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  11. Zushi


Zushi Localisation : Country Japan, Prefecture Kanagawa.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kamakura, Fujisawa and Yokosuka.


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Zushi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zushi.

Zushi Population56,996 inhabitants
Zushi Population Density3,298.4 /km² (8,542.8 /sq mi)

Zushi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zushi.

Zushi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.2948, Longitude: 139.578
35° 17′ 41″ North, 139° 34′ 41″ East
Zushi Area1,728 hectares
17.28 km² (6.67 sq mi)
Zushi Altitude16 m (52 ft)
Zushi ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Zushi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zushi and the biggest cities of Japan.

Tokyo 45 kmYokohama 16 kmOsaka 378 km
Nagoya 241 kmFukuoka 864 kmKawasaki 27 km
Kōbe 406 kmKyōto 348 kmHiroshima 0 km
Chiba 59 km closestKitakyushu 813 kmSakai 382 km

Zushi Map

Locate simply the city of Zushi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zushi Nearby cities and villages

Kamakura 3.6 kmFujisawa 9.3 kmYokosuka 9.5 km
Yokohama 16.2 kmChigasaki 16.3 kmMiura 17.2 km

Zushi Zone

Time zone of Zushi.

Zushi Local time
Zushi Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Zushi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zushi.

Zushi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zushi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 March21:31 - 04:46 - 11:0121:05 - 11:2620:35 - 11:56 20:05 - 12:27
31 March22:29 - 04:45 - 11:0222:04 - 11:2721:34 - 11:57 21:03 - 12:28
1 April22:28 - 04:45 - 11:0222:02 - 11:2821:32 - 11:58 21:01 - 12:29
2 April22:26 - 04:45 - 11:0322:01 - 11:2921:31 - 11:59 21:00 - 12:30
3 April22:25 - 04:44 - 11:0421:59 - 11:3021:29 - 12:00 20:58 - 12:31
4 April22:24 - 04:44 - 11:0521:58 - 11:3021:28 - 12:01 20:57 - 12:32
5 April22:22 - 04:44 - 11:0621:57 - 11:3121:26 - 12:02 20:55 - 12:33

Zushi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zushi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel KKR Zushi Shotei-enKKR Zushi Shotei-en

KKR Zushi Shotei-en offers Japanese-style accommodations, a spacious garden and free Wi-Fi at the lobby. Only a 3-minute walk from beautiful Zushi Beach, guests can go windsurfing and hiking. JR Zushi Station is a 13-minute walk... view more
Hotel Guest House KamejikanGuest House Kamejikan

Just 250 metres from Zaimokuza Beach, Guest House Kamejikan is 1.5 km from JR Kamakura Train Station. It offers simple non-smoking Japanese rooms and dormitory-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and shared showers... view more
¥JP 3500
Hotel TaikaisoTaikaiso

Located right in front of Chojagasaki Beach, Taikaiso offers simple Japanese-style rooms with Mount Fuji views. Free parking is available on site and guests can refresh in the spacious public bath... view more
¥JP 5500
Hotel Guest House Iza KamakuraGuest House Iza Kamakura

Newly opened in July 2013 and within a 3-minute walk from Yuigahama Beach, Guest House Iza Kamakura offers simple dormitory-style rooms and private rooms with a European decor. Guests can use the free Wi-Fi on site... view more
¥JP 3500
Hotel Kamakura Park HotelKamakura Park Hotel

Situated right next to the beach in a historic Kamakura area, Park Hotel features chic European décor, French and Japanese cuisines and a relaxation spa salon. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the property, and parking is offered for free... view more
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Zushi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zushi and its surroundings.

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