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Shiroi Localisation : Country Japan, Prefecture Chiba.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kamagaya, Abiko and Yachiyo.


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Shiroi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Shiroi.

Shiroi Population61,673 inhabitants
Shiroi Population Density1,738.2 /km² (4,502.0 /sq mi)

Shiroi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Shiroi.

Shiroi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.7917, Longitude: 140.056
35° 47′ 30″ North, 140° 3′ 22″ East
Shiroi Area3,548 hectares
35.48 km² (13.70 sq mi)
Shiroi Altitude45 m (148 ft)
Shiroi ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Shiroi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Shiroi and the biggest cities of Japan.

Tokyo 35 kmYokohama 55 kmOsaka 432 km
Nagoya 293 kmFukuoka 917 kmKawasaki 44 km
Kōbe 460 kmKyōto 399 kmHiroshima 0 km
Chiba 21 km closestKitakyushu 866 kmSakai 438 km

Shiroi Map

Locate simply the city of Shiroi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Shiroi Nearby cities and villages

Kamagaya 5.2 kmAbiko 8.4 kmYachiyo 8.7 km
Inzai 9.3 kmKashiwa 10.5 kmNarashino 12.6 km
Funabashi 12.7 kmToride 13.3 kmIchikawa 13.7 km
Matsudo 13.8 kmNagareyama 15.6 kmYotsukaidō 16.9 km

Shiroi Zone

Time zone of Shiroi.

Shiroi Local time
Shiroi Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Shiroi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Shiroi.

Shiroi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Shiroi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January22:49 - 03:48 - 08:4622:21 - 09:1421:50 - 09:45 21:19 - 10:16
13 January22:49 - 03:48 - 08:4722:21 - 09:1521:50 - 09:46 21:19 - 10:17
14 January22:49 - 03:48 - 08:4822:21 - 09:1621:50 - 09:47 21:19 - 10:18
15 January22:49 - 03:49 - 08:4922:21 - 09:1621:49 - 09:48 21:19 - 10:19
16 January22:48 - 03:49 - 08:5022:21 - 09:1721:49 - 09:49 21:19 - 10:19
17 January22:48 - 03:49 - 08:5122:20 - 09:1821:49 - 09:50 21:18 - 10:20
18 January22:48 - 03:50 - 08:5222:20 - 09:1921:49 - 09:51 21:18 - 10:21

Shiroi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Shiroi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Toyoko Inn Chiba Shin-Kamagaya EkimaeToyoko Inn Chiba Shin-Kamagaya Ekimae

Featuring chargeable massages, a launderette and rooms with free Wi-Fi, the Toyoko Inn is just a 4-minute walk from Shin-Kamagaya Station. It offers free-use lobby computers and a printer... view more
¥JP 5480
Hotel Hotel Mark-1 CNTHotel Mark-1 CNT

Conveniently located a 4-minute walk from Chiba Newtown Chuo Train Station, Hotel Mark-1 CNT offers free Wi-Fi throughout the property. Narita Airport is a 21-minute train ride away... view more
¥JP 6500
Hotel APA Hotel Chiba Yachiyo MidorigaokaAPA Hotel Chiba Yachiyo Midorigaoka

APA Hotel Chiba Yachiyo Midorigaoka is a 1-minute walk from Yachiyo-Midorigaoka Train Station. It offers a Japanese/Western breakfast buffet, public hot-spring baths with a sauna, and modern rooms with free wired internet and an LCD TV... view more
¥JP 5760
Hotel Hotel Mark-1 AbikoHotel Mark-1 Abiko

Only a 1-minute walk from JR Tenno-Dai Station, Hotel Mark-1 Abiko offers free-use bicycles, free-use microwaves and coin-operated laundry facilities. Free Wi-Fi is available at the lobby, while rooms come with free wired internet... view more
¥JP 6720
Hotel Sotetsu Fresa Inn Chiba KashiwaSotetsu Fresa Inn Chiba Kashiwa

Located a 4-minute walk from JR Kashiwa Station, Sotetsu Fresa Inn Chiba Kashiwa is modern designer accommodation with free property-wide Wi-Fi. Free internet PCs can be used in the lobby area... view more
¥JP 9000
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Shiroi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Shiroi and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant 90 km  

Shiroi Page

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