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  11. Ebino


Ebino Localisation : Country Japan, Prefecture Miyazaki.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kobayashi, Isa and Hitoyoshi.


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Ebino Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ebino.

Ebino Population17,508 inhabitants
Ebino Population Density61.9 /km² (160.2 /sq mi)

Ebino Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ebino.

Ebino Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 32.0456, Longitude: 130.811
32° 2′ 44″ North, 130° 48′ 40″ East
Ebino Area28,301 hectares
283.01 km² (109.27 sq mi)
Ebino Altitude229 m (751 ft)
Ebino ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Ebino Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ebino and the biggest cities of Japan.

Tokyo 915 kmYokohama 899 kmOsaka 526 km
Nagoya 663 kmFukuoka 175 km closestKawasaki 908 km
Kōbe 502 kmKyōto 566 km closestHiroshima 0 km closest
Chiba 946 kmKitakyushu 205 km closestSakai 516 km

Ebino Map

Locate simply the city of Ebino through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ebino Nearby cities and villages

Kobayashi 16.2 kmIsa 18.7 kmHitoyoshi 18.9 km

Ebino Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ebino has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ebino Zone

Time zone of Ebino.

Ebino Local time
Ebino Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Ebino Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ebino.

Ebino Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ebino.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March22:19 - 04:23 - 10:2821:54 - 10:5321:26 - 11:21 20:57 - 11:50
22 March22:17 - 04:23 - 10:2921:53 - 10:5321:25 - 11:22 20:56 - 11:51
23 March22:16 - 04:23 - 10:3021:52 - 10:5421:23 - 11:22 20:54 - 11:51
24 March22:15 - 04:23 - 10:3021:50 - 10:5521:22 - 11:23 20:53 - 11:52
25 March22:14 - 04:22 - 10:3121:49 - 10:5521:21 - 11:24 20:52 - 11:53
26 March22:12 - 04:22 - 10:3221:48 - 10:5621:19 - 11:25 20:50 - 11:54
27 March22:11 - 04:22 - 10:3221:47 - 10:5721:18 - 11:25 20:49 - 11:54

Ebino Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ebino classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Kirishima Kokusai HotelKirishima Kokusai Hotel

A 25-minutes drive from the JR Kirishima Onsen Station, Kirishima Kokusai Hotel features Onsen baths (hot-spring baths) and massage services. Dinner and breakfast are provided for all guests. Free Wi-Fi is available in all areas of the hotel... view more
Hotel Hotel Lexton KirishimaHotel Lexton Kirishima

Only a 1-minute walk from the Maruo Bus Stop, Hotel Lexton Kirishima is a 30-minute bus ride from the Kagoshima Airport... view more
¥JP 5200
Hotel Hotel Kirishima CastleHotel Kirishima Castle

Located within Kagoshima's scenic Kirishima Mountains, Hotel Kirishima Castle has both indoor and outdoor onsens (hot springs). It offers a free shuttle to JR Kirishimajingu and Kirishima Onsen Stations... view more
Hotel Kirishima Kanko HotelKirishima Kanko Hotel

Offering hot-spring baths with beautiful mountain views, a black vinegar/shochu drink bar and a Japanese-style pub, Kirishima Kanko Hotel is a 30-minute drive from Kirishima-Jingu Train Station. Rooms have an LCD TV and a private bath... view more
Hotel Kirishima Yunotani SansoKirishima Yunotani Sanso

Kirishima Yunotani Sanso features natural hot spring baths, Japanese-style rooms with forest views and Japanese dining, a 24-minute drive from Kirishima Jingu Train Station. It offers free Wi-Fi, and it houses a garden and drink vending machines... view more
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Ebino Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ebino and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Sendai Nuclear Power Plant 63.3 km  

Ebino Page

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