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  13. Montecchio Maggiore

Montecchio Maggiore

Montecchio Maggiore Localisation : Country Italy, Region Veneto, Province Vicenza.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Montorso Vicentino, Sovizzo and Zermeghedo.


Find all the information of Montecchio Maggiore or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Montecchio Maggiore Administration

Montecchio Maggiore Code (ISTAT)024061
Montecchio Maggiore Post code36075
Montecchio Maggiore MayorGianfranco Trapula

Montecchio Maggiore Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Montecchio Maggiore? Here are all the details of Montecchio Maggiore available below.

Montecchio Maggiore Postal addressVia Roma, 5
36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI)
Montecchio Maggiore Phone number0444-705611
International: +39 0444-705611
Montecchio Maggiore Fax number0444-694888
International: +39 0444-694888
Montecchio Maggiore Email address[email protected]
Montecchio Maggiore Websitewww.comune.montecchio-maggiore.vi.it
Other informationComune Italia : Montecchio Maggiore
Montecchio Maggiore Birth certificate, Montecchio Maggiore Death certificate

Montecchio Maggiore Demography

Information on the people and the population of Montecchio Maggiore.

Montecchio Maggiore Population23,315 inhabitants
Montecchio Maggiore Population Density760.2 /km² (1,968.9 /sq mi)

Montecchio Maggiore Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Montecchio Maggiore.

Montecchio Maggiore Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.5047, Longitude: 11.4058
45° 30′ 17″ North, 11° 24′ 21″ East
Montecchio Maggiore Area3,067 hectares
30.67 km² (11.84 sq mi)
Montecchio Maggiore AltitudeMinimum 45 m, Maximum 295 m, Average 170 m
Montecchio Maggiore ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Montecchio Maggiore Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Montecchio Maggiore and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 412 kmMilan 173 kmNaples 568 km
Turin 295 kmPalermo 838 kmGenoa 230 km
Bologna 113 kmFlorence 194 kmBari 658 km
Catania 942 kmVenice 73 kmVerona 33 km closest

Montecchio Maggiore Map

Locate simply the city of Montecchio Maggiore through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Montecchio Maggiore Nearby cities and villages

Montecchio Maggiore Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Montecchio Maggiore has international agreements with its different pairings.

Montecchio Maggiore Zone

Time zone of Montecchio Maggiore.

Montecchio Maggiore Local time
Montecchio Maggiore Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Montecchio Maggiore Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Montecchio Maggiore.

Montecchio Maggiore Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Montecchio Maggiore.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 February07:20 - 12:28 - 17:3706:49 - 18:0706:14 - 18:42 05:40 - 19:16
13 February07:18 - 12:28 - 17:3806:48 - 18:0806:13 - 18:43 05:39 - 19:18
14 February07:17 - 12:28 - 17:3906:46 - 18:1006:11 - 18:45 05:37 - 19:19
15 February07:15 - 12:28 - 17:4106:45 - 18:1106:10 - 18:46 05:36 - 19:20
16 February07:13 - 12:28 - 17:4206:43 - 18:1306:09 - 18:47 05:34 - 19:22
17 February07:12 - 12:28 - 17:4406:42 - 18:1406:07 - 18:49 05:33 - 19:23
18 February07:10 - 12:28 - 17:4506:40 - 18:1506:06 - 18:50 05:31 - 19:24

Montecchio Maggiore Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Montecchio Maggiore classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Locanda BotellaLocanda Botella
Montecchio Maggiore
Set in Montecchio Maggiore, 10 km from Vicenza, Locanda Botella offers rooms an à la carte restaurant and elegant rooms with parquet floors. Wi-Fi is provided for free in the entire building... view more
€ 70
Hotel Albergo Alla RosaAlbergo Alla Rosa

Montecchio Maggiore
Set in the centre of Montecchio Maggiore, this 2-star hotel offers air-conditioned rooms with an LCD TV, free Wi-Fi and free parking. Bellaguardia Castle, known as Juliet's Castle, is 1 km away... view more
€ 40
Hotel Agriturismo Riva RattaAgriturismo Riva Ratta
Montecchio Maggiore
Located 4 km from Montecchio Maggiore, Agriturismo Riva Ratta offers a garden, restaurant and accommodation with air conditioning. Wi-Fi is free throughout, and there is also a bar... view more
€ 56
Hotel San MarcoSan Marco

Montecchio Maggiore
Hotel San Marco provides convenient, modern accommodation close to motorway exits and main roads. Vicenza town centre is just 15 minutes’ drive away from this professionally run hotel. Wi-Fi is free. Relax in San Marco’s stylish interiors... view more
€ 47
Hotel Hotel & Residence CastelliHotel & Residence Castelli

Montecchio Maggiore
Offering excellent road links, Hotel & Residence Castelli is just 15 minutes' drive from Vicenza and offers free parking. You can choose from rooms and self-catering apartments... view more
€ 54
More Hotels »

Montecchio Maggiore Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Montecchio Maggiore and its surroundings.

Monti Berici 11.8 kmMonte Raga 22.5 kmContrada Saniberto 22.7 km
Cantoniera Saniberto 22.7 kmMonte Civillina 23.7 kmMonti Lessini 24.7 km
Corno Barila 26.7 kmMonte Alberelli 27.3 kmPasso Xon 27.8 km
Euganean Hills 29.2 kmColli Euganei 29.2 kmMonte Venda 29.2 km
Monastero di Praglia 29.8 kmAbbadia di Praglis 29.8 kmConvento di Praglia 29.8 km
Monte Novegno 30 km

Nuclear power plant

Caorso Nuclear Power Plant 129.4 km  

Montecchio Maggiore Page

Direct link
DB-City.comMontecchio Maggiore 4.7/5 (2022-11-28 14:56:37)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page