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  13. Ragalna


Ragalna Localisation : Country Italy, Region Sicily, Province Catania.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Santa Maria di Licodia, Belpasso and Biancavilla.


Find all the information of Ragalna or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Ragalna Administration

Ragalna Code (ISTAT)087058
Ragalna Post code95030
Ragalna MayorSalvatore Chisari

Ragalna Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ragalna? Here are all the details of Ragalna available below.

Ragalna Postal addressVia Paterno
95030 Ragalna (CT)
Ragalna Phone number0957-985111
International: +39 0957-985111
Ragalna Fax number0957-985102
International: +39 0957-985102
Ragalna Email addressNot available
Ragalna Websitewww.comune.ragalna.ct.it
Other informationComune Italia : Ragalna
Ragalna Birth certificate, Ragalna Death certificate

Ragalna Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ragalna.

Ragalna Population3,676 inhabitants
Ragalna Population Density93.7 /km² (242.7 /sq mi)

Ragalna Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ragalna.

Ragalna Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 37.6356, Longitude: 14.9479
37° 38′ 8″ North, 14° 56′ 52″ East
Ragalna Area3,923 hectares
39.23 km² (15.15 sq mi)
Ragalna AltitudeMinimum 438 m, Maximum 2 m, Average 220 m
Ragalna ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Ragalna Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ragalna and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 518 kmMilan 994 kmNaples 362 km
Turin 1025 kmPalermo 149 kmGenoa 907 km
Bologna 821 kmFlorence 750 kmBari 422 km
Catania 19 km closestVenice 895 kmVerona 929 km

Ragalna Map

Locate simply the city of Ragalna through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ragalna Nearby cities and villages

Ragalna Zone

Time zone of Ragalna.

Ragalna Local time
Ragalna Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Ragalna Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ragalna.

Ragalna Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ragalna.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March06:00 - 12:07 - 18:1305:34 - 18:3905:03 - 19:10 04:32 - 19:41
23 March05:58 - 12:06 - 18:1405:32 - 18:4005:01 - 19:11 04:30 - 19:42
24 March05:57 - 12:06 - 18:1505:31 - 18:4105:00 - 19:12 04:29 - 19:43
25 March05:55 - 12:06 - 18:1605:29 - 18:4204:58 - 19:13 04:27 - 19:44
26 March05:54 - 12:05 - 18:1705:27 - 18:4304:57 - 19:14 04:25 - 19:45
27 March05:52 - 12:05 - 18:1805:26 - 18:4404:55 - 19:15 04:24 - 19:46
28 March05:51 - 12:05 - 18:1905:24 - 18:4504:53 - 19:16 04:22 - 19:48

Ragalna Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ragalna classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Domus VerdianaDomus Verdiana
Situated 2 km from Mount Etna Nature Park, family-run Domus Verdiana offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. There is a spacious furnished garden with barbecue facilities and a wood oven... view more
€ 45
Hotel Villa Casina dell'EtnaVilla Casina dell'Etna
Featuring a garden, restaurant and terrace, Villa Casina dell'Etna offers rustic-style rooms with free Wi-Fi. The property provides a free shuttle service to both Catania Airport and Santa Maria di Licodia Train Station... view more
€ 42
Hotel Residence Serra La NaveResidence Serra La Nave
Situated at the foot of Mount Etna, Residence Serra La Nave features a garden with BBQ facilities. Offering simply furnished apartments, this property is 2 km from the cable car taking you to the mountain top... view more
€ 75
Hotel Casa Vacanze MaxCasa Vacanze Max
Featuring a small outdoor pool, Casa Vacanze Max is located in Etna Park, 9 km from Belpasso. This self-catering holiday home has a terrace with outdoor furniture along with a spacious yard and BBQ facilities... view more
€ 90
Hotel Villa San LeoVilla San Leo
Surrounded by Sicily’s countryside, Villa San Leo is located 12 km from the cable car to Mount Etna. This property features a garden with free BBQ facilities, a bar and a billiards table... view more
€ 55
More Hotels »

Ragalna Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ragalna and its surroundings.

Aetna 13.5 kmMonte Etna 13.5 kmMongibello 13.5 km
Etna 13.5 kmPasso di Zingaro 13.5 kmPasso Zingaro 13.5 km
Piano del Lago 15.6 kmCatania Borgo 17.8 kmBorgo 17.8 km
Stazione Catania Borgo 17.8 kmContrada Santa Teresa 19.3 kmStazione Acquicella 19.9 km
Stazione di Acquicella 19.9 kmCatània Acquicella 19.9 kmStazione Catania Acquicella 19.9 km
Stazione Centrale 20.2 kmStazione Catania Centrale 20.2 kmStazione Sicula 20.2 km
Sícula 20.2 kmPorto 20.2 kmStazione Catania Sicula 20.2 km
Stazione Catania Porto 20.2 kmCatania Sicula 20.2 kmStazione Circum Etnea Porto 20.2 km
Catania Porto 20.2 kmCatánia Centrale 20.2 kmCatània Centrale 20.2 km
Lido Plaia 20.7 kmPlaja 20.7 kmSpiaggia della Plaia 20.7 km

Ragalna Page

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