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  13. Oderzo


Oderzo Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Treviso.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gorgo al Monticano, Ormelle and Mansuè.


Find all the information of Oderzo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Oderzo Administration

Oderzo Code (ISTAT)026051
Oderzo Post code31046
Oderzo MayorMaria Scardellato

Oderzo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Oderzo? Here are all the details of Oderzo available below.

Oderzo Postal addressVia Garibaldi (palazzo "Cà Diedo")
31046 Oderzo (TV)
Oderzo Phone number0422-812205
International: +39 0422-812205
Oderzo Fax number0422-815193
International: +39 0422-815193
Oderzo Email address[email protected]
Oderzo Websitewww.comune.oderzo.tv.it
Other informationComune Italia : Oderzo
Oderzo Birth certificate, Oderzo Death certificate

Oderzo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Oderzo.

Oderzo Population20,068 inhabitants
Oderzo Population Density471.4 /km² (1,221.0 /sq mi)

Oderzo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Oderzo.

Oderzo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.7813, Longitude: 12.4936
45° 46′ 53″ North, 12° 29′ 37″ East
Oderzo Area4,257 hectares
42.57 km² (16.44 sq mi)
Oderzo AltitudeMinimum 6 m, Maximum 15 m, Average 11 m
Oderzo ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Oderzo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Oderzo and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 433 kmMilan 260 kmNaples 568 km
Turin 384 kmPalermo 856 kmGenoa 319 km
Bologna 169 kmFlorence 244 kmBari 627 km
Catania 946 kmVenice 40 km closestVerona 123 km

Oderzo Map

Locate simply the city of Oderzo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Oderzo Nearby cities and villages

Oderzo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Oderzo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Oderzo Zone

Time zone of Oderzo.

Oderzo Local time
Oderzo Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Oderzo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Oderzo.

Oderzo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Oderzo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
11 February07:17 - 12:24 - 17:3006:46 - 18:0106:11 - 18:36 05:37 - 19:11
12 February07:16 - 12:24 - 17:3206:45 - 18:0206:10 - 18:37 05:36 - 19:12
13 February07:14 - 12:24 - 17:3306:44 - 18:0406:09 - 18:39 05:34 - 19:13
14 February07:13 - 12:24 - 17:3506:42 - 18:0506:07 - 18:40 05:33 - 19:15
15 February07:11 - 12:24 - 17:3606:41 - 18:0706:06 - 18:41 05:31 - 19:16
16 February07:10 - 12:24 - 17:3806:39 - 18:0806:04 - 18:43 05:30 - 19:17
17 February07:08 - 12:23 - 17:3906:38 - 18:0906:03 - 18:44 05:28 - 19:19

Oderzo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Oderzo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Postumia Hotel DesignPostumia Hotel Design

Postumia Hotel Design is located in the historic centre of Oderzo, facing the lively Piazza Grande and offering views of the River Monticano . Parking is free... view more
€ 70
Hotel PrimhotelPrimhotel

Primhotel is set in the town of Oderzo, a few steps from Oderzo Station. It offers free bikes, 24-hour room service, and a good selection at breakfast. Rooms at this 4-star hotel are large and air conditioned... view more
€ 47
Hotel Gran CasaGran Casa

Featuring a restaurant and a well-stocked wine bar, the Gran Casa Hotel is located 600 metres from the historical centre of Oderzo. It has a veranda and a garden, and offers free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
€ 50
Hotel Country Hotel Al GalloCountry Hotel Al Gallo

This country house is in a quiet residential area outside Oderzo city centre. Treviso and Venice are a 20-minute drive away. Free Wi-Fi and free parking are available. Rooms at the Country Hotel Al Gallo are individually designed... view more
€ 47
Hotel Hotel Villa Dei CarpiniHotel Villa Dei Carpini

Hotel Villa dei Carpini enjoys a beautiful countryside location just outside of the ancient old town of Oderzo, offering wonderful views and a peaceful setting. Villa dei Carpini dates back to 1837 and still maintains an antique atmosphere... view more
€ 70
More Hotels »

Oderzo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Oderzo and its surroundings.

Stazione di Pramaggiore 17.5 kmPalazzon 17.5 kmPonte della Priula 19.5 km
Santo Spírito 19.5 kmIsola Santo Spirito 19.5 kmColle Capriole 22 km
Coll’a To 24.7 kmTrissino 25.3 kmMonte Trebuse 25.8 km
Colle di Floriano 26.2 kmCol Major 27.4 kmCroda della Spia 27.7 km
Treviso 27.8 kmColle San Floriano 28.1 kmAviano 28.8 km
Monte Boscars 28.9 kmIl Montello 29 kmMontello 29 km
Mondragon 29.1 kmCol Brombolo 29.2 km

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