05:27 - 19:05

Volla Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Volla classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel LeonessaHotel Leonessa

Hotel Leonessa is located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. It offers a quiet location between the centre of Naples and the airport. The A1 motorway is within easy reach. The hotel's rooftop terrace has views over the volcano and countryside... view more
€ 56
Hotel Albergo Del PinoAlbergo Del Pino

Located in Cercola, this family-run hotel mixes classic and modern interiors. Albergo Del Pino offers air-conditioned rooms, a shared lounge, bar and a garden with seating area. With free Wi-Fi, all rooms have a flat-screen TV and a wardrobe... view more
€ 54
Hotel Hotel San MauroHotel San Mauro

Casalnuovo di Napoli
Recently opened in the suburbs of Naples, the modern Hotel San Mauro offers an elegant and refined atmosphere. Wi-Fi throughout is free... view more
€ 65
Hotel Relais Villa BuonannoRelais Villa Buonanno

Located in Cercola, Relais Villa Buonanno is set in a unique historic building dating back to the 1600s. Surrounded by an English-style garden, it features a restaurant and a wine bar organising wine and beer tasting sessions... view more
€ 44
Hotel Hotel FaraoneHotel Faraone

Hotel Faraone is situated in Cercola, a village close to Mount Vesuvius. The hotel offers a restaurant, and classic rooms with air conditioning and a satellite TV. The centre of Naples is 10 km away... view more
€ 33
More Hotels »

Volla Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Volla and its surroundings.

Casa Lufrano 1 kmStazione Poggioreale 4 kmPoggioreale 4 km
Napoli Smistamento 6.1 kmStazione Napoli Smistamento 6.1 kmStazione Centrale 6.1 km
Napoli Centrale 6.1 kmStazione Napoli Centrale 6.1 kmNapoli San Giovanni-Barra 6.3 km
Stazione Napoli San Giovannï-Barra 6.3 kmSan Giovanni-Barra 6.3 kmPontile Vigliena 6.5 km
Molo del Progresso 6.6 kmPontile G. Bausan 6.6 kmStazione Piedimonte d’Alfe 6.7 km
Stazione Napoli Piazza Carlo III 6.7 kmStazione Piazza Carlo III 6.7 kmDiga Foranea Emanuele Filiberto Duca D’Aosta 6.8 km
Pontile Flavio Gioia 6.9 kmPontile Vittorio Emanuele II 7 kmAntemurale Thaon de Revel 7.2 km
Pietrarsa 7.4 kmMolo del Carmine 7.6 kmMolo Martello 7.8 km
Molo Carlo Pisacane 7.9 kmMolo Cesario Console 7.9 kmDiga Duca degli Abruzzi 8 km
Stazione Marittima 8.3 kmNapoli Marittima 8.3 kmStazione Napoli Marittima 8.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant 60 kmLatina Nuclear Power Plant 142.4 km 

Volla Page

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