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  13. Landriano


Landriano Localisation : Country Italy, Region Lombardy, Province Pavia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Vidigulfo, Carpiano and Bascapè.


Find all the information of Landriano or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Landriano Administration

Landriano Code (ISTAT)018078
Landriano Post code27015
Landriano MayorLuigi Servida

Landriano Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Landriano? Here are all the details of Landriano available below.

Landriano Postal addressPiazza Garibaldi, 14
27015 Landriano (PV)
Landriano Phone number0382-64001
International: +39 0382-64001
Landriano Fax number0382-615581
International: +39 0382-615581
Landriano Email addressNot available
Landriano Websitecomune.landriano.pv.it
Other informationComune Italia : Landriano
Landriano Birth certificate, Landriano Death certificate

Landriano Demography

Information on the people and the population of Landriano.

Landriano Population5,917 inhabitants
Landriano Population Density382.2 /km² (990.0 /sq mi)

Landriano Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Landriano.

Landriano Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.313, Longitude: 9.26128
45° 18′ 47″ North, 9° 15′ 41″ East
Landriano Area1,548 hectares
15.48 km² (5.98 sq mi)
Landriano AltitudeMinimum 81 m, Maximum 93 m, Average 87 m
Landriano ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Landriano Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Landriano and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 462 kmMilan 18 km closestNaples 642 km
Turin 126 kmPalermo 870 kmGenoa 104 km
Bologna 188 kmFlorence 234 kmBari 773 km
Catania 996 kmVenice 241 kmVerona 136 km

Landriano Map

Locate simply the city of Landriano through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Landriano Nearby cities and villages

Landriano Zone

Time zone of Landriano.

Landriano Local time
Landriano Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Landriano Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Landriano.

Landriano Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Landriano.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March06:21 - 12:29 - 18:3705:52 - 19:0705:17 - 19:42 04:41 - 20:17
23 March06:19 - 12:29 - 18:3905:50 - 19:0805:15 - 19:43 04:39 - 20:19
24 March06:17 - 12:29 - 18:4005:48 - 19:1005:13 - 19:44 04:37 - 20:20
25 March06:15 - 12:28 - 18:4105:46 - 19:1105:11 - 19:46 04:35 - 20:22
26 March06:13 - 12:28 - 18:4305:44 - 19:1205:09 - 19:47 04:33 - 20:23
27 March06:12 - 12:28 - 18:4405:42 - 19:1305:07 - 19:49 04:31 - 20:25
28 March06:10 - 12:27 - 18:4505:40 - 19:1505:05 - 19:50 04:28 - 20:27

Landriano Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Landriano classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel MoonlightHotel Moonlight

Featuring a drive-through check-in, Hotel Moonlight is a 10-minute drive from the A50 Milan Ring Road. Its air-conditioned rooms include an LCD TV with free football channels. Rooms at Moonlight Hotel have functional furnishings and parquet floors... view more
€ 68
Hotel Ibis Styles Milano MelegnanoIbis Styles Milano Melegnano
Just 2 km from the Melegnano exit of Milan’s Tangenziale Ovest road, Ibis Styles Milano Melegnano offers spacious modern rooms, a large shared veranda, and a generous buffet breakfast. Wi-Fi and outdoor parking are free... view more
€ 49
Hotel Atahotel RipamontiAtahotel Ripamonti

Pieve Emanuele
The Ripamonti is a 4-star Hotel and Residence in Milan's quiet Parco Sud. It offers comfortable rooms and self-catering apartments, and a free shuttle bus to/from city centre and to/from Abbiategrasso Metro station... view more
€ 78
Hotel Hotel Cascina MarisaHotel Cascina Marisa

Hotel Cascina Marisa is set in a farmhouse in Opera in the green suburbs of Milan. It offers free parking and free Wi-Fi in public areas. All rooms here come with a private bathroom and air conditioning... view more
€ 65
Hotel Agriturismo Le RisaieAgriturismo Le Risaie
Set on a working rice farm in the Rural Park South Milan, a large protected rural area located 18 km south of central Milan, Agriturismo Le Risaie provides air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. Rooms at Le Risaie come with a TV and desk... view more
€ 59
More Hotels »

Landriano Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Landriano and its surroundings.

Milano-Rogeredo 13.6 kmStazione Milano Rogoredo 13.6 kmStazione Rogoredo 13.6 km
Milano-Porta-Vittoria 15.6 kmScalo Merci di Porta Vittoria 15.6 kmStazione Merci di Porta Vittoria 15.6 km
Stazione Milano Porta Vittoria 15.6 kmStazione Milano Porta Romana 16 kmStazione di Porta Romana 16 km
Milano Porta Romana 16 kmStazione Merci di Porta Romana 16 kmScalo Merci di Porta Romana 16 km
Stazione Porta Romana 16 kmStazione Milano Porta Genova 17 kmMilano Porta Genova 17 km
Milano-San Cristo 18.2 kmStazione di San Cristóforo 18.2 kmStazione San Cristoforo 18.2 km
Stazione Milano San Cristoforo 18.2 kmMilano San Cristoforo 18.2 kmStazione Nord 18.6 km
Stazione delle Ferrovie 18.6 kmStazione Milano Nord 18.6 kmLombardy Plain 18.8 km
Plain of Lombardy 18.8 kmPianura Lombarda 18.8 kmMarchandises 19 km
Milano Smistamento 19 kmStazione Milano Smistamento 19 kmScalo Merci di Milano-Lambrate 19.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Caorso Nuclear Power Plant 54.9 kmEnrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant 78.4 km 

Landriano Page

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DB-City.comLandriano 3.7/5 (2022-11-28 14:55:27)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page