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  13. Belluno


Belluno Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Belluno.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Limana, Ponte nelle Alpi and Soverzene.


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Belluno Administration

Belluno Code (ISTAT)025006
Belluno Post code32100
Belluno MayorOscar De Pellegrin

Belluno Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Belluno? Here are all the details of Belluno available below.

Belluno Postal addressPiazza Duomo, 1
32100 Belluno (BL)
Belluno Phone number0437-913111
International: +39 0437-913111
Belluno Fax number0437-913215
International: +39 0437-913215
Belluno Email address[email protected]
Belluno Websitewww.comune.belluno.it
Other informationComune Italia : Belluno
Belluno Birth certificate, Belluno Death certificate

Belluno Demography

Information on the people and the population of Belluno.

Belluno Population35,591 inhabitants
Belluno Population Density241.8 /km² (626.3 /sq mi)

Belluno Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Belluno.

Belluno Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 46.14, Longitude: 12.2176
46° 8′ 24″ North, 12° 13′ 3″ East
Belluno Area14,718 hectares
147.18 km² (56.83 sq mi)
Belluno AltitudeMinimum 297 m, Maximum 2 m, Average 150 m
Belluno ClimateSubarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc)

Belluno Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Belluno and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 474 kmMilan 247 kmNaples 612 km
Turin 372 kmPalermo 898 kmGenoa 321 km
Bologna 195 kmFlorence 275 kmBari 672 km
Catania 990 kmVenice 79 km closestVerona 123 km

Belluno Map

Locate simply the city of Belluno through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Belluno Nearby cities and villages

Limana 4.7 kmPonte nelle Alpi 6.8 kmSoverzene 9.8 km
Sedico 9.8 kmSospirolo 11.2 kmChies d'Alpago 13.6 km
Santa Giustina 14.9 kmSan Gregorio nelle Alpi 15 kmLongarone 15.5 km
Tambre 15.7 kmRevine Lago 16.6 kmFregona 17.9 km

Belluno Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Belluno has international agreements with its different pairings.

Belluno Zone

Time zone of Belluno.

Belluno Local time
Belluno Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Belluno Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Belluno.

Belluno Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Belluno.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 February07:18 - 12:25 - 17:3206:47 - 18:0306:11 - 18:38 05:37 - 19:13
13 February07:16 - 12:25 - 17:3406:45 - 18:0406:10 - 18:40 05:35 - 19:14
14 February07:14 - 12:25 - 17:3506:44 - 18:0606:09 - 18:41 05:34 - 19:16
15 February07:13 - 12:25 - 17:3706:42 - 18:0706:07 - 18:42 05:32 - 19:17
16 February07:11 - 12:25 - 17:3806:41 - 18:0906:06 - 18:44 05:31 - 19:18
17 February07:10 - 12:25 - 17:3906:39 - 18:1006:04 - 18:45 05:29 - 19:20
18 February07:08 - 12:24 - 17:4106:38 - 18:1106:03 - 18:46 05:28 - 19:21

Belluno Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Belluno classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Albergo Cappello e CadoreAlbergo Cappello e Cadore

Albergo Cappello E Cadore is situated in the heart of the city, just off the main square, near the Town Theater, and the bus and train station... view more
€ 45
Hotel Albergo Delle AlpiAlbergo Delle Alpi

Just 400 metres from Belluno Station, Albergo Delle Alpi is located in the centre of this Veneto town. It offers free Wi-Fi and classically furnished rooms with a private bathroom... view more
€ 87
Hotel Hotel Europa ExecutiveHotel Europa Executive

Located in Belluno, this elegant hotel has been designed for businessmen and to serve as a venue for small business conferences and meetings... view more
€ 69
Hotel Albergo MirellaAlbergo Mirella

Offering a garden and a bar, Albergo Mirella is located 1.5 km from the centre of Belluno. There is a shared lounge area and free Wi-Fi throughout. Rooms at the Mirella Albergo all come with a flat-screen TV and safe... view more
€ 62
Hotel Appartamento PedecastelloAppartamento Pedecastello
Appartament Pedecastello is located in Belluno. The apartment can accommodate up to six guests. There is a fully equipped kitchen with a refrigerator and a coffee machine. Extras include a shared washing machine and outdoor furniture... view more
€ 93
More Hotels »

Belluno Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Belluno and its surroundings.

Belluno 3.8 kmCol Falalto 5.2 kmValle Medone 5.6 km
Coldi Gou 5.8 kmRifugio Col di Gou 5.8 kmMonte Peron 6.4 km
Monte Malvano 6.6 kmMonte Serva 6.9 kmMonte Croce 7.3 km
Monte Terne 7.6 kmMonte Pascolet 7.6 kmMonte Tesa 7.7 km
Col Balcon 8.5 kmMonte Faverghera 8.8 kmMonte Pala 9 km
Monte Beccola 9.1 kmMonte Sambuga 9.5 kmMonte Pele 9.6 km
Monte Duron 9.7 kmCima Burel 9.7 kmCol Visentin 10.4 km
Monte Schiara 10.6 kmPian Caiada 10.7 kmCol di Pera 10.9 km
Monte Dolada 11 kmCima Peralora 11.3 kmMonte Cimon 11.4 km
Monte Agnellezze 11.6 kmMonte Coro 11.6 kmSella di Fadalto 12.1 km

Belluno Page

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