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Ceva Localisation : Country Italy, Region Piedmont, Province Cuneo.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Roascio, Sale San Giovanni and Sale delle Langhe.


Find all the information of Ceva or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Ceva Administration

Ceva Code (ISTAT)004066
Ceva Post code12073
Ceva MayorVincenzo Bezzone

Ceva Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ceva? Here are all the details of Ceva available below.

Ceva Postal addressPiazza V. Emanuele II, 17
12073 Ceva (CN)
Ceva Phone number0174-721623
International: +39 0174-721623
Ceva Fax number0174-701845
International: +39 0174-701845
Ceva Email addressNot available
Ceva Websitewww.comune.ceva.cn.it
Other informationComune Italia : Ceva
Ceva Birth certificate, Ceva Death certificate

Ceva Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ceva.

Ceva Population5,757 inhabitants
Ceva Population Density134.0 /km² (347.1 /sq mi)

Ceva Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ceva.

Ceva Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.3874, Longitude: 8.035
44° 23′ 15″ North, 8° 2′ 6″ East
Ceva Area4,296 hectares
42.96 km² (16.59 sq mi)
Ceva AltitudeMinimum 360 m, Maximum 812 m, Average 586 m
Ceva ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Ceva Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ceva and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 456 kmMilan 150 kmNaples 644 km
Turin 81 kmPalermo 828 kmGenoa 72 km closest
Bologna 263 kmFlorence 267 kmBari 808 km
Catania 968 kmVenice 359 kmVerona 261 km

Ceva Map

Locate simply the city of Ceva through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ceva Nearby cities and villages

Roascio 3.1 kmSale San Giovanni 3.8 kmSale delle Langhe 3.8 km
Priero 5 kmTorresina 5.3 kmNucetto 5.5 km
Mombasiglio 5.7 kmLesegno 5.7 kmParoldo 5.9 km
Castellino Tanaro 6.2 kmIgliano 6.5 kmScagnello 7.1 km

Ceva Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ceva has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ceva Zone

Time zone of Ceva.

Ceva Local time
Ceva Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Ceva Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ceva.

Ceva Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ceva.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March06:26 - 12:34 - 18:4205:57 - 19:1105:23 - 19:45 04:48 - 20:20
23 March06:24 - 12:34 - 18:4305:55 - 19:1205:21 - 19:47 04:46 - 20:22
24 March06:22 - 12:34 - 18:4505:53 - 19:1405:19 - 19:48 04:44 - 20:23
25 March06:21 - 12:33 - 18:4605:52 - 19:1505:17 - 19:49 04:42 - 20:25
26 March06:19 - 12:33 - 18:4705:50 - 19:1605:15 - 19:51 04:40 - 20:26
27 March06:17 - 12:33 - 18:4805:48 - 19:1705:13 - 19:52 04:38 - 20:28
28 March06:15 - 12:32 - 18:5005:46 - 19:1905:11 - 19:53 04:36 - 20:29

Ceva Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ceva classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday Home Torresina Grande TorresinaHoliday Home Torresina Grande Torresina

Authentic farmhouse. 150 years old. completely renovated. Transformed into a cozy holiday home. The restoration has respected the authentic features of the building.Comfort. space. stunning views. all in an ideal holiday home for one or more..... view more
€ 144
Hotel Holiday Home Torresina Media TorresinaHoliday Home Torresina Media Torresina

Authentic farmhouse. 150 years old. completely renovated. Transformed into a cozy holiday home. The restoration has respected the authentic features of the building.Comfort. space. stunning views. all in an ideal holiday home for one or more..... view more
€ 74
Hotel Holiday Home Torresina Panorama TorresinaHoliday Home Torresina Panorama Torresina

Authentic farmhouse. 150 years old. completely renovated. Transformed into a cozy holiday home. The restoration has respected the authentic features of the building.Comfort. space. stunning views. all in an ideal holiday home for one or more..... view more
€ 91
Hotel Rustico CastellinoRustico Castellino
Rustico Castellino is set in a peaceful countryside area 3 km outside Castellino Tanaro. This country house has a terrace with hill views and produces its own Barbera and Dolcetto wines... view more
€ 90
Hotel CasavabeneCasavabene
Casavabene is a countryside property offering a garden with swimming pool and BBQ facilities. It is a 10-minute drive from Murazzano. Wi-Fi and bike rental are free of charge... view more
More Hotels »

Ceva Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ceva and its surroundings.

Vicoforte Santuario 11.5 kmSantuario di Vicoforte 11.5 kmSantuario di Vico 11.5 km
Vicoforte 11.5 kmColle dei Giovetti 12.7 kmGiovetti 12.7 km
Langhe 12.8 kmMonte Settepani 20.2 kmColle San Bernardo 24.6 km
Colle di Melogno 24.7 kmAlpi Liguri 24.9 kmLigurian Alps 24.9 km
Ligúria Alpina 24.9 kmMonte Burotto 25 kmGiogo di Toirano 26.7 km
Colle di Toirano 26.7 kmColle di Cadibona 27.1 kmBocchetta di Cadibona 27.1 km
Sella di Altare 27.1 kmCadibona 27.1 kmLa Bocchetta 27.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant 90.7 km  

Ceva Page

Direct link
DB-City.comCeva 3.7/5 (2022-11-28 14:50:15)