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Conegliano Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Treviso.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : San Vendemiano, Santa Lucia di Piave and San Pietro di Feletto.


Find all the information of Conegliano or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Conegliano Administration

Conegliano Code (ISTAT)026021
Conegliano Post code31015
Conegliano MayorFabio Chies

Conegliano Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Conegliano? Here are all the details of Conegliano available below.

Conegliano Postal addressPiazza Cima, 8
31015 Conegliano (TV)
Conegliano Phone number0438-4131
International: +39 0438-4131
Conegliano Fax number0438-410564
International: +39 0438-410564
Conegliano Email address[email protected]
Conegliano Websitewww.comune.conegliano.tv.it
Other informationComune Italia : Conegliano
Conegliano Birth certificate, Conegliano Death certificate

Conegliano Demography

Information on the people and the population of Conegliano.

Conegliano Population34,428 inhabitants
Conegliano Population Density947.6 /km² (2,454.4 /sq mi)

Conegliano Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Conegliano.

Conegliano Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.8881, Longitude: 12.305
45° 53′ 17″ North, 12° 18′ 18″ East
Conegliano Area3,633 hectares
36.33 km² (14.03 sq mi)
Conegliano AltitudeMinimum 43 m, Maximum 179 m, Average 111 m
Conegliano ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Conegliano Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Conegliano and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 445 kmMilan 247 kmNaples 584 km
Turin 372 kmPalermo 870 kmGenoa 312 km
Bologna 172 kmFlorence 250 kmBari 645 km
Catania 962 kmVenice 51 km closestVerona 114 km

Conegliano Map

Locate simply the city of Conegliano through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Conegliano Nearby cities and villages

Conegliano Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Conegliano has international agreements with its different pairings.

Conegliano Zone

Time zone of Conegliano.

Conegliano Local time
Conegliano Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Conegliano Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Conegliano.

Conegliano Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Conegliano.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February07:27 - 12:24 - 17:2206:55 - 17:5306:20 - 18:29 05:45 - 19:03
6 February07:25 - 12:24 - 17:2306:54 - 17:5506:19 - 18:30 05:44 - 19:05
7 February07:24 - 12:24 - 17:2506:53 - 17:5606:17 - 18:31 05:43 - 19:06
8 February07:23 - 12:24 - 17:2606:51 - 17:5706:16 - 18:33 05:42 - 19:07
9 February07:21 - 12:24 - 17:2806:50 - 17:5906:15 - 18:34 05:40 - 19:09
10 February07:20 - 12:24 - 17:2906:49 - 18:0006:14 - 18:35 05:39 - 19:10
11 February07:18 - 12:24 - 17:3106:47 - 18:0206:12 - 18:37 05:38 - 19:11

Conegliano Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Conegliano classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Citta' Di ConeglianoHotel Citta' Di Conegliano

Offering a host of amenities to make your stay memorable, this hotel in the centre of Conegliano is ideal for business travellers and tourists to visit Venice and the Dolomites... view more
€ 40
Hotel Hotel CristalloHotel Cristallo

Hotel Cristallo is family-managed and has a large garden. It is set in the heart of Conegliano, 200 meters from the railway station. Rooms have free Wi-Fi, and free parking is provided. Cristallo Hotel is a short drive from the A27 Motorway... view more
€ 80
Hotel Best Western Hotel Canon d'OroBest Western Hotel Canon d'Oro

Best Western Hotel Canon D'Oro is a 15-th century building in Conegliano's historic centre. It offers free WI-Fi and a beautiful terrace overlooking the surrounding Prosecco hills... view more
€ 68
Hotel Locanda MezzosaleLocanda Mezzosale
The Mezzosale is a 15th century town house, in the historic centre of Conegliano. Its elegant rooms feature free Wi-Fi, 1 hour's drive north of Venice. Locanda Mezzosale's air-conditioned rooms come with parquet floors and flat-screen TV... view more
€ 80
Hotel Hotel CimaHotel Cima

Hotel Cima is a welcoming, family-run hotel in a quiet area 10 minutes' walk from the centre of Conegliano and 1 km from the train station. Wi-Fi and bike hire service are free of charge... view more
€ 36
More Hotels »

Conegliano Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Conegliano and its surroundings.

Colle Capriole 3.2 kmSanto Spírito 3.9 kmIsola Santo Spirito 3.9 km
Ponte della Priula 9 kmMondragon 10.2 kmPalazzon 11.6 km
Croda della Spia 12.7 kmCol Maor 14.8 kmColl’a To 15.1 km
Monte Trebuse 15.3 kmMonte Cor 15.9 kmMonte Cimone 15.9 km
Monte Moncader 16.2 kmMonte Boscars 16.3 kmSan Boldo 16.4 km
Passo di San Boldo 16.4 kmPasso di Sant’Ubaldo 16.4 kmSant’Ubaldo 16.4 km
Monte Croce 16.7 kmMontello 17.2 kmIl Montello 17.2 km
Monte Agnellezze 17.3 kmCol Major 18.1 kmMonte Pizzoc 18.1 km
Colesel Val dell’Acqua 18.4 kmVal di Botte 18.5 kmCol Mongarda 18.5 km
Monte Millifret 18.8 kmCol de Moi 18.8 kmCol Visentin 19 km

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