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Cittadella Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Padova.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Fontaniva, Tombolo and Galliera Veneta.


Find all the information of Cittadella or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Cittadella Administration

Cittadella Code (ISTAT)028032
Cittadella Post code35013
Cittadella MayorLuca Pierobon

Cittadella Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Cittadella? Here are all the details of Cittadella available below.

Cittadella Postal addressPiazza Luigi Pierobon, 1
35013 Cittadella (PD)
Cittadella Phone number0499-413411
International: +39 0499-413411
Cittadella Fax number0499-413419
International: +39 0499-413419
Cittadella Email address[email protected]
Cittadella Websitewww.comune.cittadella.pd.it
Other informationComune Italia : Cittadella
Cittadella Birth certificate, Cittadella Death certificate

Cittadella Demography

Information on the people and the population of Cittadella.

Cittadella Population19,956 inhabitants
Cittadella Population Density546.0 /km² (1,414.1 /sq mi)

Cittadella Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Cittadella.

Cittadella Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.6488, Longitude: 11.7836
45° 38′ 56″ North, 11° 47′ 1″ East
Cittadella Area3,655 hectares
36.55 km² (14.11 sq mi)
Cittadella AltitudeMinimum 30 m, Maximum 69 m, Average 50 m
Cittadella ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Cittadella Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Cittadella and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 422 kmMilan 203 kmNaples 571 km
Turin 327 kmPalermo 849 kmGenoa 263 km
Bologna 133 kmFlorence 213 kmBari 650 km
Catania 947 kmVenice 49 km closestVerona 66 km

Cittadella Map

Locate simply the city of Cittadella through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Cittadella Nearby cities and villages

Cittadella Zone

Time zone of Cittadella.

Cittadella Local time
Cittadella Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Cittadella Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Cittadella.

Cittadella Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Cittadella.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 February07:24 - 12:27 - 17:2906:53 - 18:0006:18 - 18:35 05:44 - 19:10
9 February07:23 - 12:27 - 17:3006:52 - 18:0106:17 - 18:36 05:42 - 19:11
10 February07:21 - 12:27 - 17:3206:51 - 18:0306:15 - 18:38 05:41 - 19:12
11 February07:20 - 12:27 - 17:3306:49 - 18:0406:14 - 18:39 05:40 - 19:13
12 February07:18 - 12:27 - 17:3506:48 - 18:0506:13 - 18:40 05:38 - 19:15
13 February07:17 - 12:27 - 17:3606:46 - 18:0706:11 - 18:42 05:37 - 19:16
14 February07:15 - 12:26 - 17:3806:45 - 18:0806:10 - 18:43 05:36 - 19:17

Cittadella Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Cittadella classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel B&B CittabellaB&B Cittabella
Set 200 metres from the cathedral in the centre of Cittadella, B&B Cittabella offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. The property is a 30-minute drive from both Vicenza and Padua. Rooms at the Cittabella come with modern furnishings and a TV... view more
€ 50
Hotel Hotel RomaHotel Roma

Hotel Roma offers spacious rooms and free Wi-Fi in a historic 18th-century building in Cittadella centre. Set within the town’s medieval walls, it is a 10-minute walk from the station... view more
€ 69
Hotel Hotel FilandaHotel Filanda

Hotel Filanda is a modern restoration of what was once a prestigious silk factory. All of the comfortable guest rooms overlook the city’s ancient walls... view more
€ 53
Hotel Hotel Due MoriHotel Due Mori

Featuring a garden, Hotel Due Mori offers simple modern accommodation just outside the medieval walls of Cittadella. Located in a 15th-century monastery, the property is a 10-minute walk from Cittadella Cathedral... view more
€ 45
Hotel Rometta HotelRometta Hotel

Situated 700 metres from Cittadella Train Station and from the city centre, Rometta Hotel offers free parking and free Wi-Fi. Elegant rooms are air conditioned and have an LCD satellite TV and parquet floors... view more
€ 40
More Hotels »

Cittadella Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Cittadella and its surroundings.

Contrada Saniberto 15.7 kmCantoniera Saniberto 15.7 kmMonte Alberelli 17.3 km
Monte la Gusella 19.1 kmMonte Palla 22.4 kmCol del Gallo 23 km
Venezia 23.6 kmVenetia 23.6 kmVeneto 23.6 km
Istrana 23.9 kmMonte Grappa 24.3 kmTrevignano-Signoressa 25.1 km
Stazione Trevignano Signoressa 25.1 kmCol d’ Astiago 25.3 kmMonte Pallone 26.9 km
Cimapalon 26.9 kmMonte Palon 26.9 kmMonte Pallon 26.9 km

Cittadella Page

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DB-City.comCittadella 4.7/5 (2022-11-28 15:11:16)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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