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  13. Albignasego


Albignasego Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Padova.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Maserà di Padova, Casalserugo and Ponte San Nicolò.


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Albignasego Administration

Albignasego Code (ISTAT)028003
Albignasego Post code35020
Albignasego MayorFilippo Giacinti

Albignasego Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Albignasego? Here are all the details of Albignasego available below.

Albignasego Postal addressVia Roma, 163
35020 Albignasego (PD)
Albignasego Phone number0498-042211
International: +39 0498-042211
Albignasego Fax number0498-042228
International: +39 0498-042228
Albignasego Email address[email protected]
Albignasego Websitecomune.albignasego.pd.it
Other informationComune Italia : Albignasego
Albignasego Birth certificate, Albignasego Death certificate

Albignasego Demography

Information on the people and the population of Albignasego.

Albignasego Population23,464 inhabitants
Albignasego Population Density1,117.9 /km² (2,895.3 /sq mi)

Albignasego Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Albignasego.

Albignasego Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.3484, Longitude: 11.8683
45° 20′ 54″ North, 11° 52′ 6″ East
Albignasego Area2,099 hectares
20.99 km² (8.10 sq mi)
Albignasego AltitudeMinimum 8 m, Maximum 19 m, Average 14 m
Albignasego ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Albignasego Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Albignasego and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 388 kmMilan 210 kmNaples 538 km
Turin 329 kmPalermo 815 kmGenoa 254 km
Bologna 104 kmFlorence 182 kmBari 621 km
Catania 914 kmVenice 38 km closestVerona 69 km

Albignasego Map

Locate simply the city of Albignasego through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Albignasego Nearby cities and villages

Albignasego Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Albignasego has international agreements with its different pairings.

Albignasego Zone

Time zone of Albignasego.

Albignasego Local time
Albignasego Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Albignasego Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Albignasego.

Albignasego Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Albignasego.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 February07:23 - 12:26 - 17:2906:52 - 18:0006:17 - 18:35 05:43 - 19:09
9 February07:22 - 12:26 - 17:3106:51 - 18:0106:16 - 18:36 05:42 - 19:11
10 February07:20 - 12:26 - 17:3206:50 - 18:0306:15 - 18:38 05:41 - 19:12
11 February07:19 - 12:26 - 17:3406:48 - 18:0406:14 - 18:39 05:39 - 19:13
12 February07:17 - 12:26 - 17:3506:47 - 18:0506:12 - 18:40 05:38 - 19:14
13 February07:16 - 12:26 - 17:3606:46 - 18:0706:11 - 18:41 05:37 - 19:16
14 February07:14 - 12:26 - 17:3806:44 - 18:0806:09 - 18:43 05:35 - 19:17

Albignasego Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Albignasego classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel MasterHotel Master

Hotel Master is set in the countryside, close to the main road leading into Padua, 15 minutes’ drive away. The restaurant and pizzeria serves typical regional cuisine... view more
€ 45
Hotel B&B TairerèB&B Tairerè
Abano Terme
Featuring a garden, B&B Tairere offers colourful accommodation with free bike rental. Located in Albano Terme, the property is 3 km from the town centre and Terme Euganee. With garden views, rooms include free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV... view more
€ 60
Hotel Green FieldsGreen Fields
Padua's Green Fields is connected to the city centre via a cycle path and offers free Wi-Fi throughout. The bus stop to the centre and to the train station stops 300 metres away. Parking is free... view more
€ 35
Hotel Casa A ColoriCasa A Colori
Casa A Colori is in a quiet area of Padua with good bus links to the centre. It offers free parking, free Wi-Fi in public areas, and a back garden. Vending machines are available in the communal area. Each room features a private bathroom... view more
€ 33
Hotel SiriusSirius
Abano Terme
Sirius is located in Abano Terme, The property can accommodate up to eight guests. The house owner lives on the plot. The apartment will provide you with a TV. There is a fully equipped kitchen with a dishwasher and a refrigerator... view more
More Hotels »

Albignasego Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Albignasego and its surroundings.

Monastero di Praglia 10.8 kmAbbadia di Praglis 10.8 kmConvento di Praglia 10.8 km
Euganean Hills 16.2 kmColli Euganei 16.2 kmMonte Venda 16.2 km
Monte Cero 19.2 kmVenezia 19.8 kmVeneto 19.8 km
Venetia 19.8 kmMonti Berici 29.1 km

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