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Country | Italy |
Region | Emilia-Romagna |
Province | Rimini |
San Clemente Administration
San Clemente Code (ISTAT) | 099016 |
San Clemente Post code | 47832 |
San Clemente Mayor | Mirna Cecchini |
San Clemente Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of San Clemente? Here are all the details of San Clemente available below.
San Clemente Postal address | Piazza G. Mazzini, 12 47832 San Clemente (RN) Italia |
San Clemente Phone number | 0541-862411 International: +39 0541-862411 |
San Clemente Fax number | 0541-980710 International: +39 0541-980710 |
San Clemente Email address | [email protected] |
San Clemente Website | |
Other information | Comune Italia : San Clemente |
San Clemente Birth certificate, San Clemente Death certificate |
San Clemente Demography
Information on the people and the population of San Clemente.
San Clemente Population | 5,234 inhabitants |
San Clemente Population Density | 252.7 /km² (654.6 /sq mi) |
San Clemente Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of San Clemente.
San Clemente Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 43.9321, Longitude: 12.6269 43° 55′ 56″ North, 12° 37′ 37″ East |
San Clemente Area | 2,071 hectares 20.71 km² (8.00 sq mi) |
San Clemente Altitude | Minimum 35 m, Maximum 232 m, Average 134 m |
San Clemente Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
San Clemente Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between San Clemente and the biggest cities of Italy.
San Clemente Map
Locate simply the city of San Clemente through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
San Clemente Nearby cities and villages
Morciano di Romagna 2.7 km | Coriano 4.7 km | Gemmano 4.8 km |
Montefiore Conca 4.8 km | San Giovanni in Marignano 6.7 km | Saludecio 7.2 km |
Misano Adriatico 7.7 km | Riccione 7.9 km | Mondaino 8.9 km |
Cattolica 9.4 km | Montegridolfo 9.6 km | Tavoleto 10 km |
San Clemente Zone
Time zone of San Clemente.
San Clemente Local time | |
San Clemente Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
San Clemente Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of San Clemente.
San Clemente Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to San Clemente.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
18 January | 07:38 - 12:19 - 17:01 | 07:07 - 17:32 | 06:31 - 18:08 | 05:57 - 18:42 |
19 January | 07:38 - 12:20 - 17:02 | 07:06 - 17:34 | 06:31 - 18:09 | 05:56 - 18:43 |
20 January | 07:37 - 12:20 - 17:03 | 07:05 - 17:35 | 06:30 - 18:10 | 05:56 - 18:44 |
21 January | 07:36 - 12:20 - 17:05 | 07:05 - 17:36 | 06:29 - 18:11 | 05:55 - 18:45 |
22 January | 07:35 - 12:21 - 17:06 | 07:04 - 17:37 | 06:29 - 18:12 | 05:55 - 18:47 |
23 January | 07:35 - 12:21 - 17:07 | 07:03 - 17:38 | 06:28 - 18:14 | 05:54 - 18:48 |
24 January | 07:34 - 12:21 - 17:09 | 07:03 - 17:40 | 06:27 - 18:15 | 05:53 - 18:49 |
San Clemente Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in San Clemente classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Villaggio La Pescaccia San Clemente Villaggio La Pescaccia overlooks its private lake, 15 minutes’ drive from the beach in Riccione. It offers free Wi-Fi and free parking. La Pescaccia’s rooms also have air conditioning, Sky TV, and a hydromassage shower... view more | ||
Antico Casale Venturi B&B San Clemente Antico Casale Venturi B&B features free Wi-Fi and an outdoor pool overlooking the surrounding countryside. It is located a 15-minute drive from Cattolica and the Adriatic coast... view more | from € 90 | |
Hotel Villa Leri Monte Colombo Immersed in the greenery at 14 km from Riccione, Hotel Villa Leri overlooks Lake Montecolombo. It offers rooms with classic-style décor and flat-screen satellite TV. Rooms include air conditioning, minibar and a bathroom with hairdryer... view more | ||
Agriturismo Il Mio Casale Monte Colombo Set on Rimini’s hinterland, Agriturismo Il Mio Casale is only a few steps away from Lake Monte Colombo. The property offers free bikes, a traditional restaurant, and free parking... view more | from € 44 | |
Il Podere Del Germano Reale Coriano Il Podere Del Germano Reale is an agriturismo full of leisure facilities for all the family. It is set in 20 acres of land and has its own private lake... view more | from € 65 | |
More Hotels » |
San Clemente Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in San Clemente and its surroundings.
Cima di Montescudo 9 km | Rimini/Miramare 9.9 km | Faetano 10.2 km |
Monte Giardino 10.8 km | Monte San Giovanni 13.3 km | Monte Titano 14.2 km |
Monte San Paolo 17.2 km | Stazione Torello 18.6 km | Torello 18.6 km |
Monte di San Bartolo 20.6 km | Monte Gregorio 20.9 km | Monte San Bartolo 23.1 km |
Monti della Cesana 25 km | Foce dell’ Uso 25.6 km | Monte Carpegna 28.9 km |
San Clemente Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | San Clemente /5 (2022-11-28 15:13:13) |