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Iwakura Demography
Information on the people and the population of Iwakura.
Iwakura Population | 47,975 inhabitants |
Iwakura Population Density | 4,582.1 /km² (11,867.7 /sq mi) |
Iwakura Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Iwakura.
Iwakura Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.2833, Longitude: 136.867 35° 16′ 60″ North, 136° 52′ 1″ East |
Iwakura Area | 1,047 hectares 10.47 km² (4.04 sq mi) |
Iwakura Altitude | 13 m (43 ft) |
Iwakura Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) |
Iwakura Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Iwakura and the biggest cities of Japan.
Iwakura Map
Locate simply the city of Iwakura through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Iwakura Nearby cities and villages
Kitanagoya 3.7 km | Komaki 4.5 km | Kōnan 5.6 km |
Inazawa 8.5 km | Kiyosu 9.4 km | Ama 12 km |
Kakamigahara 13 km | Inuyama 13.4 km | Hashima 15.6 km |
Tsushima 16.5 km | Owariasahi 16.8 km | Gifu 17.4 km |
Iwakura Zone
Time zone of Iwakura.
Iwakura Local time | |
Iwakura Time zone | UTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Iwakura Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Iwakura.
Iwakura Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Iwakura.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
18 January | 22:59 - 04:02 - 09:06 | 22:32 - 09:33 | 22:01 - 10:04 | 21:30 - 10:34 |
19 January | 22:59 - 04:03 - 09:07 | 22:31 - 09:34 | 22:00 - 10:05 | 21:30 - 10:35 |
20 January | 22:58 - 04:03 - 09:08 | 22:31 - 09:35 | 22:00 - 10:06 | 21:30 - 10:36 |
21 January | 22:58 - 04:03 - 09:09 | 22:31 - 09:36 | 22:00 - 10:07 | 21:30 - 10:37 |
22 January | 22:57 - 04:04 - 09:10 | 22:30 - 09:37 | 21:59 - 10:08 | 21:29 - 10:38 |
23 January | 22:57 - 04:04 - 09:11 | 22:30 - 09:38 | 21:59 - 10:09 | 21:29 - 10:39 |
24 January | 22:56 - 04:04 - 09:12 | 22:29 - 09:39 | 21:59 - 10:10 | 21:28 - 10:40 |
Iwakura Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Iwakura classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Select Inn Nagoya Iwakura Eki-mae Iwakura A 2-minute stroll from Iwakura Train Station on the Meitetsu Inuyama Line, Select Inn Nagoya Iwakura Eki-mae offers rooms with free wired internet and an LCD TV with satellite channels... view more | from ¥JP 6450 | |
Hotel Grantia Komaki Komaki Guests at Hotel Grantia Komaki can enjoy watching on-demand movies on the flat-screen TV in their rooms. Free wired internet is available in all rooms and guests can enjoy swimming in the indoor pool or relaxing in the hot tub... view more | from ¥JP 7650 | |
Toyoko Inn Nagoya Owari Ichinomiya Ekimae Ichinomiya Rooms with a private bathroom, free Wi-Fi and video-on-demand movies await guests at Toyoko Inn Owari Ichinomiya, only 350 metres from JR Owari-Ichinomiya Train Station... view more | from ¥JP 5980 | |
Hotel Route-Inn Ichinomiya Ekimae Ichinomiya The Route-Inn Ichinomiya Ekimae provides comfortable accommodation with free wired internet and free breakfast. Guests can slowly unwind in the spacious public bath with free toiletries. Massages can be booked in the room... view more | from ¥JP 6150 | |
Silk Hotel Ichinomiya Only a 3-minute walk from Ichinomiya Train Station, Silk Hotel offers simple Western-style accommodations with free wired internet. Guests can request massages for an extra charge and enjoy meals through room service... view more | from ¥JP 5000 | |
More Hotels » |
Iwakura Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Iwakura and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant 92.8 km | Mihama Nuclear Power Plant 94.3 km | Ōi Nuclear Power Plant 113.9 km |
Iwakura Page
Direct link | |
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